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1、snack,BEIJING,北京小吃,Beijing Snacks,snack,BEIJING,Beijing has a time-honored history of producing various kinds of snacks. With strong local flavors, Beijings snacks attract almost all visitors. Snacks of Beijing can fall into three varieties: Han, Hui and imperial snacks, Some people regard snacks of

2、 Beijing as living fossils.,北京小吃俗称“碰头食”或“菜茶”,其小吃博采四方小吃之精华,兼收各族小吃 之特色,已形成汉民、回民和宫廷三种风味。 目前的北京小吃,已逾百种,并已形成蒸、煮、煎、炸、烤、烙、爆、冲等多种技艺,其间融汇多民族的传统食艺、食俗,形成了琳琅满目、缤纷斑斓的诱人品相。,snack,BEIJING,糖葫芦 Tang hu lu,Sugarcoated haws on a stick,snack,BEIJING,驴打滚 Lu da gun,Pastry Made of Soy Bean Flour,做法:驴打滚是黄米面团卷豆沙,卷好后将其在黄豆面上翻

3、滚,让表面沾上一层黄豆面,以避免水分蒸发导致干裂从而影响口感,可能就是因为最后这个动作而被幽默的北京人把它命名为驴打滚。 驴打滚口感软糯,不粘牙,深受老北京的欢迎。,Ludagun (donkey roll over) is a glutinous (粘的)yellow rice cake roll, with fried bean flour sprayed(被喷洒上的) onto the surface.,snack,BEIJING,艾窝窝 Ai wo wo,Sticky rice with sweet fillings,Aiwowo is a snow-white glutinous r

4、ice ball with sweet stuffing(填充物). Average cost is 70 yuan ($10) per person,snack,BEIJING,豌豆黄 Wan dou huang,Pea cake,Wandouhuang is a mashed(捣碎的)pea cake made from boiled and mashed peas and small Chinese jujubes(大枣).,snack,BEIJING,芝麻球 Zhi ma qiu,Fried rice balls stuffed with a sweet filling, usuall

5、y red bean paste or lotus paste and covered in sesame seeds. This is popular northeastern Chinese snack and still very popular in Beijing.,snack,BEIJING,萨琪玛 Sachima,Sachima, also spelled Shaqima, In Manchu cuisine originally, sachima is a sweet snack. It mainly consists of flour, butter, and rock su

6、gar or rock candy. It is now popular in mainland China among children and adults.,snack,BEIJING,糖火烧 Tang huo shao,Sweetened baked wheaten cake,snack,BEIJING,果子干 Guo zi gan,Dried fruit dish,做法:果子干以柿饼( dried persimmon )为主,加入杏干儿( apricot ),用温开水浸泡,最后加鲜藕片( lotus root ),调成浓汁,味甜酸,为老北京夏季食品。,snack,BEIJING,果铺

7、 Beijing preserved fruit,蜜饯 Beijing candied fruit,snack,BEIJING,宫廷奶酪 Beijing cheese,奶酪在元、明、清三朝曾是只有皇家才能独享的宫廷小吃,由于其工艺秘方从不外传,因此即便是当年的高官贵戚也难得一尝,寻常百姓更是对此等珍馐闻所未闻。多少年后随着清廷衰亡,这当年曾象征着尊贵皇家身份的奶酪也便随之散落民间,成为了老北京首屈一指的著名小吃。,snack,BEIJING,油条 You tiao & 豆浆 Dou jiang,Sweetened Fried Bread Twists & Soya-bean Milk,Peop

8、le in Beijing love to eat this treat in the morning. It is often served with warm doujiang (Soya-bean Milk).,snack,BEIJING,豆汁儿 Dou zhir & 焦圈儿 Jiao quan,Fermented Soya-bean Milk,没有喝过豆汁儿,不算到过北京。,豆汁老北京最有名的传统小吃,但这可不是一般人都能享用的。盛到碗里灰绿色的,闻着一股酸腐味,据说人们对待豆汁的不同态度,能检验出是否是真正的北京人。,焦圈是喝豆汁配套的食品,当然还有咸菜。,DONT MISS,sna

9、ck,BEIJING,芥末墩 Jie mo dun,Mustardy Chinese cabbage,芥末墩儿是地道的百姓菜,一到冬天大白菜上市,老北京很多讲究的家庭都要做芥茉墩儿。尤其是过年的时候,吃得油腻,换换口味,芥末墩儿最好不过了,清爽、利口,颇受老北京人喜爱。,snack,BEIJING,炸灌肠 Zha guan chang,Sticky rice with sweet fillings,snack,BEIJING,卤煮 Lu zhu,If you are not allergic to the viscus of animals, you can try to have some

10、Luzhu(卤煮). It is made of the tharm and stomarch of the pigs. Though seems to be disgust, it in fact very delicious.,snack,BEIJING,炒肝 stewed liver,It is made of the heart and Lungs of the pigs. 传统的炒肝是“熬心熬肺”后勾芡,和“肝”没有关系。,snack,BEIJING,爆肚儿 Bao du / tripe,good for our Stomach,爆肚是北京风味小吃中的名吃,又脆又鲜,不油不腻,据说还

11、可以治胃病。 吃爆肚的人如会喝酒,总要喝二两,喝完酒,吃两个刚出炉的烧饼,确实是一大快事。,snack,BEIJING,炸酱面 Zha jiang mian,noodles with fried bean and meat sauce / Noodles with Bean Paste,snack,BEIJING,涮羊肉 Mutton Hot pot,snack,BEIJING,饺子 Dumplings,snack,BEIJING,Restaurant,My Top 3:,护国寺小吃店(小吃类,如艾窝窝、豌豆黄、驴打滚等) 海碗居(主食+小吃,如炸酱面、炸灌肠、芥末墩等,推荐牡丹园店) 羲和雅苑(


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