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1、英语书面表达15篇1假设你是李明,你们的外教Jerry布置了一个话题为“Pets in Our life”的家庭作业,要求写一篇120词左右的英语文章与老师及同学们交流。请参考以下要点提示,可以适当发挥。1养宠物的现象;2养宠物的优、缺点;3其它注意:1可以适当展开联想;2词数120左右。 【参考范文】 Today our foreign teacher Jerry asked us to write a short passage about “Pets in Our Life”I think everyone has a deep and profound feeling about pe

2、ts in our lifeIn addition, I reckon different people hold different opinionsI want to share my views with youWe all can notice that more and more people,including many young people, love raising and have begun raising petsTo tell the truth, I think pets are very lovelyAnd staying with them brings us

3、 happiness and comfort, especially for the oldSo I think in many aspects , raising pets has many advantages on the wholeMeanwhile, some people point out some disadvantages of petsI also agree with them because I also often realize some problems that raising pets causesFor example , too many pets in

4、the public places may pollute the environment and make the public places very dirtySo I think , every coin has two sides, which we cant forgetAnd we should seek reasonable solution to this phenomenon2假设你是李华,你有一名英国笔友David。请你以李华的名义用英文给David发一封电子邮件,主要内容包括:(1)希望在伦敦奥运会的时候到英国游玩,观看一些比赛;(2)希望参观他们的学校;(3)希望Da

5、vid帮助你进一步了解学校英国的语言和文化等;(4)你盼望他的回复。注意:(1)电子邮件的格式以为你写好,不计入总词数;(2)词数:120左右。Dear David, Yours sincerely,Li Hua【参考范文】Dear David,How is everything getting along with you, my closest friend? With the London 2012 Games approaching nearer and nearer, Im getting more and more thirsty for going to watch the ga

6、mes, in particular , football , basketball and swimming and so onI believe this experience will become the most valuable and lasting memory in my lifeIn addition, I also intend to visit you school to satisfy my great interest in itAnd the most important of all, Im looking forward to your appropriate

7、 help in my learning English and learning about the immense culture of your countryI hope that you will spare some time to give me an immediate replyI also wonder when you have an opportunity to come to China because Im willing to teach you something about Chinese and show you around some famous his

8、torical places of interestOk?Yours sincerely,Li Hua3近几年,地壳活动频繁,为了学习逃生知识你们学校举行了“珍爱生命”演练,但同学重视不够经常出现一些怨言,认为学校在作秀,没有必要,地震不会在我们这个地方发生。针对这些问题,假如你叫李华,请你写一封告同学书,阐释一下你的看法。注意:1文章开头已经写好,不计入总数;2注意行文连贯,可适当增加细节;3词数:100左右Dear schoolmates,As we get older, we feel more and more life precious, value life is to grasp

9、 the future Yours Li Hua【参考范文】Dear schoolmates,As we get older, we feel more and more life precious, value life is to grasp the futureHowever, some of us dont understand what we are doing at school, and think that it is not necessary to have some drills of escaping and its fun to make a showTherefor

10、e, when we hold the drills, they usually do them very passivelyWhats worse, they frequently complain the activity and think there is no chance of quaking in our areaIf we often do this, itll waste time studying and make us very afraid of earthquakeIn my opinion, its quite wrong to say soTo practicin

11、g escaping is a skill, if we do this, we can think about others and unit togetherThats to say, we can get the good habit of helping others or protecting ourselvesSo we should do this Yours Li Hua4假如你是李华,你们班针对“交通事故问题”举行了一次“要不要乘坐交通工具”的主题班会,在会上大家畅所欲言发表了自己的看法,请你把同学们的看法整理一下向21世纪英文报投稿。注意:1词数在100左右,开头、结尾已经

12、写好不计入总数;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear editor, Im writing to you to tell something about our class meeting Look forward to you Yours Li Hua【参考范文】Dear editor, Im writing to you to tell something about our class meeting that we held yesterdayOn the meeting, some of classmates warmly talked about“Whether we go o

13、ut on foot or by traffic tool”, and they held the view that they are very afraid of going out by subway or motor carHowever, some of us didnt agree to thisThey said that modern traffic brought us very convenient life, which made us quicken life circle, so that we shouldnt worry about safetyWith the

14、development of technology, the future traffic tool will become safer and saferTherefore, I hope to express our feeling that everyone should feel at ease Im looking forward to you Yours Li Hua5你们学校准备接收几个到中国来的英国交换生,假如你是李华,请按照如下要点向学校校长写信陈述一下自己家庭可以接收交换生的理由。要点:1父母情况;2家里房间;3语言、生活;4其他注意:1词数在100左右,开头、结尾已经写好

