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1、高考英语完形填空强化训练What would life be like without television? Would you spend more time 1 , reading, or studying? Well, now its your chance to turn off your TV and 2 ! TV-Turnoff Week is here. The goal of TV-Turnoff Week is to let people leave their TV sets 3 and participate in activities 4 drawing to bik

2、ing. The event was founded by TV-Turnoff Network, a non-profit organization which started the event in 1995. In the 5 , only a few thousand people took part. Last year more than 7.6 million people participated, 6 people in every state in America and in more than 12 other countries! This is the 11th

3、year in which 7 are asking people to “turn off the TV and turn on 8 .” According to the TV-Turnoff Network, the average 9 in the US spend 10 time in front of the TV (about 1,023 hours per year) than they do in school (about 900 hours per year). Too much TV 11 has made many kids grow fat. 12 , in 200

4、1s TV-Turnoff Week, US Surgeon General David Satcher said, “We are raising the most 13 generation of youngsters in American history. This week is about saving lives.” Over the years, studies have shown that watching a lot of TV 14 poor eating habits, too little exercise, and violence. Frank Vespe of

5、 the TV-Turnoff Network said that turning off the TV “is or 15 , part of a healthy lifestyle”. “One of the great lessons of 16 TV-Turnoff Week is the realization that 17 I turn on the TV, Im deciding not to do something else,” Vespe said. TV-Turnoff Week seems to be making a 18 . Recent US Census(人口

6、普查)data 19 that about 72 percent of kids under 12 have a limit on their TV time. Thats 20 about 63 percent ten years ago.1. A. drinking B. sleepingC. washingD. playing outside2. A. find outB. go outC. look outD. keep out3. A. awayB. aloneC. onD. beside4. A. likeB. asC. fromD. such as5. A. endB. even

7、tC. beginningD. total6. A. besidesB. except forC. includingD. except7. A. governmentsB. parentsC. organizersD. businessmen8. A. the lightB. the radioC. lifeD. the Internet9. A. grown-upsB. kidsC. clerksD. parents10. A. lessB. enoughC. littleD. more11. A. programsB. screenC. hoursD. watching12. A. Ho

8、weverB. On the contraryC. In factD. As a result13. A. overweightB. overeatenC. overgrownD. overseeing14. A. leads toB. results fromC. developsD. keeps away15. A. will beB. should beC. may beD. could be16. A. organizingB. taking part inC. participatingD. asking for17. A. whereverB. every dayC. every

9、timeD. this time 18. A. livingB. choiceC. differenceD. sense19. A. showsB. saysC. readsD. writes20. A. risingB. down fromC. up toD. up from【答案与解析】1-5. DABCC 6-10. CCCBD 11-15. DCAAB 16-20. BCCAD1根据上下文考查合适的动名词。从文章大意可知是希望人们有健康的生活方式,参加一些activities(第二小节中),因此选playing outside最合适。后面的reading和studying都是室内活动。

10、2根据上下文考查合适的动词。上文提出了一个问题,所以选find out“发现、找到(答案)”。3根据上下文考查意义正确的搭配。leaveoff“关掉”,这是leave复合宾语结构。4考查搭配。由后文的to,可见这里只能填from。5根据上下文考查合适的词组。这两句话讲的是参与这个活动的人数的变化,因此先说的是“一开始”in the beginning。 6根据上下文考查意义正确的词。这句话是对前一句话的补充说明,根据后文的and in more than 12 other countries可见是对所有参与者的一个说明,用including“包括”。7考查符合上下文的名词。进一步陈述组织者的目

11、的。8考查符合文章中心思想的词义选择。组织者的目的就是希望人们有健康的生活方式,用turn on life“点亮生活”很形象地阐明了中心。9考查符合上下文的名词。下文的数据明显是针对学生而言,因此用kids。10根据上下文提供的数据,当然看电视的时间更多。11考查符合上下文的词。这里表示“看电视过多”。12考查符合上下文的关联词。下文是对上文作更具体的说明,in fact“实际上”。13根据上文的grow fat,这里应该是overweight“超体重的”。overeating“吃得过多”是导致肥胖的一个方面(还有缺乏锻炼),“成长过快的”overgrown和“监督”overseeing不合文

