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1、Unit Six Notice & Announcement (通知及公告),制作人:陈 玲 指 导:董晓波,Enter,返回,What Are Notices? How Is a Notice Laid Out?,The Procedures to Write a Notice,General Introduction,What Are Notices? 通知(Notice)是书信的一种形式,常常是告知别人某件事或某个要求的文件。它的内容可长可短,格式可分为正式和非正式,可口头表达也可书面传达。 正式的通知是一种公告性的文体。企业、政府、机关、团体或个人如有什么事情需向公众声明,或对往来对象

2、、群众有什么要求,可以将要传达的意思简短地写成启事、公告等。,Back,more,上一页,一般性的通知除用于单位、学校、工厂等,也可用于熟悉的人如朋友、亲戚之间,往往是通知别人某事,如一般的结婚通知、班级通知、搬迁通知等。它一般书写在纸条上,书写形式没有书信那么严格,通常不用写,上一页,下一页,Back,开头语、写信人地址、收信人地址、结尾语等。但如果要求对方回复,而对方又不知你的地址,就有必要留下地址了。 通知要求用词简洁,内容清晰而有条理。 常用的通知有商业通告、市政通告、广播通知和一般性通知或启事。前两类通知较正式,后两类相对来讲非正式些。,下一页,上一页,Back,How Is a N

3、otice Laid Out?,more,上一页,通知的格式较为简单。一般说来,通知正文上方往往有Notice或Announcement的字样,来引起公众的注意。正文的右下方写明发出通知的单位。而日期通常写于通知正文的左下角。而这两项有时也可以省略。有时出于方便、醒目,发出通知的单位名称和发布时间也可直接在通知正文前、Notice标题下注出。 正文要求简短精要,将内容讲清楚就可以,以便让对方一眼就能明了。,上一页,Back,下一页,Back,to proofread the notice (检查写成的通知),The Procedures to Write a Notice,to clarify

4、 your purpose and audience (明确写作目的和对象),to fill in the heading part (填写开头部分),to compose the body part (构建正文部分),to write the ending(书写结尾部分),It is important to make clear the purpose and the audience. For notice writing, it means you should first confirm the purpose of notice writing and to whom it is

5、going to be sent so that you can organize the,Back,上一页,下一页,more,structure most properly. 与其他写作一样,写通知之前要清楚写作目的与写作对象。不同的写作目的和写作对象决定着通知的写作格式及措辞。,上一页,下一页,Back,When writing this part, please make sure that the date and the signature can be right under the subject of the notice or under the body part. It

6、is usual to write the date or the time. Its necessary to add the year if the notice concerns something urgent. The solution is not necessarily written in its formal way.,Back,more,上一页,下一页,填写开头部分时最需注意的是发布日期和发布单位名称的位置。日期和名称可位于正文的上方、标题的下方,也可位于正文的下方。日期可以是几月几日或是星期几。如果通知的内容比较正式而且重要,年份必须要写上。而非正式情况下称呼可以省去不写

7、。,上一页,Back,下一页,Whether a notice is successfully written or not depends mostly on how its body part is laid out. When writing this part, please make sure that the body part is brief but to the point. It must tell the reader clearly the information the notice conveys in as few words as possible.,more,

8、Back,上一页,下一页,When composing the body part, you should begin by clarifying the key information that you think your audience should get. And then present them in a logical way. In a word, the body part is the message of a notice.,上一页,下一页,more,That is to say, it provides all necessary information for t

9、he subject in a notice. 在写通知正文前,首先要理清主要信息。其次,按逻辑顺序将这些信息进行表述。注意一定要言简意赅,寥寥数语将主要内容向被通知人交代清楚即可。,Back,上一页,下一页,Back,The ending part of a notice is sometimes the signature or a date. It is usual to write down the name on the right below the body and a date on the left bottom of the notice, but if it is to

10、a person you know well, your surname or family name can also do.,上一页,下一页,more,与书信一样,通知的结尾有时也需要署名。通常要求在正文右下角写下发布单位名称或个人的名子。但如果是一般的通知,而且是递交给熟悉的人,只需留下姓或者名就可以了。,上一页,下一页,Back,As soon as you have worked it out, dont send it immediately. Instead, youd better proofread it by asking yourself the following qu

11、estions: 1 Have I written it in the correct structure? 2 Has the notice included all the information I intend to convey? 3 Are all details presented logically?,Back,more,上一页,下一页,4 Is the language clear and appropriate? 5 Are there any spelling or grammar mistakes? 通知写完后,不要急于递送,应通读检查一遍。如通知的格式是否正确,有无遗

12、漏什么信息,用词是否简洁易懂,有无语法错误等等。,Back,上一页,下一页,Sample Reading In this part you will read several sample notices which are written for different purposes. Study them carefully and go over what youve learned in the previous parts in your mind when reading them. 通知和通告区别不大。一般的通知可以比较随意,而通告则较正式一些。根据写作意图,可将通知类分为商业通