15、不计入总数;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear headmaster, Im writing to you why I want to apply for a family to accept the exchanged student from Britain Look forward to you Yours Li Hua【参考范文】Dear headmaster, Im writing to you why I want to apply for a family to accept the exchanged student from BritainMy family is a

16、small oneThere are parents and IWe live in a big house, which has three bed-rooms and two halls; therefore there is enough room for him or her to live inIn addition, my father speaks English well and my mother can cook wellThats to say, they can make a foreigner live happilyEspecially important, I w

17、ant to learn English from themIf you give me the chance, I think I can catch up with my classmates in English and I can help them with ChineseSo you should believe we can make good friend by communicationLook forward to you Yours Li Hua6假如你是班长,你班同学李华患了重病,但由于他家庭困难没有钱治病,请你代表老师,向同学们发出倡议,发动大家积极为重病同学捐款,以

18、便他能早日康复,重返学校。内容需要包括如下几个方面:1 捐款的原因;2捐款的安排;3捐款的重要意义注意:1词数在100左右2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯Classmates:Now I have something important to tell you Thats allThank you【参考范文】Classmates:Now I have something important to tell youOur classmate, Li Hua is seriously illHe needs much money to cure, but his family is quite po

19、or and they cant afford to pay treatment feeSo Im behalf of our teacher to call on you to donate your pocket money to help our classmates as possible as you canIf you want to do this, you may go out to the playground at 5:00 this afternoon and show your affectionAs we all know, helping others is the

20、 virtue of the Chinese nation, as students, we should do itI believe that you all have love feelingThats allThank you7互联网的发展和普及极大地推动了社会的发展,同时也带来了前所未有的社会问题。一般来说,互联网对社会发展利大于弊,其积极作用是主流,而对于痴迷网络的少数青少年来说,则弊大于利。除了过于乐观和过于悲观的观点之外,更多的人主张全面地看待这两方面的关系。为倡导青少年“绿色”上网,某校高中生决定以“文明畅游网络,快乐助我成长”为中心,以“我们与网络”为主题开展综合探究活动。

21、请你针对以上内容,写一篇文章并谈谈你的看法。注意:1词数120左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 【参考范文1】Although the internet is not safe and healthy, this is not, of course, to say that the Internet doesnt serve a socially valuable functionThe question is how we correctly use the Internet to keep away from unhealthy website contentMeanwhile,

22、society is to strengthen and improve the social protection of young peopleAs we all know, the Internet has its advantages, but also has its disadvantagesWe can get the useful information and study on the InternetBesides, they can know about the latest news, widen their field of vision, and gain thei

23、r knowledgeBut every coin has two sides, that is to say ,one is bad ,the other one is goodWe should not be given to the Internet, or well get our life and study destroyedMeanwhile, a long-time searching on the internet makes their health badly(134 words)【参考范文2】With the social development, the influe

24、nce/impact of the network is growingTo promote young people“green”surfing online, high school students of a certain high school have decided to be centred on“Civilization Anywhere on the Web, Happy to Help me Grow”, with“our network”as the theme to carry out a comprehensive exploration activitiesFir

25、stly, high school students are advised to have a full and correct understanding of the networkSecondly, they should adopt the information on Internet correctlyThirdly, establish the morality of Civilization in Modern Network consciouslyNext, students should form a good habit of surfing internet wise

26、ly and reasonablyLastly, they must have a sense of security protection while surfingIn view of all above, dont be addicted to the InternetKeep it at a safe distance and never lose yourselfThe Internet can be very useful for us students But some things on the Internet arent for us, so try to look at

27、Web pages that are good for usWe can use the Web for run or homework8“低碳经济”,不仅成为全球应对气候变化的重要选择,也被认为是人类社会继原始文明、农业文明、工业文明之后走向生态文明的重要途径,正在成为世界各国经济发展的共同选择和行动。实现低碳排放,低碳生活,人人有责。请你说说,在我们的实际生活中,怎样通过实际行动来减少二氧化碳的排放。提示:低碳生活 low carbon lifestyle 【参考范文】Low-carbon living, is everyones responsibilityLiving a low-ca

28、rbon life is beneficial to protecting the environment against pollution and building of a resource saving and environment-friendly societyHow to promote the practice of low-carbon life style?We are both the cause and victims of global warming, so its everyones responsibility to reduce carbon emissio

29、nIn my opinion, its not difficult to start with this life styleFirst, as family cars are becoming common, we should choose to share cars or ride bicyclesAnd its common sense among us to use both sides of the paperBesides, we must save water in the toilet and reuse old test papersSecond, we will lear

30、n to be environmentally conscious and turn off the lights and the tap when Im not using themWere sure individual actions can help avoid a catastrophe caused by climate change9假如,你有个美国朋友Philip,他不明白“守株待兔”这个成语的意思,请你简要地叙述一下这个故事,并说说其寓意。 【参考范文】Long long ago, there was a farmer working in the fieldSuddenly