12、意。14根据上下文及搭配考查合适的动词词组。从逻辑上看首先排除result from“由于”、keep away“不接触”,再根据后面的too little exercise, and violence从搭配上排除develops。15根据中心思想,组织者认为从道理上说这样做“应该是”健康生活的一部分。16从下文来看Vespe是作为一个电视观众,即一个参与本次活动的参与者,讲自己的体会,而不是一个组织者,因此选taking part in,而participate后面需要加in。17结合句意考查名词引导的时间状语从句。从主句的现在进行时,可以判断选every time“每次”最合适。而ever

13、y day后面要加when,this time“这次”不合题意。18结合上下文考查固定搭配。“产生了影响”make a difference。19根据句意考查名词与动词搭配。下文不是列举data“数据”具体是多少,所以不能用says或reads,应该用shows表示数据说明的情况。 2Maureen stood by the lake. Suddenly the children came running through the trees with sharp cries of _1_. They rushed up to the _2_, leaning over the clear wa

14、ter, watching the crowds of tiny fish. Some children demanded loudly to go to the boats, but _3_ those who had been left behind at the ice-cream stall(小摊) came running up to make some announcement or other, and they all _4_ the water and dashed back the _5_ they had come. With growing excitement, Ma

15、ureen _6_ them.When she _7_ what had been running for, she stopped running. They were _8_ things again. The toy stall was _9_ and they were crowded around it. Behind the _10_ a calm middle-aged woman was selling a great variety of small rubbish. She took _11_ from the forest of small hands in exchan

16、ging for little boats, plastic dolls, yellow pencils, anything. Maureen leaned against a _12_, looking on. The idea of _13_ washed against her face like a strong current(流), trying to draw her in.Nona Parker pushed out to the edge of the group and _14_ what she had bought on the ground so that she c

17、ould see what money she had left in her white purse. Under Maureens _15_ lay a boat, a mouth organ(口琴) and a brown load of bread. Maureen was so full of the _16_ for the things like that she couldnt bear to look at it. She turned her _17_ sharply. Her face was against the tree. She shut her eyes and

18、 _18_ eagerly for some money, for the price of a set toy plates. In a moment, she opened her eyes, _19_ she didnt turn back to the stall. It was too _20_ to see the others buying whatever they wanted. She rubbed almost round the tree, her eyes on the ground.1. A. fright B. surprise C. shout D. excit

19、ement2. A. space B. hill C. lake D. river3. A. whats worse B. all at once C. all the time D. more or less4. A. left B. polluted C. painted D. entered5. A. street B. way C. boat D. restaurant6. A. ran after B. searched for C. glared at D. got rid of7. A. blamed B. saw C. praised D. helped8. A. destro

20、yingB. stealing C. buying D. eating9. A. closed B. tall C. dull D. open10. A. toy B. stall C. building D. mirror11. A. fish B. advice C. money D. food12. A. tree B. wall C. stall D. car13. A. leaving B. running C. sleeping D. spending14. A. laid B. let C. drew D. tasted15. A. feet B. eyes C. shoulde

21、r D. hands16. A. edge B. tiredness C. wish D. relation17. A. friend B. suggestion C. way D. head18. A. went B. stood C. prayed D. searched19. A. even if B. if C. so D. but20. A. painful B. nervous C. enjoyful D. near-sighted【答案与解析】 1. D。从文章来看,孩子们跑来跑去,是高兴、兴奋的表现,所以他们“兴奋地”叫喊着。2. C。由句子Maureen stood by t

22、he lake可知“他们是朝湖跑了过来”。3. B。根据意思“有些孩子大声嚷嚷要去坐船,但突然,那些在小摊那儿的人跑了过来”可知。4. A。由句子They were _8_ things again. The toy stall was _9_ and they were crowded around it可知“他们离开了水,又返回到小摊”。5. B。这句话意思是“顺着他们来的路回去。”6. A。由When she _7_ what had been running for, she stopped running可知Maureen跟着他们跑了一阵。7. B。后面几句话描写的都是Maureen