13、告(Business Notice)、市政通告(Municipal Notice)、广播通知 (Broadcast Notice)和一般通知(General Notice)等。,下一页,上一页,1. 商 业 通 告 2. 政 府 通 告 3. 广 播 通 知 4. 一 般 通 知,Back,上一页,下一页,Back,1.商业通告(Business Notice) 商业通告属于商业书信的一种。它虽较一般通知正式些,却又不如商业信函那么正式。通常是采用书信的方式。目前不少公司、银行为求简便快捷、经济实用,直接将通告内容印于明信片或卡片上,送达顾客。 凡是有关开业、合并、迁址、人事变动、财务办理等方

14、面的通告都可以采用这种形式 。,上一页,more,下一页,Sample 1 1 . 书信式 C. M.公司现更名为B.W.股份有限公司,发出通告。,下一页,上一页,Back,2. 明信片式 位于美国芝加哥公园大街21号的Frank贸易有限公司更名为Philip贸易有限公司,发出通告。,下一页,Back,上一页,下一页,上一页,Back,Sample 2 下面是一则开业通告(Opening Notice)。 该公司定于1998年6月8日在宁夏路231号正式开业。,more,上一页,下一页,Back,下一页,Sample 3 下面是一则迁址通告(Relocation Notice)。 该公司定于2

15、004年3月12日迁往南京市中山 路200号。,上一页,Back,Back,Sample 4 下面是一则公司合并通告(Notice Announcing to Form a New Firm)。原公司将和伦敦的Nimida 有限公司合并,并改名Latt贸易有限公司。新建公司迁至伦敦大树街150号后继续营业。,上一页,下一页,more,Back,上一页,下一页,2. 政府通告 政府通告一般是向群众解释某一项 新的措施、方案、决定等,以便遵照办 理。市政通告相对来说较正式,尤其时间 的注明很重要。这类文体的重要特点是尽 量避免带有个人感情色彩的词语出现。,more,上一页,下一页,Back,Sam

16、ple 1 下面是一则讲座通告(Notice to Inform Road Is Closed)。,下一页,上一页,Back,Sample 2 下面是一则禁行通告(Notice to Inform Road Is Closed)。,上一页,下一页,Back,3.广播通知(Broadcast Notice) 广播通知是通知的另一种形式,广播通知本身并不是一种正式文体,但应用甚广。我们在同来宾、外商交往中,或在社交场合中,经常需要通过广播来通知、联系各种事项。,上一页,下一页,Back,Sample 1 下面是一则救火紧急通知(Urgent Notice to Put Out a Fire),下一

17、页,上一页,Back,Sample 2 下面一则电影放映预告(Announcement of a Movie in Date)。,下一页,上一页,Back,Sample 3 下面一则紧急疏散通知(Announcement of Urgent Departure),下一页,上一页,Back,Sample 4 下面是一则火车发动机发生故障的通知(Engine Trouble of a Train),下一页,上一页,Back,4.一般通知(General Notice) 一般性通知也有正式与非正式之分。如结婚通知、出生通知、死亡通知等都属于较正式一类。,more,上一页,下一页,Back,Sampl

18、e 1 下面是一则订婚通知(Engagement Notice)。Jackson B. Abraham夫妇的女儿Alice小姐与Ralph Bulleting夫妇的儿子Henry先生完成订婚,特此通告。,下一页,上一页,more,Back,上一页,下一页,Back,Sample 2 这是一份书信式的出生通知,下一页,上一页,Back,Sample 3 下面是一则停课通知(Notice Inform Class is Stopped)。,上一页,下一页,Back,Useful Expressions As mentioned above, notice writing can cover a w

19、ide range of subject matters, however, there are some structures which can always be used in composing notices.,下一页,上一页,more,We inform you that 我们通知您 Please be advised that 我们建议您 This is to announce 宣布 We are pleased to inform you that /We are pleased to announce that 我们高兴地通知您 for the purpose of /in

20、 the matter of / owing to 因为 A lecture meeting will be held 将于.召开报告会 Members of the Association are requested to attend 协会成员请参加,上一页,下一页,more,Back,be reminded to 提醒您 Comrades, attention, please. 同志们,请注意。 Residents in this district, your attention, please. 小区居民,请注意。 You attention, please. /Attention,

21、please. 请注意。 This is the final call. 这是最后一次播报。 behind time 晚点 Now here is 现在是 ones marriage will be announced by/announce ones marriage 宣布将举行婚礼,上一页,Back,下一页,more,excessively regret to announce 谨以极大悲痛告诸 have the honor of announcing 荣幸地宣布 be requested to 务必 Now here is 现在是 ones marriage will be announ

22、ced by/announce ones marriage 宣布将举行婚礼 have the honor of announcing 荣幸地宣布 be requested to 务必,上一页,下一页,Back,Writing Tasks I.Read the following notice and judge the subject of each one. 1) SUBJECT _ Comrade passengers, your attention, please. No. 16 Express is departing for Wuhan, Zhengzhou and Beijing.

23、 All aboard, please. Final call.,more,上一页,下一页,2) SUBJECT _ We have the honor to announce that effective on 12th April, 1992, the Huses Company will become associated with the Hui Hong Company into the new H & H Company Limited. The merger gives the new strength in terms of the promotion of sales and

24、 operative capital, and we hope to be able to serve you more effectively than ever before.,下一页,上一页,more,Back,The new company will thereafter carry on business under the new name at Room 301 Jingle Hotel, New York. 3) SUBJECT _ The engagement is announcement of Lucy Margaret Chen, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BMChen, to GPLee,


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