已阅读5页,还剩26页未读 继续免费阅读




1、时,态,八种时态,一般现在时,一般过去时,现在进行时,过去进行时,一般将来时,过去将来时,现在完成时,过去完成时,1一般现在时 V.(s/es) 2一般过去时 V.ed 3现在进行时 be+V.ing 4过去进行时 was/were+V.ing 5一般将来时 will+V. 6过去将来时 would+V. 7现在完成时 has/have+v.ed(过去分词) 8过去完成时 had+V.ed(过去分词),一般现在时:表示现在经常反复发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的动作。动词写原形或第三人称单数形式,即主语为第三人称单数时,动词一般要加-s/es,与名词复数规则构成类似。如果动词为行为动词,构成问

2、句、否定句需加助动词/do/does;一般现在时的时间标志词有:often,always,sometimes,usually,every day,on Sundays等;另外表示主语具有的性格、能力、特征,表客观事实和普遍真理,表现在发生的具体动作等也用一般现在时;在时间和条件状语从句中常用一般现在时代替一般将来时;预先计划安排好的将来行为也可用一般现在时;状态感觉动词如:be,love,want, hope,understand等只用一般现在时,不用进行时。,一般现在时用法,习惯活动,现在情况,客观事实,主将从现,I get up at six every morning.,They are

3、 very busy.,He needs help.,The moon moves round the earth.,Well go there if it doesnt rain.,Hell call you when he arrives.,练习:1I book everyday 2He TV everyday 3They story everyday,read,watches,tell,一般过去时:表示过去经常或偶然发生的动作或存在的状态。一般过去时动词用过去式,过去式的构成一般在原形动词后加-ed。具体有四种方法,即直接加-ed,加-d,改y为i加-ed,双写辅音字母加-ed;有些动词

4、的过去式是不规则的,要特别记忆,熟练运用,如:gowent,dodid等;过去式除be动词外,没有人称和数的变化;行为动词的过去时,如果改为问句,否定句要加助动词did。动词的过去式改为动词原形:一般过去时的时间状语为表示过去的时间:如:yesterday,last year,two days ago等;在时间条件从句中,用一般过去时表示过去将来时。,一般过去时用法,过去活动,过去状态,过去连续活动,I saw him yesterday.,I was in Grade One last year.,She picked it up and went out.,1.写出过去式: do ( )

5、eat ( ) see ( ) have ( ) draw ( ) win( ),练习,did,saw,drew,ate,had,won,2.填空,1.I a picture yesterday. 2.She to a book last week . 3.They a story in the morning.,drew,went,buy,told,to的后面永远加动词原形,现在进行时,表某一时刻或时段正在进行的动作。动词构成为:be+现在分词(动词+-ing形式)。现在分词构成通常有三种即:在原形动词后直接加-ing,去“e”加-ing,双写最后一个辅音字母加-ing,另外以ie结尾的将i

6、e改为y再加-ing,以er结尾的,如果是重读音节r结尾,先双写r再加-ing,如:prefer-preferring,如果不是重读音节则直接加-ing,如:water-watering;现在进行时的标志词有now,look,listen等,大部分根据上下文的情景理解;表示当前一直或反复在进行的动作或难以终止的动作,表示经常反复发生的动作,常与always连用,含有赞扬、厌恶等感情色彩;表示明确安排好的不久要发生的事情等都用现在进行时表示。,现在进行时用法,正在进行,一直进行,与always连用,Look, they are playing football.,He is writing a

7、novel this year.,My teacher is always smiling in class.,练习,1.Tom TV now . 2.She book now. 3.He bike now. 4.They milk now . 5.People are new bed,is watching,is reading,is riding,are drinking,buying,过去进行时:表示过去某个时刻或某段时间内正在进行的动作。动词的构成为:be(was/were)+doing;过去进行时的时间状语常用,at eight yesterday,morning,from 7:00

8、 to 9:00 last night, 有时用when,while连词引导的状语从句表示:过去进行时可用来叙述过 去经常或反复发生的动作,常与always连用,表示赞扬、厌恶等;过去进行时与一般过去时的区别;过去进行时强调过去某一时间正在进行的动作,而一般过去时往往表示一个完成的动作。,过去进行时用法,过时正进,过段直进,when, while,I was doing my homework at eight last night.,They were watching TV from nine to ten yesterday.,They were reading aloud when t

9、he teacher came in.,1.I TV when my mother came in.,2.They cake at 7:00 yesterday.,was watching,are making,现在完成时:表示过去发生但与现在有联系的动作或状态,强调对现在的影响和结果。现 在完成时动词的结构为:have/has+done(过去分词),其中have,has随主语的人称和数而变 化,done的规则变化与动词的过去式同形,即在原形后加-ed,不规则的过去分词必须熟记 ;现在完成时的标志词常有:already,yet,ever,never,just,before等;现在完成时还可表示