31、, there came a rabbitThen, the rabbit hit the tree, and diedThe farmer was very happyHe ran to the place where the rabbit died and picked it upThen, he brought it homeFrom that day on, the farmer didnt work any longerHe sat under the tree everydayWhy he sat under the tree? Because he believed that h

32、e would meet a silly rabbit againIn all ,we can know that nobody is silly, but somebody is true lazyThen, we must believe that no one can achieve anything without effort10假如你叫李华。最近你收到笔友Bob发来的e-mail,他说他们班里有很多同学的体重超重,而且有些同学体质比较差。请给他回一封电子邮件,内容包括:1列举一些不健康的生活方式;2提醒他注意饮食均衡;3建议他多参加体育锻炼。注意:1词数100左右;2邮件的开头与结

33、束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:超重的 overweightDear BobI am sorry to know that some of your classmates are overweight and in poor health Do you agree with me? Yours,Li Hua 【参考范文】Dear Bob,I am sorry to know that some of your classmates are overweight and in poor healthI am writing to offer you some advice on how

34、to keep healthyIn recent years, with the computer becoming part of our life, many people spend too much time surfing the InternetBesides, the fast food we eat is high in fat and calories, which may harm to our heathSo some teenagers are overweight and not healthyIt is said that junk food and a lack

35、of regular exercise can lead to some diseasesSo I hope you can have a balanced diet and take plenty of physical exercise in your spare timeFor us keeping healthy is more important than anything elseDo you agree with me? Yours, Li Hua 11随着近年来现代媒体的迅速发展,很多学生沉迷于虚幻的网络世界玩网络游戏,写博客等,从而减少了与现实世界中的朋友的交往。所以现实的朋

36、友越来越少。请你根据下列要点,写一篇英语短文:1什么是真正的朋友;2就如何交朋友提出一些建议。注意:词数120左右。 【参考范文】As a famous saying goes,“A friend is a present which you give yourself”A true friend is someone with whom we can share our life, thoughts and feelingsWhen we get into trouble, our friends always help us outThat is why someone says“Frie

37、nds are the sunshine of life”In order to make friends, we should be honest and helpfulIn this way we can make a favorable impression on others, which makes it possible for others to be friends with usAt the same time, when our friends are in need, we should give them a helping handWe all need friend

38、sSo lets treasure our friends to enjoy life to the fullest12你校的校网站开辟了一个专栏:Have You Say,让同学们针对现实中的一些问题自由地发表个人的看法。本期的话题是“如何解决城市交通堵塞问题”。请你用英语写一篇短文,分析目前造成城市交通拥堵的主要原因,并提出自己的建议。注意:词数100左右。 【参考范文】How to Solve the Traffic Problem in CitiesIn recent years, many people have enough money to buy private cars wi

39、th the development of economySo the number of vehicles has been increasing rapidly in China, which is the main reason why there are many traffic jams in big citiesOn the other hand, the public transportation cannot meet the demands of citizens and the streets are not wide enoughIn my opinion, the go

40、vernment should improve the public transportation system to make it more convenient for people traveling by busAnd if more people are encouraged to get around by bike, there will be fewer cars in the streetIn this way the traffic pressure in cities is expected to be reduced132012伦敦奥组委现向世界各地招募志愿者。假如你

41、是李冰,17岁,现是一名高二的一名学生,请给伦敦奥组委写封信,应征其志愿者工作。要求包括如下内容:1个人信息;2你的性格特点;3你的兴趣、爱好、特长;4你的相关经历。注意:信的开头、结尾已经给出(不计入词数)Dear 2012 Olympic Committee, I am looking forward to your early reply Yours, Li Bing【参考范文】Dear 2012 Olympic Committee, I want to get a volunteer jobI would be interested in the work as a reporterI

42、m Li Bing and seventeen this yearIm a student in Changsha No.2 High School Senior TwoIm very outgoing and lively, and I like to make friends with peopleI want to get the work of reporterMy favorite sports are playing basketball and swimming, so I often go to playing basketball or swimming with frien

43、ds at weekendIt helps me have a keen mind to report something on a fast speed and have a strong body to work day and nightI once won the first prize in the English speech contest in our city when I was fifteenI even got the second prize in the oral competition of our Province when I was fourteenIf I

44、 get the work, I will work hard and try to make contributions to 2012 London Olympic GamesI am looking forward to your early reply Yours, Li Bing14今天,你们有幸邀请到了史密斯教授给你们上了一堂英语课,请你写一篇短文来赞扬史密斯先生的课。(词数:100左右) 【参考范文】Today we had the honor of inviting Professor Smith to give us an English lessonAll of us were deeply impressed


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