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1、Unit 4Body language一、单句语法填空1(2019年天津卷阅读理解D)A war injury has made his left hand stop _ (function), and he has often been in prison.2Yesterday, another student and I, _ (represent)our universitys student association went to the Capital International Airport to meet this years international students.3(

2、2019年新课标卷七选五型阅读理解)Hospital patients who see tree branches out their window _ likely to recover at a faster rate than patients who see buildings or sky instead.4The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, _ will he even give it a thought.5_ (misunderstand) by others when you do nothing w

3、rong at all is quite a bad experience.6_ (face) with such a difficult task, he turned to his parents for help.7(2019年新课标卷语法填空)We were first _ (greet) with the barking by a pack of dogs, seven to be exact.8My sister studies in Wuhan University, _ (major) in English literature.9The doctor will give so

4、me medicine _ (ease) your pain.10(2019年北京卷阅读理解B)She also approached dentists _ learn more about teeth cleaning.二、单句改错1(2019年北京卷阅读理解C)These developments are like to make our current problems with robocalls much worse._2(2019年天津卷阅读表达)If a child approaches to him, he will pause to give that child his u

5、ndivided attention._3Were trying to raise awareness about the environment in generally and air pollution in particular._4Nurses do all they can to make patients feel with ease._5(2019年新课标卷阅读理解D)“This indicates that there is a certain way quantity is represent in their brains,” Dr.Livingstone says._6

6、People gathered round, curiously to know what was happening._7He didnt participate in the oral competition, because he didnt want to lose a face._8The town walls were built as a defend against enemy attacks._9(2018年江苏卷完形填空)Fail to find any other way out, they decided to make a walking journey, as th

7、ey caught sight of an old hikers guide._10(2019年浙江卷七选五型阅读理解)Their victory in America was still remembered as major turning point in the history of rock and roll._三、完形填空I live in a rural community, different from a city because there are _1_ people.My home is deep in a valley _2_ by mountains that ar

8、e rocky._3_ many farms are located in rural areas because they require large plots of land to grow food or _4_ farm animals, in my community the mountains and _5_ soil make it difficult to farm.This is one _6_ why few people live in my area.Since we have a lot of _7_, we get to have horses and chick

9、ens.My family _8_ eggs from the chickens for breakfast.We also lose electricity a lot because the trees fall on power lines whenever theres a _9_In my community, people keep batterypowered flashlights and oil lamps stored in case the lights _10_Some people also use a machine to generates electricity

10、 from gasolinewhenever there are _11_Going to school in a rural area means having fewer classmates and _12_ longer distances.To get to my high school, I must drive forty miles to the _13_ city.This means I must get up much earlier than my_14_ classmates in order to be on time.The roads in my communi

11、ty arent paved with asphalt (沥青) either, so during storms they _15_ become too muddy or snowy to pass.In cities a snowplow (扫雪机) _16_ quickly, but areas where fewer people live arent the priority (优先), so days can pass before a snowplow _17_ the road.Sometimes I must miss school because storms make

12、it _18_ to drive.I am not sure _19_ if I want to live in the country or in the city when I grow up, where it can get _20_, although I do love being around our animals.1A.few BmanyCfewer Dmore2A.surrounded BhiddenCshadowed Denriched3A.When BWhileCBecause DIf4A.feed BgrowCtrain Dplace5A.rich BmuddyCro

13、cky Dsnowy6A.explanation BcauseCexcuse Dreason7A.space BroomCplace Dlocation8A.lays BharvestsCbuys Dpicks9A.storm BthunderClightning Dshower10A.put out Bwear outCrun out Dgo out11A.dangers BrisksCemergencies Dincidents12A.walking BrunningCdriving Dtraveling13A.nearby BdistantCnearest Dfarthest14A.ru

14、ral BcityCold Dnew15A.can BmayCmust Dshould16A.comes by Bcomes aboutCcomes to Dcomes out17A.cleans BdigsCclears Dcovers18A.likely BnecessaryCimproper Dimpossible19A.still ByetCeven Das20A.quiet BlonelyCalone Dbusy四、短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在

15、缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。On New Years Day I went to a stamp exhibition, what proved to be an unique experience.At 9:30, I arrived at the exhibition with my precious stamp album, eager and excited.To my delighted, t

16、here gathered crowds of stamp lover.Immediately I joined them and studied the stamps one by one.I was attracted by the artists delicate design and wanted to learn more.Then, some of us got together on twos and threes to share our collections, chat cheerfully about the stamps.We even told stories beh

17、ind it like old friends.Time passed quickly and it was time to say goodbye to the friends.I had a great time.Not only I appreciate for beautiful stamps, but also I made new friends with the same interest.This was really a specially celebration for the New Year.五、七选五型阅读理解(2018年湖北省部分重点中学高三起点考试)How to

