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1、Unit 8,Lets celebrate,Holidays and festivals,Firecrackers Dragon dance Valentines Day Jewelry In honor of Streamer Cemetery,Word power,Fruit punch:果汁喷趣酒,Roast turkey:烤火鸡,Word power,Special occasions Anniversary Party Wedding Special food and drink Cake Fruit punch Roast turkey,Activities Dancing Fir

2、eworks parade Things we give/receive Cards Flowers Presents,Three people discuss their favorite day of the year,Thanksgiving- cook a large turkey Valentines Day- give gifts New Years Eve- have a party at someones house,Listen again:,Thanksgiving: Its a day when_ Valentines Day: Its the day when_ New

3、 Years Eve: Its a night when_,North Americans celebrate the harvest,people give cards and presents to the ones they love.,I have fun with my friends.,Harvest Cranberry Look forward to I cant wait,Relatives clauses of time,A relative clause of time is formed with when, which refers to the noun phrase

4、( e.g., the days, the month, the season, the time) that comes before it. When经常跟在the days, the month, the season, the time这些词之后来修饰这些词。,Thanksgiving: Its a day when_ Valentines Day: Its the day when_ New Years Eve: Its a night when_,North Americans celebrate the harvest,people give cards and presents

5、 to the ones they love.,I have fun with my friends.,Exercise,b, f, c, e, d, a,例子:,1. Winter is the season when its cold and snowy. 2. Birthdays are days when someone gets a cake and presents. 3. Spring is the time of year when flowers blossom. 4. Mothers Day is a day when people honor their mothers.

6、 5. July and August are the months when many people go to the beach. 6. A wedding anniversary is a time when couples celebrate their marriage.,Wedding day,In your country, where do weddings normally take place? Is there a ceremony and a reception? How are they different? Do the bride and groom wear

7、special clothes? Who give gifts? Do guests give speeches at the reception?,在日本,葬礼时会为死者穿上白色衣物,这含有祈祷灵魂不致迷失彷徨之意;白色原本即属吊唁之色。同理,据称新娘之所以穿著白无垢,是带有切莫出而又返的祈愿所致。 然因这个由来实在不怎麼讨喜,所以如今最普遍常见的说法,多半还是穿凿附会摘引西洋婚礼对白色的诠释,将白无垢强解为纯洁无瑕之意。此外,白无垢搭配的白色棉帽角隠也有特别意义。过去据信女性的长发附有灵体,且恐女子因嫉妒发狂,头上长角成鬼,所以刻意以白色棉帽遮蔽以祈驱邪避凶。,这也就是说,白无垢并不是真的

8、那样无垢,它的纯白下头包裹著复杂的人性恐惧、纠缠的社会权力与失衡的性别关系。白无垢是一层洁白的纱布,它遮蔽但不纠正,当然也不进行治愈。白无垢是一种人为的神话,它并不是真的那样无垢无泥。 古来称新娘和式嫁衣为“白无垢”;三天后的阳式仪式,则改换花枝招展的艳装。为此,时至今日,出席婚礼的女性,也忌着纯白色的和服或裙装。,日本传统婚礼仪式大致分为神前式,教会式,佛前式,人前式四种。 神前式结婚仪式起始于日本室町时代,是当时武官家庭最为盛行的一种结婚典礼。礼节较为繁多,婚礼上男女双方需通过339次交杯酒来盟誓相爱一生,白头偕老!因此整个婚礼上最为重要的一道程序那便是喝这339杯交杯酒了!客人给新郎倒酒

9、时,每杯酒必须分三次喝光。然后再互相交换酒杯,给双方倒酒。整个婚宴上,就这样不停的相互敬酒,而整个喝交杯酒的过程则意味着男女双方喜结良缘的过程! 佛前式婚礼上,男女双方在佛像面前宣读婚约,向祖先报告两人结为百年之好,相守一生。婚礼上还把一种叫纸垂的白色纸剪成又细又薄的纸条,然后把台他缠在 BICIGI树枝上,这是一种传统的风俗,意味着把已故的亲人的魂招回来,永保平安!在婚礼上进行玉串奉奠仪式时,必须由和男女双方血缘亲近的人主持!,人前式婚礼是在一种特定的神面前举行,不用受男女双方家庭宗教信仰的约束,而只是在亲戚, 朋友面前签定一个结婚合约书就行了!然后一起大声朗读婚约书,宣读自己对对方的爱,整

10、个过程仅需10到15分钟。 教会式婚礼根据教派的不同而又分为几种。 原则上本来只有信徒才能在教堂举行婚礼, 特别是天主教派对这要求更为严格!但最近以来,即使不是信徒, 只要在教堂里接受简单的培训也可和信徒一样在庄严的气氛中, 走进神圣的教堂和心爱的人约定终身。,Right after Shrine Afterward Reception Give speeches& sing songs The bride and groom,Adverbial clauses of time,Before, when,& after Before two people get married, they plan the wedding. Adverbial clause状语从句 (adverb + S+ V.) 从句 主


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