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1、技 能 训 练,阅读进阶 Graded reading 预测文章后续部分的内容 有些阅读理解的设题会要求考生推测该阅读理解材料接下来的部分所要探讨的内容。这种推测不能凭主观臆断,但我们可以基于文章的主旨大意及阅读材料的开头或结尾部分的暗示或提示来进行合理的推测。现在,我们就从下面的例题中来体会如何预测文章后续部分的内容。,【例题】 阅读下面两篇短文,预测各短文的后续部分的内容,并指出预测的依据。 Passage 1 My name is Max. I am twelve years old. I am an outgoing boy so I have many friends. Most o

2、f them are as old as I. Among them, Bill is my best friend. We often play together. Bill and I go to the same school and we are in the same class. Bill helps me with my Math homework. I help him with his English homework.,Bill is taller than me. He is quite fat. He doesnt like sports, so he doesnt d

3、o much exercise. We both have black eyes, but Bills hair is longer. I like sports and I play football or go swimming every day. Sundays are our happiest days 该短文的后续部分的内容:_ 预测的依据:_,Passage 2 Everyone needs friends. And we all have good friends. But have you ever thought about why we need friends, how

4、 to make friends, and what we should do for our friends? First of all, we need friends when we play or when we work. If we have friends, we will feel happy. If we have no friends, we will feel lonely(孤独的). We can share both the happiness and sadness with our friends.,Then, do you know how to make fr

5、iends? There is only one good way You make friends by being friendly. A friendly person is interested in other people. He is always helpful. If you want to make friends with a new classmate, you can talk with him, tell him about the other classmates in your class and try your best to be helpful to h

6、im. ,该短文的后续部分的内容:_ 预测的依据:_,【解题步骤指导】 第一步:扫读文章,弄清主旨大意; 第二步:观察文章的开头是否有说明文章要 点的句子或文末是否有开启下文的 句子; 第三步:根据文章主旨或要点,排除已涉及 的要点,或根据开启下文的句子预 测文章的后续内容。,【解题过程详解】 1. Passage 1介绍的是作者Max和他的朋友Bill。文章第一段介绍了Max的基本情况;第二、三段说明了Max与Bill之间的异同点及他们互相帮助的经历;文章最后一段写到“Sundays are our happiest days”,据此我们可预测该短文后续部分要介绍的是:Max和Bill每个星

7、期日会做什么。 2. Passage 2的第一段的尾句提到了三点:为什么我们需要朋友,怎么交朋友和我们能为我们的朋友做些什么。接下来的第二段和第三段分别介绍了我们为什么需要朋友和怎么交朋友。因此,我们可预测该文段的后续部分应该是:介绍我们能为我们的朋友做些什么。,练一练 阅读下面的短文,预测该短文的后续部分的内容,并指出预测的依据。 In almost every big university in the USA, football is a favorite sport. American football is not like soccer. Players sometimes kic

8、k(踢) the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field. They have four chances to move the ball ten yards. They can carry it or throw it. If they move it to the other end of the field, they will get six points.,Every team plays ten or eleven ga

9、mes each season which begin in September and end in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January 1st, the first day of the New Year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV. Besides players, people w

10、atching the match are also very important.,该短文的后续部分的内容:_ 预测的依据:_,文章最后一段的首句,观看比赛的观众对比赛的重要作用,写作进阶 Graded Writing 段落的构成(二):连贯性 段落的统一性原则强调一个段落中只能表达一个中心思想,即要在内容上统一。但是,仅仅遵循统一性原则并不能写出一个优秀的段落。一个好的段落不仅要在内容上统一, 更要层次分明、条理清晰、语句流畅, 这就是段落的连贯性的要求。要达到连贯性的要求, 就要合理地安排语句、恰当地使用过渡词。 请阅读下面这段学生习作,判断该段落是否具备连贯性,如果不具备,请修改。,M

11、y Dream My dream is to be a singer when I grow up. Thats so interesting and exciting. I think that I can sing on the large stage some day. I love singing very much although it is a tiring job. When I am sad, I can sing songs to keep me happy and I will be very popular. I will have many fans and they

12、 will all love me. For my dream, I will practice singing every day and improve myself.,【分析】 该文段的标题指明了该文段的主旨大意我的梦想。作者开篇说明了自己的梦想是成为一名歌手。接下来介绍了她想要成为歌手的理由,但是逻辑不清,层次不明,主次不分,句与句之间也没有衔接,读起来感觉较混乱。因此,该文段是不具备连贯性的。 接下来,我们基于这个段落的内容,按照连贯性的要求对这个段落进行修改。,总的说来,全段共涉及了三个要点: 1. 我的梦想是成为一名歌手(段落首句); 2. 为什么我想成为歌手(段落中第2-6句)

13、; 3. 为了我的梦想,我打算做什么(段落尾句)。 在第2点中,作者共给出3个理由:悲伤时可以让自己快乐;在更大的的舞台上唱歌有趣/让人期待;可以成名。但是作者在表达这三点理由时逻辑模糊、句子排序混乱、且在各理由之间没有使用任何过渡词,从而造成了连贯性的缺失。 下面,请阅读修改后的段落,与原段落比较,体会其连贯性。,My Dream My dream is to be a singer when I grow up. I love singing very much because when I am sad, I can sing songs to keep me happy. Then,

14、although it is a tiring job, Id like to sing on the large stage. I think its so interesting and exciting. Last but not least, I think through singing well, I will be very popular and I will have many fans. I will be very happy to have all of them who love me. For my dream, I will practice singing every day and improve myself.,小练习 根据连贯性原则,将下列句子按照合适的顺序排列,构成一篇文段。 And we will be able to communicate by e-mail. Also, scientists will make many robots. In the future, there will be computers in every home. That is what I think life will be like in the future., Computers will help us know a lot


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