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2、,而且在听懂后以文字的方式写出来。,复合式听写有两部分,第一部分八道题,要求按照录音原词,第二部分有三道题,要求按照录音,可用自己的话,填入较长的句子。 1.听写中常犯的十种错误 1)介词:请注意介词in,on,at,of一般都与前面的词连读 2)冠词:请注意不要随便加冠词 3)代词:it极易被漏掉;them容易被漏掉 4)音异同形词和同音异形词对听音是有影响的,容易搞混; 5)特殊的语音现象:连读、辅音失爆、元音弱化; 6)单词的大小写; 9)单词的误拼 7)名词的单复数; 10)随便空格。 8)时态和语态;,2.解题方法,1)看与猜 首先看文章的首句。如:文章首句说“纸是人类所发明的最重要

3、的产品之一”,可猜此文可能是说明文,告诉自己此文所需填的词一定要与纸有关。 2)看文章,确定听音重点处 通读文章的同时,还要确定听音的重点处,重点处即为每个空前后的词语。 3)确定每个空的语法性质 特别要逐一分析哪些空要填动词的分词形式,哪些空要填倒装句型,哪些空第一个字母要大写,因为这些都是考生仅通过听很难做对的题目。,3.听与记,1)录音一开始就不要再看原文,而要开始边听边写。 2)一旦听到长词,就用缩写。建议缩写时最好用四个字母。 4.跳跃记词法 1)录音一共放三遍,力争第一和第二遍将所有空填出来,填的顺序不是1-10,而是第一遍1、3、5、7、9,第二遍2、4、6、8、10. 这样能保

4、证有时间将词或其简写记完。(隔题记) 2)所有数字都写成阿拉伯数字。 5.听写要点和方法 1)原句照搬法 2)关键词重构法 3)复杂词句替换法,Compound dictation skills,Dont follow the direction of this part. Plan your time very carefully like this : First time listening: 3 words and a half sentence Second time listening: 3 word and 3 half sentences Third time listenin

5、g: 2 words and 2 half sentences,6.复合式听写考试特点,1)词汇类型:以实词为主。 2009-6所填的8个单词:concentrated, information, depends, straight, row, suspected, phenomenon, efficiently,除straight 和efficiently外,其余均为实词。,2)名词的单复数:名词的单复数问题一直是复合式听写考察名词的一个重点。其问题不仅出现在听力上,也考察考生的语法功底,因为单复数问题往往是听写检查工作中至关重要的一个部分,语法功底薄弱的考生往往在检查时将正确答案改错,这样

6、的例子屡见不鲜。如06-12-41 essays, 07-6-40 standards, 08-06-41, figures,另外还要特别注意有些单词即可作可数名词,也可不可数名词。像这类单词曾在1998年1月试卷中考过experience一词,当它表示经历时为可数名词,而表示经验时却是不可数名词,当时该题就考察了life experiences生活经历的意思。 3)同音、近音词分辨:,同音词一直是听写部分最大的障碍之一。其实同音词涉及的范围很广,很多时候是考生所无法想象得到的,比如:1998年1月的第1个空就知道该考点的问题所在了: He became the _ youngest coll

7、ege graduate 当时要求填的单词按发音来看可以是worlds、worlds、worlds这样3个,如果不斟酌一下,直接加个s那就失之毫厘,谬以千里了。,4)难词考察: 四级词汇从广义上来说包括了四级本身以及四级前所有词汇,所谓难词一般是指在四级内而不属于四级前的词汇或四级考生一般不太熟悉的词汇,这些词往往是四级考试词汇部分的重点考察对象,而听力中也时不时涉及一些来考察考生对这些单词的掌握能力,,当然,这里所说的掌握是从听力角度而言的,而不是仅仅停留在认知或理解层面的,至少是在听到后第一时间能反应出该词的一种能力的体现。比如: 08-06的ingredients和09-06 的phen

8、omenon两个词就有相当难度,即使是写出来,也未必有很多考生能够认识,更不用说在听到的时候第一时间反应出该词了。类似的单词每次考试都会有一些,比如:,1998年1月考题中的architecture和artificial; 2001年6月考题中的emotionally; 2003年1月考题中的species、mysterious、ruining; 2004年6月考题中的established、instruments; 2005年1月考题中的investigated、recommend等词。,5)容易拼写错误的单词: 拼写错误在复合式听写中自然是不被允许的,所以一些拼写比较奇怪,或者容易拼写错误