23、“看到”的。8. C。上文提到“有些孩子在小摊那儿”,可知“他们买过东西”,现在又在“买”。9. D。由句子a calm middle-aged woman was selling a great variety of small rubbish可知“小摊开门营业”。10. B。由The toy stall was _9_ and they were crowded around it可推知中年妇女的位置是在“小摊”的后面。11. C。从in exchanging for来看,是用钱来交换东西。(from )12. A。由最后一句She rubbed almost

24、 round the tree, her eyes on the ground可知,当时“她靠着一棵树”。13. D。比较四个选项,spending最符合语境,这句话的意思是“花钱的想法如同强流一般,冲洗着她的脸。14. A。这句话意思是“放下刚才买的东西,好腾出手看钱包还有多少钱”。15. B。由句子Maureen leaned against a _12_, looking on 可知Maureen一直在看着。16. C。从句子She shut her eyes and _18_ eagerly for some money, for the price of a set toy plat

25、es可知“Maureen渴望这些东西”。17. D。前面说“她靠着树”,现在又“脸朝树”,所以判断“她转过了头”。18. C。Maureen渴望那些东西,所以闭上眼睛“祈祷”。19. D。根据意思“一会儿,她睁开了眼睛,但是她没有转过身去看小摊”可知。20. A。看到了其他孩子买到了所想要的东西,而自己又没钱买,因此她很“难受”。3When I was twelve years old, my family were the first black people to move into an all-white part of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Many of

26、our new 1 werent very welcoming. Some of the adults said 2 that we should return where we came from. The 3 sometimes threw stones at me or 4 me home from school.Most of my teachers 5 ignored me, but not Dorothy Bean, my history teacher. Miss Bean was angry at how badly I was being 6 , but she didnt

27、say this to me. Miss Bean showed her 7 for me by teaching me just like anyone else. 8 being unnoticed, I was given a 9 to show that I was smart. Miss Bean was the first teacher who ever made me 10 for myself. She insisted on knowing what I thought about difficult 11 . Was Thomas Jefferson right to b

28、uy Louisiana from France? Why? She 12 me to have an opinion and to be able to 13 it up. Miss Bean was teaching me that thinking for oneself was the real 14 to success in learning.One day, when I was not 15 in class, Miss Bean suddenly threw an eraser at me. Unbelievably, the eraser hit me right on t

29、he hand and 16 my pencil flying. The whole class was 17 at first, then started laughing. This incident became famous in the school and, 18 it happened to me, the students wanted to get to 19 me. So thats the story of how Dorothy Bean made me her target, and how I became just another 20 in school.1.

30、A. friends B. relatives C. fellows D. neighbors2. A. kindlyB. pitifully C. angrily D. anxiously3. A. seniorsB. children C. enemiesD. elders4. A. droveB. took C. helped D. carried5. A. hardlyB. simply C. suddenlyD. widely6. A. taughtB. fooled C. picked D. treated7. A. dislike B. thanks C. respect D.

31、gifts8. A. Instead of B. In memory of C. In case of D. In spite of9. A. question B. chance C. test D. place10. A. care B. look C. work D. think 11. A. exams B. history C. questions D. books12. A. got B. forced C. allowed D. expected13. A. back B. set C. put D. give14. A. noticeB. key C.attention D.

32、attitude15. A. looking upB. paying attention C. reading aloudD. getting along16. A. sentB. found C. sawD. kept17. A. movedB. calmed C. worried D. shocked18. A. whenB. once C. because D. whether19. A. askB. know C. punishD. admire20. A. kidB. problem C. teacher D. example1.答案:D解析:由于刚刚搬进(move into)这个白

33、人居住区,所以新结识的应是邻居。2.答案:C解析:因歧视而讨厌他们的到来,故愤怒地说。3.答案:B解析:对十二岁的“我”扔石头并把“我”从学校赶回家,这些更像同龄孩子的行为,再与前文中的adults 相对照,可确定此处用children。4.答案:A解析:该社区的孩子对“我”是不友好的,所以不可能做出B、C、D三项中的行为:带(帮、抬)我回家。Drove是“驱赶”的意思。5.答案:B解析:hardly 与 ignored连用,则意为不忽视, 与语境相悖; 从行文逻辑上看此处无须表达“突然”或“广泛”之意,故排除C、D两项;simply此处用以加强语气,相当于just,可译为“简直”,“就这么简

