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1、Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR),Cherish life from you and me ,TongJi Hospital Emergency Department JiangMin,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),2,Do you know?,Each year,the death for Cardiac Arrest: 450000 personsin America(36%) 350000 personsin Europe 1000000 personsin

2、 China 63%death rate of Sudden Cardiac Arrest 87.7%be dead in pre-hospital before rescue 3540%be recovered from first-aid,What a pity!,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),3,What happen?,Cardiopulmonary arrest is a sudden,unexpected cessation of respiration and functional ci

3、rculation。,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),4,Unconsciousness Absence of main artery pulse Standstill or cessation of respiration Pallor and cyanosis in face Dilated pupils unresponsiveness,How can you know cardiopulmonary arrest?,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view me

4、nu and choose header),5,Types of ECG in Sudden Cardiac Arrest,Ventricular fibrillation Cardiac arrest Electromechanical dissociation,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),6,Time is life!,Please start CPR immediately!,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose heade

5、r),7,The Links in the Chain of Survival,Early Advanced Care,Early CPR,Early Defibrillation,Call 120,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),8,Basic Life Support (CPR),Assess of Cardiac Arrest Aairway Bbreathing Ccirculation Transfer to Advanced Care,2020/8/21,add footer here (g

6、o to view menu and choose header),9,Assess of Cardiac Arrest,Rescuer or witness must recognize the emergency。 Ask:“Are you OK?” Pat the victim Call:“Help!” Call 120,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),10,AAirway,Clearing airway Open the airway Assess if spontaneous breathin

7、g,Open the airway,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),11,Maneuver of opening the airway,Head tilt-neck lift maneuver Head tilt-chin lift maneuver Jaw thrust maneuver,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),12,Assess if spontaneous breathing,Listen the

8、sound of Breathing; Look the fluctuation of thorax; Feel the expiration of airflow。,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),13,Artificial respiration,Mouth-to-nose ventilation,Mouth-to-mouth ventilation,BBreathing Artificial respiration,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view men

9、u and choose header),14,frequency:Adult 1416bpmchild 1820bpminfant 30-40bpm,Artificial respiration,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),15,CCirculation,Assess circulation Feel the palpable carotid Time10s First percussion on precardium Height:2025cm External cardiac compress

10、ion,Dont press both palpable carotids at same time!,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),16,External cardiac compression,Place Adult middle-lower part of sternum Infant between the nipples,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),17,Pay attention!,Dont b

11、end your elbows; Do compressions using the heel of your hand, not your fingers; Lock your fingers together; Continue doing chest compressions until your victim starts breathing,; Allow the chest to recoil fully between chest compressions.,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header)

12、,18,Wrong Maneuver,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),19,Successful signs of CPR,Palpable carotid pulse Spontaneous breathing face from pallor to rubicundity Myosis Consciousness,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),20,Conditions of stopping CPR,Co

13、ntinuous CPR untill paramedics come; irreversible brain death; Continuous CPR over 30m without any response;,2020/8/21,add footer here (go to view menu and choose header),21,Procedure chart,Advanced Care,witness,assessment,Consciousness、pulse and breath,Position、clear and open airway,No breath,blow twice,Wave of chest, then check pulse,No wave ,open again,yes,AR,No,CPR,Assess again af


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