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1、Could you please clean your room?,Unit 11,Why did Cinderella always look dusty and dirty?,Because she had to do lots of housework.,make the bed,fold the clothes,sweep the floor,do the dishes,take out the trash,clean the living room,Do you do housework in your free time?,wash the clothes,chores,/t:/,

2、take out the trash,clean the living room,sweep the floor,make the bed,fold the clothes,do the dishes,They are doing chores.,wash the clothes,大家来找茬,wash the cloths clean the liveing room take the trash wash the dish make the bad hold the cloths,es,ing,do,es,e,f,es,out,1.After dinner, you need to _. 2

3、. After the washed clothes are dry, you need to _ . 3. If the trashcan is full, you have to _. 4. If there is lots of dust on the floor, you have to _. 5. After you get up in the morning, you need to _. 6. If your clothes are dirty ,you need to _. 7.If the living room is dirty, you should_.,do the d

4、ishes,fold your clothes,take out the trash,sweep the floor,make the bed,wash the clothes,clean the living room,Write them on your exercise book.,Pairwork,Do you do these chores at home? Discuss with your partner.,1a,Example: A: What kind of chores do you do at home? B: I sweep the floor every day. S

5、ometimes I do the dishes. How about you? A: I often make the bed and fold the clothes.,do the dishes make the bed sweep the floor take out the trash fold the clothes clean the living room wash the clothes,1.Could you please sweep the floor? 2.Could you please fold the clothes? 3.Could you please tak

6、e out the trash? 4.Could you please do the dishes?,Yes, sure.,Could you please.?,Sorry, I cant.,Could you please help her?,这是一个委婉地请求别人帮忙的句型。 Could“能,会”,是Can的过去式,但在这里不表示过去,而是表示说话者客气,委婉的语气。 Could you please +动词原形?意为“请你做.好吗?”表示说话者有礼貌,语气温和。肯定答语可以用:Sure。/Of course./Certainly.等。否定答语常用:Sorry并给出理由,一般不用No开头(

7、用No开头显得很生硬,不礼貌)。 -请你倒垃圾好吗? -当然可以。 -Could you please take out the trash? -Sure. -请你帮我洗餐具好吗? -对不起,我不能。现在我很忙。 -Could you please help me do the dishes ? -Sorry ,I cant. Im busy now. 同义句改写:Would you like to do? Would you mind doing?,语法要点,To be a good sanitation monitor卫生委员.,-Could you please? -Yes, sure.

8、 /OK/Certainly. /Of course. /No problem. -Sorry, I cant. I,clean the blackboard sweep the floor take out the trash turn off the lights lock the door make the bed,You re the sanitation monitor. Your deskmate is on duty today. Your task is to ask him/her to do the following things.,Make sentences with

9、 “Could you please not”?,Could you please not smoke here?,句型转换 Could you please turn on the TV?(改为否定句) Could you please _ _ on the TV?,not,turn,Mom: Peter, we need to _. Your grandma is coming over at 7:00. Peter: Okay, but I need to _ first. Mom: Yes, thats right. After you finish your homework, le

10、ts clean the kitchen. I can _ and sweep the floor. Could you _? Peter: Yes, _. Mom: Good. And could you make your bed and _? Peter: All right. Mom: And lets see I can _.,clean the house,do my homework,take out the trash,sure,fold your clothes,do the dishes,clean the living room,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Listen

11、to again and fill in the blanks.,去参加一个会议,2a Listen. Peter asks his father if he can do four things. What does his father say? Check ()“yes ” or “no”.,Listen. Peter asks his father if he can do four things. What does Peters father say?Check () “yes” or “no”.,搭车,在外面待到很晚,2a,去参加一个会议,2a Listen. Peter ask

12、s his father if he can do four things. What does his father say? Check ()“yes ” or “no”.,Listen again. Why does Peters father say “no”? Draw lines to the reasons in the chart above.,搭车,在外面待到很晚,2b,Example: A: Could I use your computer? B: Sorry, you cant. Im going to work on it now. A: Well, could I

13、watch TV? B: Yes, you can. But first you have to clean your room.,The list of things: 1. use your computer 2. stay out late 3. use the car 4. get a ride 5. watch TV 6. go to the movies,student A, you are Peter. Ask if you can do things. Student B, you are Peters father. Say “Yes” or “No”. If you say

14、 “No”, give a reason.,PAIRWORK,2C,Summary,Phrases: do the dishes 洗餐具 sweep the floor 扫地 make the bed 整理床铺 fold the clothes 叠衣服 take out the trash 倒垃圾 clean the living room 打扫客厅 get a ride 搭车 stay out late 在外面待到很晚 go to a meeting 去参加会议 Sentence patterns: -Could you please clean your room? 请你打扫你的房间好吗?

15、 -Yes, sure. 好的,当然可以。 -Could you please do the dishes? 请你洗餐具好吗? -Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework.抱歉,我不能。我得做作业。 -Could I go to the movies? 我可以去看电影吗? -Yes, you can. 是的,你可以。 -Could I use the car? 我可以用一下车吗? -No, you cant. I have to go out. 不,你不能。我得出去。,选择方框中的词语并用其适当形式完成句子。 take out, do the dishes

16、, make ones bed, work on, get a ride,1.The boy wants _ to the station. 2.He opened his schoolbag and_ a notebook. 3.Miss Liu is _ a new research. 4.Do you usually _ after getting up in the morning? 5.He often helps his mother_.,to get a ride,took out,working on,make your bed,do the dishes,Exercise,单

17、项选择 1.-Could I use your dictionary? -Yes, you _. A.can B.could C.need D.should 2. -Manuel, could I use your computer? -Sorry, Im going to _ it now. A.work in B. work at C. work on D. work over 3.Could you please _ out this evening? A.not going B.not to go C .not go D.to not go,A,C,C,4. Could you ple

18、ase do some shopping? _. I have to help my mother do the dishes. Yes, Id love to. B. Yes, I can. C. Sorry, I cant. D. Sorry, I am not. 5.Please _ the bed as fast as you can. A.make B.take C.have C.do,C,A,句型转换 1.Could you please go with me? (改为否定句) Could you please _ _ with me? 2. She has to stay at home today. (改为否定句) She _ _ _ stay at home today. 3. Could you pl


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