10、过去开始、持续到现在的动作或状态,常与for,since短语连用,句中动词一般为延续性 动词;否定句可用短暂性动词,for加段时间,since后加点时间或一般过去时的句子;一般过去时与现在完成时的区别:现在完成时强调过去动作对现在的影响,和现在密切联系;一 般过去时强调动作发生的时间、地点、方式等,不涉及现在的影响;be和go的现在完成时区别;have /has been to 表示“去过某地”,已回来;have/has gone to表示“已去某地” ,已离开,没回来。 ,现在完成时用法,过影响现,过延到现,两“去”,I cant find my pen. I have lost it.,H

11、ave you finished it yet ?,He has worked here for a year.,I have been in this school since 1999 .,He has been to China twice.,He isnt here. He has gone to the library.,过去完成时,表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已完成的动作或存在的状态。过去完成时的构成为:had+done;过去完成时的时间状语常用by加过去点时间,by the end of 加过去段时间,before加过去点时间表示,有时用when,before,after等引导的

12、时间从句中。 ,1.I had _ a lunch. 2.She _ a books.,had,had read,一般将来时:表示将来要发生的动作或存在的状态。动词do的一般将来时结构为will+do,主语为第一人称时可用shall+do,be going to do 结构也可表示将来时,可以和will互换,但有些情况不可互换,带有意愿色彩,常用will;表邀请或命令时,用will;在时间和条件从句中,主句将来时常用will;有迹象表示某事将要发生或打算,计划决定要做某事,一般用be going to do 结构;一般将来时的时间为表示将来的时间:如tomorrow,next week等。,一

13、般将来时用法,将来状态,将来活动,主将从现,现进表将,There will be rain tomorrow.,What are you going to do next weekend?,I will call you as soon as I get there tomorrow morning.,The bus is coming.,过去将来时:表示过去看来将要发生的动作或存在的状态。过去将来时动词的构成为:would/should+do,也可用was/were going to+do;过去将来时一般用在从句中;一些表示位置移动的动词如:go,come,leave等可用过去进行时表示过去

14、将来时。,【例1】 Our teacher,Miss Chen,_English on the radio the day before yesterday.2003 北京海淀区 A.teaches B.taught C.will teach D.had taught ,典型例题解析,【例3】 My mother_the windows already,so the room looks much brighter.2003 河南 A.has cleaned B.had cleaned C.is cleaning D.will clean,B,【例2】 Excuse me.Look at th

15、e sign NO PHOTOS! Sorry,I_it.2003 重庆 A.dont see B.didnt see C.havent seen D.wont see,B,A,典型例题解析,C,【例4】 You_to the meeting.Why didnt you go? 2003 山西 A.be invited B.will be invited C.were invited D.are invited,【例5】 When will you tell him the good news? I will tell him about it as soon as he_back. 2003

16、 福州 A.comes B.came C.will come D.is coming,A,课时训练,.用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.My brother isnt at home right now.He _(go)to Beijing.He_(be) there many tines.He _ (not be) back until next week. 2.When I got home,my mother_(go)out for a walk. 3.He_(finish)his composition just now. 4.By the end of next month,all o

17、ur lessons_ (finish). 5. _she _(do) morning exercises every day?,has gone,has been,wont be,had gone,finished,will be finished,Does,do,课时训练,6.In the part few years,another bridge _ (build)over the Changjiang River. 7.She_ (watch)TV while she_ (wash) her clothes. 8.He said he_ (give)her the present as

18、 soon as she _(come)back. 9.Listen!Someone_(sing)in the next room. 10.Our teacher told us the earth_(go) around the sun. ,has been built,watched,was washing,would give,came,is singing,goes,.单项选择 1.Sorry,I_to help you at ten.I was busy at the momen A.wont come B.cant come C.didnt come D.shouldnt come

19、 2.He_this pen for five years.He_it in 1997. A.has bought,bought. B.bought,bought C.has kept,has bought D.has had,bought 3.She_apples in her garden when I_to see her yesterday. A.picked,went B.was picking, went C.picked,was going D.was picking,was going 4.I don t know if my friend_.If he _,Ill let y

20、ou know. A.comes,comes B.comes, will come C.will come,comes D.will come,will come 5.John said he_ supper.He was quite full. A.had had B.was haring C.had D.has eaten,课时训练,C,D,B,C,A,6.There_two meetings tomorrow afternoon. A.are going to be B.are going to have C.is going to be D.will have 7.It_3 years since I_to No.1 Middle School. A.is,come B.is,have come C.was,came D.is,came 8.Father_when I _yesterday morning. A.still slept,got up B.was still sleeping,got up C.is sleeping,got up


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