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1、2008.1.25,Introduction To Literary Translation,Company Logo,Questions,Company Logo,What is literary language,Company Logo,Principles of Literary Language,Company Logo,Examples of Deviation,你 / 一会看我 / 一会看云 / 我觉得 / 你看我时很远 / 你看云时很近 (顾城远和近) 随着爷爷的枪声,道路东西两边的河堤后,响起了几十响破烂不堪的枪声,又有七八个日本兵倒下了。(莫言红高粱),Company Lo

2、go,Literary Works,Literary works are a kind of art created in language. What we demand of them is not merely the recording of concepts and of incidents. Besides these, they should possess artistic images which are attractive to the reader. In other words, the reader must have a strong feeling toward

3、s the characters thought and behavior through the artistic images portrayed in their literary works.,Company Logo,Literary translation,Literary translation is to reproduce the original artistic images in another language so that the reader of the translation may be inspired, moved and aesthetically

4、entertained in the same way as one reads the original. 文学的翻译是用另一种语言,把原作的艺术意境传达出来,使读者在读译文的时候能够像读原作时一样得到启发、感动和美的感受。,Company Logo,Literary translator,Bilingual competence,Bicultural competence,A sense of responsibility,Literary translator competence,A keen insight,Company Logo,2008.1.25,Criteria Of Lit

5、erary Translation,Company Logo,Sayings by Chinese Scholars,玄奘 Translation must be truthful and intelligible to the populace(既须求真,又须喻俗) 严复 Early 1930s: 赵景深:rearrange Yans three points in a new order expressiveness, faithfulness, elegance 鲁迅,瞿秋白:rather to be faithful in thought than smooth in the lang

6、uage(宁信而不顺); a translation must have both intelligibility and the style of the original text.,Company Logo,Lu Xuns Viewpoint,A literal translation introduces not only new subject matter, but also new ways of expression. The Chinese language, whether written or spoken, is too imprecise To remedy that

7、, we will have to undergo a little ordeal, that is, to bring in bizarre ways of constructing sentences ancient, outlandish, foreign ways, incorporating them into our language.,Company Logo,刘重德 信,达,切(closeness) 黄药眠 透(a thorough understanding of the original) 化(a transfiguration of the original form)

8、风(a stylistic resemblance) 傅雷 神似(spiritual resemblance theory) 钱钟书 化境(transmigration theory),Company Logo,Sayings by Western Scholars,John Dryden Metaphrase: word by word and line by line Paraphrase: sense for sense; translation with latitude, where the author is kept in view. Imitation: forsaking b

9、oth words and sense; more or less adaptation. Tytler Give a complete transcript of the original ideas The style/ manner of writing be of the same character Have the ease of the original composition,Company Logo,Eugene Nida Functional equivalence Making sense; Conveying the spirit and manner of the o

10、riginal; Having a natural and easy form of expression; Producing a similar response.,Company Logo,Translation means communicating, and this process depends on what is received by persons hearing or reading a translation. Judging the validity of a translation cannot stop with a comparison of corresponding lexical meanings, grammatical classes, and rhetorical devices. What is important is the extent to which receptors correctly understand and appreciate the translated test. Accordingly, it is essential that functional equivalence be stated primarily in terms of a comparison of the w


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