9、的词汇也常常成为我们的考点,虽然不是很突出,但也不容忽视。比如: (2005年1月第5空);quality就很容易和quantity混淆(2005年1月第1空),该混淆特点还曾经作为六级改错题考察过;再如2004年6月第5空的permitted一词的重读闭音节的双写等都是这类考察的例子。,7)长句考题 复合式听写的句子部分为3句,长度不超过25词。从以往历年的考题来看,复合式听写文章的难度有相当的增加,从1998年1月的小故事类型的记叙文到2001年6月关于健康的说明文、2003年1月关于捕捞业的说明文、2004年6月关于美国国会图书馆的说明文以及2005年关于照相机的说明文。,6)词性变换使

10、用: 利用考生对词汇使用和理解的片面性,考察考生对词汇的全面运用的把握。这类词往往以考生所不熟悉的用法出现,从而体现考生的真实能力。比如: 在2003年1月考题中,当时第2空考察了一个词组coupled with表示由伴随着、与一起的意思,此处couple一词以动词形式出现,一反其在考生心目中作名词表示一双、一对的含义,从而增加了考察的难度。,复合式听写文章的体裁从简单记叙文跨越到了说明文时代。具有相当的难度。 由此可见,复合式听写正在向着一个更高要求发展,其内容与体裁也在越加广泛,可以说将成为四级考试听力部分一个不可忽视的难点,也值得广大考生更多地去训练。,Example,(11/06/,p

11、28) 1.Contrary to the old warning that time waits for no one, time slows down when you are on the move. It also slows down more as you move faster, which means astronauts(宇航员) someday may (36)_survive _so long in space that they would return to an Earth of the (37) distant _future. If you could move

12、 at the speed of light, your time would stand still. If you could move faster than light, your time would move (38) backward. Although no form of matter yet (39) discovered moves as fast as or faster than light,(40)_scientific_experiments have already confirmed that accelerated (41)_motion_causes a

13、travelers time to be stretched.,Albert Einstein (42) predicted_this in 1905, when he (43)_introduced_the concept of relative time as part of his Special Theory of Relativity. A search is now under way to confirm the suspected existence of particles of matter (44)_. An obsession (沉迷)with timesaving,

14、gaining, wasting, losing, and mastering it(45)_. Humanity also has been obsessed with trying to capture the meaning of time. Einstein (46)_. Thus, time and times relativity are measurable by any hourglass, alarm clock, or an atomic clock that can measure a billionth of a second. 44. that move at a s

15、peed greater than light, and therefore, might serve as our passports to the past 45. seems to have been a part of humanity for as long as humans have existed 46. used a definition of time for experimental purposes, as that which is measured by a clock.,Example,(10/12/,p30) 2.Writing keeps us in touc

16、h with other people, We write to communicate with relatives and friends. We write to (36)_our family histories so our children and grandchildren can learn and (37)_their heritage (传统).With computers and Internet connections in so many (38)_, colleges, business, people e-mailing friends and relatives

17、 all the timeor talking to them in writing in online (39)_rooms. It is cheaper than calling long distance, and a lot more (40)_than waiting until Sunday for the telephone (41)_to drop. Students are e-mailing their professors to (42)_and discuss their classroom assignments and to (43)_them. They are

18、e-mailing classmates to discuss and collaborate (合作)on homework. (44)_.,2 1012.mp3,Despite the growing importance of computers, however, there will always be a place and need for the personal letter. (45)_. No matter what the content of the message, its real point is, “I want you to know that I care

19、 about you.” (46)_, but only in the success of human relationships.,Keys,36.preserve 37. appreciate 38. households 39.chat 40.convenient 41.rates 42.receive 43.submit 44.They are also sharing information about concerts and sports events, as well as jokes and their philosophies of life. 45. a hand-wr

20、itten note to a friend or a family member is the best way to communicate important thoughts 46. This writing practice brings rewards that cant be seen in bank accounts,Example,(10/06/,p32-33) 3.Almost every child, on the first day he sets foot in a school building, is smarter, more (36)_,less afraid

21、 of what he doesnt know, better at finding and (37)_things out more confident, resourceful (机敏的),persistent and (38)_than he will ever be again in his schoolingor, unless he is very (39)_and very lucky, for the rest of his life. Already, by paying close attention to and (40)_with the world and people around him, and without any school-type (41)_instruction, he has done a task far more difficulty complicated and (42)_than anything he will be asked to do in school, or than any of his teachers has done for years. He has solved th


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