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1、Where did you go on vacation?,Unit 10,淘课件网,淘课件网-免费提供课件、教案、试题、论文、计划、总结、说课、反思、手抄报、等资源.并且所有资料无须注册免费下载. 淘课件网是您永远的学习伴侣!,七年级英语课件下载地址:,如需更多七年级英语课件请 用上面的地址免费下载,camp,野营,museum,博物馆,guide,向导,central,中心的,exam,考试,检查,fantastic,极好的,极坏的,极讨厌的,awful,美味的,delicious,拥挤的,crowded,expensive,昂贵的,cheap,便宜的,water,水,corner,角落,

2、feel,感觉,感到,walk,步行,散步,decide,决定,讨论,议论,discuss,place,地方,宫殿,palace,square,广场,同班同学,classmate,报告,汇报,report,性别,sex,纽约市,New York City,夏令营,summer camp,思考,考虑,think of,整天,all day,整个早晨,all morning,万里长城,the Great Wall,故宫,the Palace Museum,天安门广场,Tianan Men Square,呆在家里,stayed at home,去纽约市,went to New York City,拜

3、访我的叔叔,visited my uncle,去夏令营,went to summer camp,去大山里,went to the mountains,去海滩,went to the beach,参观博物馆,visited museums,好天气,great weather,在水里,in the water,有几分无聊,kind of boring,Where did you go on vacation ? I ,Fill in the blanks, use “was”or “were”.,Amy:How your vacation, Lin? Lin: It pretty good. Am

4、y: How the beaches? Lin: They fantastic. Amy: How the weather? Lin: It hot and humid. Amy: How the people? Lin: They unfriendly.,was,was,were,were,was,was,were,were,8,How,was your vacation?,How,the weather?,the bus trip?,the museum?,the movies?,the people?,the mountains?,the food?,the beaches?,the s

5、ummer camp?,It was They were,exciting.,fantastic.,hot and humid.,friendly.,relaxing.,boring.,awful.,were,was,interesting.,beautiful.,7,Talk about your vacation with your partner :,A : Where did you go on vacation ? B : I went to the beaches . A : How was your vacation ? B : It was pretty good . A :

6、How did you go there ? B : By bus . A : How was your trip ? B : It was relaxing .,A : How were the beaches ? B : They were fantastic . A : How were the food there ? B : They were delicious . A : How was the weather ? B : It was hot and humid . A : How were the people ? B : They were friendly .,For e

7、xample :,1.做作业 2.踢足球 3.打扫房间 4.去海滩 5.打网球 6.去看电影,do ones homework,play soccer,clean the room,go to the beach,play tennis,go to the movies,7.上周末 8.在星期天早上 9.看望某人 10.为而学习 11.待在家里 12举行晚会,last weekend,on Saturday morning,visit sb.,study for,stay at home,have a party,13.去登山 14.读书 15.弹吉他 16.去散步 17.去买东西 18.做运

8、动,go to the mountains,do some reading,play the guitar,go for a walk,go shopping,play sports,19.访谈节目 20.上个月 21怎么样? 22.寻找 23.和一起玩 24.度周末,talk show,last month,what about,look for,play with,spend the weekend,25. 中学 26. 练习英语 27. 准备测验 28. 去购物,middle schol,practice English,study for the test,go shopping,翻译

9、: 1. 你假期去哪里了? Where did you go on vacation? 2. 你去中心公园了吗?是的,我去了。 Did you go to Central Park? Yes, I did. 3. 你的假期过的怎么样?相当好! How was your vacation? Pretty good !,4. 我们去了一个漂亮的海滩。 We went to a beautiful beach. 5. 我们在水里玩的很高兴。 We had great fun playing in the water. 6.我发现一个小男孩正在角落里哭泣 I found a small boy cry

10、ing in the corner.,7. 它有几分无聊。 It was kind of boring. 8. 商店都太拥挤了,因此我一点都不喜欢。 The shops were too crowded, so I didnt really enjoy it . 9. 他迷路了,我帮他找到了他的爸爸。 He was lost and I helped him find his father.,10. 那使我感到很高兴。 That made me feel very happy. 11. 我没有打车的钱了,所以我步行返回了 宾馆。 I didnt have any money for a tax

11、i, so I walked back to the hotel. 12.所以我们决定去打网球。 So we decided to play tennis.,13. 我真的很累。 I was really tired. 14. 它真的很有趣。 It was really fun. 15. 它真的很美味。 It was really delicious.,16. 我们晚饭吃的四川饭。 We had Sichuan food for dinner. 17. 天气怎么样? How was the weather? 18. 人们怎么样? How were the people?,My vacation

12、s: Last summer I went to the beach . My vacation was pretty good . I went there by bus and my bus trip was relaxing . The beach was very beautiful . It was sunny, cool and humid .the people were friendly and the food was delicious . I enjoyed my vacation very much and I hope to go there again .,Jenn

13、ys vacation My friend Jenny _ (go) to Hangzhou on May Day. She _ (visit) West Lake.The weather there _ (be)hot and windy.It _ (be)very_ (crowd) There _ (be) many people there. They _ (be) very friendly. The food there _ (be) very nice. She _ (eat) a lot. Jenny really _ (have) a good time during the May Day vacation. What about you


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