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1、宾语从句,The Object Clause,What is an object?,1.He usually plays basketball after school. 2.I dont know what to do next. 3.She wanted to go to collage. 4.We think (that) Mr. Wang will teach us English. 5.They asked me if I had finished my homework. 6.Do you know where they played football yesterday?,宾语从

2、句的概念,宾语从句是用作宾语的句子。 句型结构: 主句+引导词+从句(主+谓+其他成分),宾语从句三要素:,引导词,时 态,语 序,不同引导词引导的宾语从句,1)由从属连词that引导的宾语从句(陈述句),3)由连接代词 who,whom,whose,which, what 和连接副词 where,how,why,when 引导的宾语从句(特殊疑问句),2)由从属连词 whether, if 引导的宾语从句 (一般疑问句),1.引导词,1.that引导: that引导宾语从句只起连接作用,其本身没有意义,而在口语或非正式文件中可以省略。 She doesnt know that she is

3、seriously ill. I am sure (that) he will succeed. I know nothing about him except that he is from the USA. He said (that) he wanted to stay at home. He told me (that) he is at home now.,2. if/ whether 引导 whether . or not 表示“究竟是还是不”(if 不可以用于此结构) Im not interested in whether he will succeed. He asked i

4、f / whether you had received the letter. I wonder if / whether she still lives there.,是否,3. who, whom, whose, what, which, when, where, why, how 为连接词 I wonder what hes writing to me about. Ill tell you why I asked you to come. I dont know who all those people are.,活点地图,( ) 1. Can you tell me_ you we

5、re born, Betty?A. who B. what C. when D. that ( ) 2. Could you tell me _the nearest hospital is? A. what B. how C. whether D. where ( ) 3. Jack doesnt know _ his grandpa is at home now. A. if B. weather C. how D. what,C,D,A,宾语从句的语序要用陈述句的语序 I can control when the fruit will fall. Miss Li wants to kno

6、w where my uncle will stay next week. Do you know if he will join us? He wants to know what time it is.,2.语序,Youll be back in a month. ( I hear) I hear (that) you will be back in a month. I have been to the Great Wall once. (He tells me) He tells me (that) he has been to the Great wall once.,Does he

7、 live in that house? (She asked me ) She asked me if/whether he lived in this house. Have you finished your homework? (I want to know) I want to know if you have finished your homework.,Where can I find a restaurant? (Do you know) Do you know where I can find a restaurant? How can I get to the post

8、office? (He asks) He asks how he can get to the post office.,3.时态:,主句用现在时或将来时,从句可用任何时态。 Can you tell me how I can get to the railway station? Its said that they have finished the work. 主句用过去时,从句用与过去相关的时态。 I didnt know what he had done. He said that he would come here on time.,特殊情况:,从句说明的是一般真理、客观事实、自

9、然现象、名言时,用现在时。 He told the boy that three and three is six. I didnt know that light travels faster than sound.,( )1. What did Mike say? He said _. if were you free the next week what colour was it C. the weather is fine D. summer comes after spring ( )2. Let me tell you _. how much is the car how muc

10、h does the car cost C.how much did I pay for the car D.how much I spent money on the car,( )3.The teacher wanted to know _ . A. why was he late for school B. how he can answer this question C. if he could finish them on time D. whether his parents are strict with him ( )4. Peter knew _. whether he h

11、as finished reading the book why the boy had so many questions C. there were 12 months in a year D. when they will leave for Paris,( )5. Do you know what time _? A. the train leave B. does the train leave C. will the train leave D. the train leaves ( )6. She asked me if I knew _.A. whose pen is it B

12、. whose pen it was C. whose pen it is D. whose pen was it,( ) 7. Miss Green didnt tell us _ in 2002. A. where does she live B. where she lives C. where did she live D. where she lived ( ) 8. Do you know _ the Capital Museum? A. when will they visit B. when they will visit C. when did they visit D. when they visit,( ) 9. I want to know_ A. when we should arrive at the airport B. when should we arrive at the airport C. when the airport we should arrive at D. when the airport should we arrive at ( ) 10. -Did Mrs. Kin


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