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1、Section A 1a-2d,Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.,humorous silent helpful from time to time score,adj. 有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的 adj. 不说话的;沉默的 adj. 有用的;有帮助的 时常;有时 n. 2. Role play the conversation in front of the class,Lets see which group does the best.,2d,1. But now Im more interested in sports.,interested

2、 adj. 感兴趣的; 关心的 (人) be interested in 对感兴趣 interesting adj. 能激起别人感兴趣的(物),Language points,Im not interested in politics(政治). This is an interesting story.,2. I used to be afraid of the dark.,used to (1)(作情态动词)“过去常常” ; (2) 指已过去的习惯和状态; (3) always/ never/ often/ sometimes + used to,Vivian always used to

3、come to by train. I used to have short and black hair. She never used to get up early in the morning.,Quiz,从方框中选择适当的单词完成句子。,quiet, shy, funny, outgoing, friendly,My uncle is very _. He often tells jokes. 2. His cousin is very _. He is afraid to speak in public. 3. Please be _ in the library. 4. Mike

4、s mother is very _ to us. We all get on well with her. 5. Bills sister is very _. Shes good at singing and dancing.,funny,shy,quiet,friendly,outgoing,根据要求完成句子,每空一词。,I used to be shy and quiet. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ to be shy and quiet? 2. He used to wear old jeans. (改为否定句) He _ _ to wear old jeans. 3. Lily used to be funny. (就画线部分提问) _ _ he _ to be _?,Did,use,didnt use,What did,use,like, Do you like playing computer games? No, but I _. (2009山东威海) A. used to B.


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