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1、练习一、(一)简单句翻译,1我们在学习怎样用电脑。 Were learning how to use the computer. We are learning the way to use the computer 2他和他的朋友经常查字典。 He and his friend always look up in the dictionary. Hewith his friend always looks up in the dictionary. He and his friend always refer to the dictionary 注意: look up sth in the

2、dictionary refer to the dictionary,错误表达: 1 Were learning how to use computer 2 He and his friend always look up dictionary,3 请给我一杯水, 好吗? Please give me a cup of water, will you? Would you give me a cup of water? 4 老师让我回答了这个问题。 The teacher asked me to answer the question. The teacher let/made/had me

3、answer the question.,5我们的国家变得越来越强大。 Our country becoming Our country is getting stronger and stronger. 6你的到来使我很高兴。 Your arrival makes me very happy. Your coming lets me very happy That you arrived makes me very happy. You arrived, which makes me happy Im very happy because you came,7 村庄里有许多绿树和湖泊。 Th

4、ere are many green trees and lakes in the village. 8 我们不应该歧视弱者。 We should not look down upon the weak. We should not think little of不重视 weak people. We should not discriminate against歧视 the weak. We should not despise鄙视;看不起 the weak.,(二) 并列句翻译,1. 我喜欢读书,他喜欢玩玩具。(while) I like reading while he likes pl

5、aying with toys. 2. 孩子们非常高兴,或者至少看起来很高兴。(or) The children are very happy or at least they look happy.,3. 中国是发展中国家,而美国是发达国家。(but/ while) China is a developing country, while the United States is a developed one. 4. 这里常下雨,有时有暴风雨。(and) It often rains here, and storms sometimes.,5他不但受到我们的鼓励而且受到老师的表扬。(not

6、 only but also) He was not only encouraged by us but also praised by the teacher. 6我们周围的东西不是固体、液体就是气体。(eitheror) Everything around us is either solid, liquid or gas.,7一个人既应该有勇气也应有毅力。 (both and) A man should have both courage and perseverance:,p:sivirns /will/ will power .,8. 新中国的妇女在政治生活和家庭生活方面享有和男子同等权利。(as well as) In new China women enjoy equal rights with men in political life as


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