18、Avoid a Boring ConversationWhat excuses should you use to avoid talking to people you dont want to talk to? Here are tips and inoffensive ways to get out of unwanted conversations.1Go for a refill (续杯).It is natural for anyone at a party to be excused to get a refill._1_ And once you excuse yourself

19、, make a move fast before the person requests you to get a refill for him as well.2Pretend bad mood.Cut off the conversation before it starts by saying something along the lines of “Im not in a good mood.Can I talk to you later if you dont mind?” _2_ Say it firmly so that people can get the message

20、loud and clear.3Ask your friend to save you._3_ Simply text your friend and ask him or her to come for apparently something important.You will be able to skip a boring chat with a seemingly reasonable excuse.4_4_ You are advised to look away from that person and dont make eye contact, so that you ca

21、n give powerful hints (暗示) that you find the conversation extremely boring._5_ Be sure to tune in to the conversation every now and then so you dont come across as rudeness.ABehave in an obviously careless way.BJust be sure that the person you are talking to does not offer to accompany you to do so.

22、CDont act too polite in an attempt to draw sympathy.DUse body language to indicate boredom.EYour friend is bound to perform brilliantly in coping with the dull one.FLook elsewhere and pretend that something else has caught your attention.GStuck in an unwanted conversation, how do you get out of it?U

23、nit 4Body language能力检测一、1.functioning2.representing3.are4nor/neither5.Being misunderstood6.Faced7greeted8.majoring9.to ease10.to二、1.likelikely2.去掉第一个to3generallygeneral4.withat5representrepresented6.curiouslycurious7去掉a8.defenddefence9.FailFailing10major前加a三、本文是说明文,作者通过自己的亲身经历,和城市进行对比,分析了在农村居住的优缺点。1

24、C根据常识可知,农村地区的人口比城市少。故选C。2A根据deep in a valley和by mountains可知,作者的家在被山包围的山谷深处。surround包围;hide隐藏;shadow遮蔽;enrich使丰富。故选A。3B前文说农村人少偏僻,下句说许多农场(养殖场)都在农村地区,前后句是转折关系。故选B。4A农场(养殖场)需要大量的土地来种粮食或饲养家畜。feed饲养;grow种植;train训练;place放置。故选A。5C根据上文可知,作者的家乡里,山地和石质土难以用作耕种。rich肥沃的;muddy泥泞的;rocky多岩石的;snowy下雪的。故选C。6D这是家乡人少的原因

25、。explanation解释;cause起因;excuse借口;reason原因。reason后可接why引导的定语从句,而cause不能。故选D。7A乡村有很大的空间来饲养马和鸡。space跟room均可表示“空间”,但room更强调供人使用的地方和空间。place地点;location位置。故选A。8B收获鸡蛋作为早餐。lay产卵;harvest收获;buy买;pick摘。故选B。9A每当有暴风雨的时候,树会压到电线上造成停电。storm暴风雨;thunder雷;lightning闪电;shower阵雨。故选A。10D因为停电灯熄灭。put out扑灭;wear out磨损;run out

26、用光;go out熄灭。故选D。11C有紧急事件时,人们会使用汽油发电机发电。danger危险;risk冒险;emergency紧急或突发事件;incident事件。故选C。12D在农村上学意味着较少的同学和走较远的路程。此处并没有说上学的具体交通方式。故选D。13C即便是到最近的城市上高中,作者也要开车走40英里的路。nearby附近的;distant遥远的;nearest最近的;farthest最远的。故选C。14B为了按时上学,作者必须比城市里的同学更早起床。文章是把农村和城市进行比较。故选B。15A农村的道路不是沥青路,遇到暴风雨(雪)天气,路会变得非常泥泞或者被雪覆盖住,难以通过。故

27、选A。16A在城市里,下雪后扫雪机会很快经过,把雪扫干净。come by经过;come about发生;come to谈到,提到;come out出版。故选A。17C扫雪机清除积雪,使路面干净。dig挖;cover覆盖;clean侧重除去灰尘,打扫某处;clear侧重清除、移走某物。故选C。18D因为农村道路在经历雨雪后变得泥泞,不能开车,这使得作者不能去上学。likely很可能的;necessary必要的;improper不适当的;impossible不可能的。故选D。19B根据后文可知,作者仍然不确定将来长大后是想生活在城市还是农村。yet表示“某事尚未发生”。故选B。20B农村人少,尽管作者喜欢和动物在一起,但农村会让人感到寂寞。quiet安静的;lonely寂寞的;alone独自;busy忙碌的。故选B。四、第一处:whatwhich。本句为非限定性定语从句,修饰上文整个句子,应用which。故what改为which。第二处:ana。unique为辅音音素开头的单词。故an改为a。第三处:delighteddeli


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