九年级英语 lesson45导学案_第1页
九年级英语 lesson45导学案_第2页
九年级英语 lesson45导学案_第3页




1、年级:九年级 主备人: 初审人: 教研组长: 教导主任:Lesson 45 How safe is your home?一 自主探究:(20分钟)1、知识准备:(2分钟) New words: prevent v. bathroom n. slip v. fire n. soda n. baking soda instead adv. electrical adj. appliance n. soap n. edge n. drown v.2、揭示课题:(1分钟)3、自学目标:(1分钟)(学习想高效、目标不可少)(1).我要学会掌握词汇prevent,bathroom ,slip ,fire

2、,soda ,baking soda, instead,electrical,appliance,soap,edge drown,(2).我能正确理解掌握短语prevent from doing, instead of, hurt oneself, fall off,put out, start a fire, on the edge of , leave somebody/ something alone (3).理解表示警告和命令的用法。4.自主学习:(8分钟)(学习要高效,自主学习很重要)认真阅读教材第56 页,看书时用笔标出你认为应该掌握的内容或者你不理解的内容,并探究以下问题。1).

3、 If a cook is careless, what might happen in the kitchen?2). When is electricity safe? When is it not safe?3). Why shouldnt parents leave young children alone in the bathtub?5.小组合作探究:(5分钟)(三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮) 小组长组织:1.2.3.同学组请你向4,5.6.同学组展示交流1-2题,4,5.6.同学组请你向同学组展示交流3题,并合作探究、订正答案、提交疑难。 二. 成果展示:(5分钟)(自主

4、探究效果好不好,小组展示见分晓)New Words1.Accidents are bad, we must try to _ them.2.Where do we clean ourselves? Yes, in the _ .3.We use _ to cook. But it is dangerous, too.4.Since youre busy, Ill go _.5.We use _ to wash our face and hands.6.The farthest part from the middle is called _. Dont stand at the _ of th

5、e table, you may fall down!三. 精心点拨:(6分钟)1. Many people hurt themselves by falling off chairs. 许多人因为从椅子上摔下来而受伤。【点拨】(1)此句中hurt oneself意为“使自己受伤”。反身代词可以与一些动词连用,如,teach oneself(自学),dress oneself(给自己穿衣服),enjoy oneself(玩得开心),look at oneself in the mirror(照镜子)等等。【点拨】(2)fall off意为“从掉下来”。又如: The cat fell off

6、the high wall, but it was okay.猫从高墙上掉下来,但一点事也没有。 【点拨】(3)by在句中表示“(方法,手段)由,用”。又如: He makes a living by painting.他靠画画谋生。2.Dont use water to put out kitchen fires. Use soda or salt instead. 不要用水扑灭厨房的火,而要用小苏打或盐。【点拨】 put out 意思是“熄灭、扑灭”。又如: Put out your cigarette. Its a gas station here. 灭掉你的烟,这里是加油站。 inst

7、ead是副词,表示“代替,顶替”。又如: He is ill, so I go there instead. 他病了所以我代替他去了。 【拓展】instead of后面跟名词、代词或动名词等。例如: I usually go to school by bus instead of going by bicycle.我通常坐公共汽车去上学,而不是骑自行车3. You dont want to start a fire. 你不想引起火灾吧。注意下面短语的意思:Catch fire 着火;make a fire 生火;discover a fire发现火情;light/start a fire 点火

8、;put out the fire 灭火; set fire to sth.=set sth on fire放火;be on fire 失火,着火;在着火4. keep soap in a soap dish, not on the edge of the bathtub.把香皂放在香皂盒内,不要放在浴盆边缘上。 On the edge of 意思是“在的边缘上”如: He sat on the edge of the bed. 他坐在床边上。5. Never use electrical appliances in the shower or bathtub. 一定不要带电洗浴。 elect

9、rical 是形容词,“电的;与电有关的”如: electrical engineering 电机工程 electric也是形容词,意思是“发电的;用于导电的;使用电力的” 如:electric plug 电源插头 electric tricycle 电动三轮车6. Never leave small children alone in a bathtub. 决不要让小孩子独自在浴盆里(洗澡)。 Leave somebody/ something alone “让某个某物独自留在那里”, 如: Leave my sandwiches alone. 别动我的三明治。 Dont leave him

10、 standing outside. 别让他在外边站着。四、当堂检测:(10分钟)(成绩要想好,练笔不可少)Practice 1:根据汉语提示填空。1.If we are careful enough, a lot of accidents can _(避免).2.He _(滑倒)on the icy road and broke his leg.3.Mum always _(擦干)her hands before she turns on the stove.4.The firemen _(熄灭)the fire quickly.5. We ate all the food and _ (剩

11、下) nothing on the plate. Practice 2:选择最佳选项1.Thank you for your _ on how to solve the problem. A. news B. tips C. warning D. care 2.We didnt go to the zoo. We went to the park, _. A. too B. also C. either D. instead3.He couldnt swim at all. He _ in the river. A. died B. drowned C. dived D. swam4.Ther

12、es no _ today. So we cant use the _ appliances. A. electrical, electricity B. electricity, electronic C. electricity, electrical D. electricity, electricity5.He stood _ the edge of the mountain and looked down at the small village below. A. on B. by C. in D. outside(对手互清、组长汇报:清本节课学习目标要求的内容)五、自主反思:(4

13、分钟):(是否学会了,反思很重要)这一节课你学到了什么?把本节课地重要地单词和短语写下来。单词:_短语:课下作业I. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词1.Most a_ happen in the kitchen and bathroom.2.Many people hurt t_ by falling off chairs.3.Keep the floor dry, then you wont s_ and fall.4.Be careful with k_. Many people cut themselves in the kitchen.5.Dont leave young childre

14、n a_ in the bathtub.6.Keep soap in a soap dish, not on the e_ of the bathtub.7.Never leave small children along in a bathtub. Children may d_ in bathtubs.8.Mary isnt in the classroom. Lets ask Jenny i_.II. 根据汉语意思完成句子1.如果我想去,有什么能阻止我呢?What can _ me _ _ if I want to go?2.许多人从椅子上掉下来伤了自己。Many people _ _

15、by _ _ chairs.3.不能用水去扑灭厨房的火。Dont use water to _ _ kitchen fires.4.不要把肥皂放在浴缸的边缘。Dont put the soap _ _ _ _ the bathtub.5.保持地面干燥。_ the floor _.I. 单项选择1.The earth is our home. We must _ it clean.A. change B. sweep C. keep D. build2.The teacher came in while Ann _ her purse in the classroom.A. was lookin

16、g for B. was finding C. was find out D. was seeing3. He was ill yesterday but he went to school _ staying at home.A. also B. instead C. instead of D. still4. Do you know Mrs. Green will teach _ English next term?A. themselves B. their C. them5.Have you seen my toy car, Bill?Its _ my way, so I put it

17、 _.A. in; away B. on; out C. in; out D. by; away6. Our sports meeting has been _till next Monday because of the bad weather.A. put on B. put up C. put off D. put down7. Cars cause most of Beijings air pollution. So the “No Car Day” campaign(活动)asks Beijing drivers _their cars at home one day each month.A. leave B. leaving C. to leave8.Are you afraid of _ at home, Linda?No. Ive grown


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