34、单!”。6.答案:D解析:Miss Bean对“我”受到的不公正的对待表示愤慨。这种不公正的对待既来自一些教师,也来自一些学生。另外,教师对“我”的不公正对待主要表现为不提问、不关心(ignored),但并不等同于不好好教,故排除A项。B、C两项离题较远,不难排除。7.答案:C解析:本题考查在语境中选词的能力。前文说作者受到了不公正的待遇,受人歧视,Miss Bean对此感到愤怒。她通过像教别人一样教“我”表达她的一种感情,这种感情与别人的相反:别人歧视,我尊重。8答案:A解析:此处讲述的是“我”在Miss Bean课堂上受到的对待:不是被忽视,而是被给表现的机会。9.答案:B解析:参见上题。

35、10.答案:D解析:答案依据在下文:Miss Bean努力引导“我”养成独立思考的习惯。11.答案:C解析:下文紧接着便是Miss Bean一个question,作为例子。12.答案:D解析:根据语境,Miss Bean期待(而不是命令、强迫或允许)“我”有自己的见解并能有理由支撑见解。13.答案:A解析:it指opinion。back up意为“全力支持”。14.答案:B解析:独立思考是学习成功的关键。Key to sth. 打开的钥匙;做好的关键。D项干扰较大,但thinking for oneself 是一种行为,而不是一种态度,故attitude不太恰当。15.答案:B解析:课上精力不

36、集中才会受到惩罚。16. 答案:A解析:send sth. flying 意为“使飞起来”; keep sth. flying意为“使飞个不停”。17.答案:D18.答案:C19.答案:B解析:由于这件事在全校出了名,很多人都想认识“我” 。20. 答案:A解析:全文主要讲述Miss Bean 如何帮助“我”改变不被同学和老师接纳、不能溶入学校生活的状态。通过巧妙的“惩罚”,使“我”成为全校注意的对象,结果成为该校和别的孩子一样的另一个孩子(another kid)。 4Rupert Murdoch, the Australian-born American media owner was v

37、oted best of British by the Sunday Express in London last week.He is the most famous 1 owner in the world and 2 newspapers and TV channels across the world. 3 now he has been called the greatest 4 in Britain by one of his biggest rivals(竞争对手).The paper, which competes for 5 with Murdochs own papers,

38、 called him “the man who made modern Britain” and it 6 Murdoch for his willingness to take risks. 7 said he had brought a “revolution”(革命) to television and newspaper production.Rupert Murdoch was born in Melbourne, 8 ,in 1931.Today he is better 9 as the owner of News Corporation Ltd., a media group

39、 that owns many different 10 of media: television, films, books, and the Internet. 11 becoming the success he is today, Murdoch studied at Oxford University in Britain. He returned to Australia in 1952,when he 12 The Adelaide News from his father. His life since then can be seen as a series of inter

40、national jumps in which hes 13 more and more newspapers and TV stations.In the 1960s,it was The Mirror in Sydney and The Sun in London; in the 1970s,he bought the New York Post; in the 1980s,he took on Hollywood when he bought 20th Century Fox and Fox TV. At this time he also bought the Times and th

41、e Sunday Times in London. And most 14 in the 1990s,he bought Star Television in Asia.His company has also formed a joint-venture(合资的) television company with the Chinese Government, Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd(凤凰卫视控股有限公司).It 15 six channelsXingkongweishi, Channel V, Star Movies, Nation

42、al Geographic, Star Sports and ESPNto millions of Chinese 16 .One 17 how Murdoch could have found the time for love and relationships since he owns such a big business. In 1967,he married Anna Troy, whom he met 18 she was a reporter on the Sydney Daily Mirror. The couple got 19 in 1998.The next year

43、, he married Chinese-born Wendy Deng.Deng,Murdochs third wife, is 37 years younger than Murdoch and used to work 20 Star TV in Hong Kong. The 71-year-old Murdoch is now father of five children after Deng gave birth to a baby daughter last year.1.A.media B.TV C. radioD. newspaper2.A.editsB. buys C. controls D. update


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