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1、,1,学习交流课件,夏天,太阳,冬天,刮风的,季节,同样的,多云的,下雪,总是,常常,有时会下雨。,总是很冷。,Checking( review) :,2,学习交流课件,31岁,7岁,26岁,3,学习交流课件,Many happy returns of the day,4,学习交流课件,New Words and Expressions:,Many happy returns长命百岁 dangerous 危险的 August 八月 about 关于 year 年 safe 安全的 present 礼物 date 日期 bike 自行车 question 问题 gear 齿轮 ask 提问 tr

2、affic 交通 special 特别的,5,学习交流课件,Describe the pictures,1,2,3,4,5,6,6,学习交流课件,Today is the first of August, Roberts birthday. Roberts parents will give him a present, what is it?,Listening and Understanding:,Listen to the recording ,and then answer this question: What kind of gears has Roberts new bike g

3、ot?,7,学习交流课件,WILLIAM: The first of August, Karen! Its Roberts birthday.,几月几号?,1、,8,学习交流课件,月份 英文简写 英文全称 一月 Jan. January 二月 Feb. February 三月 Mar. March 四月 Apr. April 五月 May. May 六月 June. June 七月 July. July 八月 Aug. August 九月 Sept. September 十月 Oct. October 十一月 Nov. November 十二月 Dec. December 注意:正规的英语中六

4、月,七月,九月的缩写是4个字母,其他月份3个字母。挂历上见到的Jun,Jul, Sep是错误的,9,学习交流课件,例如:五月四号,英文日期如何写和读呢?,May 4,May 4th,May (the) fourth,the fourth of May,写法:,读法:,May the fourth,10,学习交流课件,August,Its the eighteenth of May. Its the sixteenth of August. Its the fifteenth of March. Its the first of January.,11,学习交流课件,1月1日元旦New Year

5、s Day,2月14日情人节(Valentines Day),4月5日清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day),5月1日国际劳动节(International Labour Day),6月1日 国际儿童节(International Childrens Day),9月10日中国教师节(Teachers Day),10月1日国庆节(National Day),10月31日万圣节(Halloween),12月25日圣诞节(Christmas Day),12,学习交流课件,WILUAM: I cant believe it! Roberts 10 today!,KAREN: I know! Te

6、n years old already!,2、,13,学习交流课件,KAREN: Happy birthday, Robert! Heres a present for you from your father and me.,ROBERT: Oh, great! Thanks, Mum! Thanks, Dad!,Heres=Here is,3、,14,学习交流课件,ROBERT: Oh, great! A new bike! Oh, look at the gears! Dad! Its got Campagnolo gears! Oh, wow!,It has got,4、,15,学习交

7、流课件,Campagnolo gear,16,学习交流课件,WILLIAM: Youre quite tall now, Robert. You need a new bicycle. But you must be careful. The traffic is very dangerous.,quite=very,5、,17,学习交流课件,KAREN: Dont worry about the traffic now! Happy birthday, Robert, and many happy returns of the day!,WILUAM: Yes, many happy ret

8、urns of the day, Robert!,担心,6、,18,学习交流课件,Fill in the blanks:,Listen to the recording carefully ,and then write in the missing words:,19,学习交流课件,WILLIAM: The first August, Karen! Its Roberts birthday.,几月几号?,of,20,学习交流课件,WILUAM: I cant believe it! Roberts 10 today!,KAREN: I know! Ten years old !,alread

9、y,21,学习交流课件,KAREN: birthday, Robert! Heres a present you your father and me.,ROBERT: Oh, great! Thanks, Mum! Thanks, Dad!,Heres=Here is,Happy,for,from,22,学习交流课件,ROBERT: Oh, great! A new bike! Oh, look the gears! Dad! Its got Campagnolo gears! Oh, wow!,at,23,学习交流课件,WILLIAM: Youre tall now, Robert. Yo

10、u need new bicycle. But you must careful. traffic is very .,quite,dangerous,a,The,be,24,学习交流课件,KAREN: Dont the traffic now! Happy birthday, Robert, and many happy returns day!,WILUAM: Yes, many happy returns of the day, Robert!,worry about,of,the,25,学习交流课件,William: _ of August ,Karen! Its _ birthday

11、.,The first,Roberts,William: I cant believe it! Roberts _ today.,10,Karen: I know ! Ten years old _!,already,Karen: _,Robert! Heres a present _ you _ your father and me.,Happy birthday,for,from,Robert: Oh,great! Thanks,Mum! Thanks , Dad!,26,学习交流课件,Robert: Oh,great! A new bike! Oh,_ the gears! Dad! _

12、 Campagnolo gears!Oh,wow!,look at,Its got,William: Youre _ now,Robert. You need _.But you must _. The traffic is very dangerous.,quiet tall,a new bicycle,be careful,Karen: _ about the traffic now!Happy birthday,Robert,and _!,many happy returns of the day,Dont worry,William:Yes,_,Robert!,many happy r

13、eturns of the day,27,学习交流课件,Lesson 58 Pronunciation,hand happy have help horse hot how hurry husband who whose,28,学习交流课件,Whens New Years Day? Its on January 1st. January,29,学习交流课件,Whats the date today?,What holiday is coming?,Today is February 28th.,30,学习交流课件,Whats the date today?,What holiday is co

14、ming?,Womens Day is coming.,Today is March 30th.,Its March 8th.,When is Womens Day?,31,学习交流课件,Whats the date today?,Whats the date tomorrow?,What holiday is coming?,Today is April 30th.,Tomorrow is May 1st.,32,学习交流课件,May Day is coming.,Whats the date today?,Whats the date tomorrow?,What holiday is c

15、oming?,Today is May 31th.,Tomorrow is June 1st.,-Its May 1st.,-When is May Day?,33,学习交流课件,Childrens Day is coming.,We like Childrens Day.,34,学习交流课件,Summer holiday is coming.,Whats the date today?,What holiday is coming?,Today is July 5th.,35,学习交流课件,August,36,学习交流课件,September,37,学习交流课件,October,38,学习交

16、流课件,November,39,学习交流课件,December,40,学习交流课件,New Words and Expressions,January 1 月 April 4 月 February 2 月 May 5 月 March 3 月 June 6 月 last 最后的 September 9 月 December 12 月 October 10 月 after 在-之后 November 11 月 before 在-之前 parent 父母,41,学习交流课件,Pattern Practice,1 A: Which is the first / second / third month

17、 of the year? B: January / February / March A: Which is the last month of the year? B: December,42,学习交流课件,2 A: Which month comes after January? B: February. A: Which moth comes before March? B: February.,43,学习交流课件,3 A: Whats the date? B: Its the ninth of January. Or Its January the ninth.,44,学习交流课件,5 A: When is Lindas birthday? B: Its on the ninth of January. Or Its on January the ninth.,45,学习交流课件,表示日期的介词 in on,时间具体到月份,没有具体到日期时,前面用介词in 八月 in August 1999年 in 1999 夏天 in summer,46,学习交流课件,时间具体到年、月、日的,日期前用介词on. 八月1日 on August the first 1988年12月18日 on 18th December,1988 (18th December


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