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1、Unit 3Language in use,.根据句意,从括号中选词填空。 1People that _ (have gone to/have been to) Australia are fascinated with the beaches there. 2The Changjiang River is longer than _ (any other/other) river in China.,have been to,any other,3This is one of the most interesting stories that Ive _ (ever/never) heard

2、. 4The movie _ (that/it) I watched last night was very boring. 5The hotel that he _ (stayed/stayed in) was right on the beach.,ever,that,stayed in,.单项选择。 ()1.(2017合肥模拟)This is the same book _ I lost the other day. Theres my name on it. AthatBas C/ Dwhich ()2.I hope that the little _ I have been able

3、 to do does good to them all. AwhichBwhat Cthat Dwhen,A,C,()3.The first place _ the children were taken to see was their workshop. AthatBwhich CwhatDwhere ()4.Tell me everything _ you know. Awhich Babout that Cabout whichDthat,A,D,()5.This is the biggest library _ I have ever seen. Awhich Bwhat Cwhe

4、re Dthat ()6.This is the very person _ I am looking for.【高频考点】 Awhich Bthat CwhoDwhom,D,B,()7.(2017合肥科大附中月考)What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it. Athe way Bin the way that Cin the way Dthe way which ()8.This is all _ I can do for you. Awhich Bwhat CitD/,A,D,()9.(2017安庆四中一模)The boo

5、k doesnt say much _ amuses children. AwhatBthat CwhoseDto which ()10.There is nothing in the world _ can frighten him. AthatBwhich CwhomDwho,B,A,.把下列两个单句合并为含定语从句的句子。 1Is there a hospital near here? Jack works in the hospital. _ 2Do you like the pen? I bought it last week. _ 3My father took many phot

6、os in Australia. They were liked by his friends. _,Is there the hospital that Jack works in near here?,Do you like the pen that I bought last week?,My father took many photos in Australia that were liked,by his friends.,4This is a nice picture. Tom drew the picture last year. _ 5The woman is my aunt

7、. She wears a pair of white shoes. _ 6The games are very interesting. They love them very much. _,This is a nice picture that Tom drew last year. The woman that wears a pair of white shoes is my aunt. The games that they love very much are very interesting.,7This is the bag. We are going to buy it.

8、_ 8Im a teacher. You can believe me. _ 9The desk is new. I lend it to you. _ 10The movie was fantastic. We saw the movie last night. _,This is the bag that we are going to buy. Im a teacher that you can believe. The desk that I lent to you is new. The movie that we saw last night was fantastic.,.将下列

9、句子翻译成英文。 1我昨天读的书很有趣。 _ 2这就是我昨天买的小汽车。 _ 3正在树下说话的那个男孩是我弟弟。 _ 4这就是上个星期他们参观的学校。 _,The book that I read yesterday was very interesting. This is the car that I bought yesterday. The boy that is talking under the tree is my brother. This is the school that they visited last week.,5他是一个帮过许多贫穷孩子的普通工人。 _ 6故宫是我曾参观过的最好的地方。 _ 7鲁迅过去住过的房子现在是一个博物馆。 _ 8他丢的那辆新自行车花了他一千八百元。 _,He is an ordinary worker that helps many poor children. The Palace Mu


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