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1、第11讲 中考补全对话解题技巧,1.Have you ever seen _ big panda before?A. a suchB. such aC. so a 2.The number of _ in our class _ fifty. A. student, is B. the students, are C. the students, is 3.Henry, with his friends, _ basketball every Saturday afternoon. A. play B. plays C. has played,4.The cars made in Japan

2、are much cheaper than _ made in America. A. ones B. those C. that 5.When shall we meet again next time? - _ day is OK. Either B. Neither C. Any 6. Everyone except Tom and John _ there when the meeting began. A. are B. is C. was,7.One morning he found _ handbag. There was _ “s” on the corner of _ han

3、dbag. A. a ; an ; the B. a ; a ; the C. a ; a ; a 8. May I _ this T-shirt? Sure, the dressing room is over there. dress upB. find out C. try on 9.she told us a story. Her voice sounded . A.sweet B.smallC.clearly,10.Hes flown to Qingdao for summer holidays, he? A isnt B.wasnt C.hasnt 11. Do you remem

4、ber how long ago _to China? A. you traveled B. you have traveled C. did you travel 12.Look! How many sheep there are on the small hill! I have never seen_ sheep. A. such littleB. so littleC. such a little,13. I am not sure _ he will come here. _ he comes here, please let me know. A. that ; When B.wh

5、ether; When C. if; Whether 14.Would you please _open the door? Adont Bnot to Cnot 15. There was accident on the road yesterday I hurt my leg. AlittleBa littleCa few,1.主要考查学生是否在一定的交际情境中,对所谈事件及说话人之间的关系做正确的反应。 2.考查学生能否在不同的背景中,在不同的场合,对待不同的事情,按照英美人的文化习俗,用地道的英语作恰如其分的表达,“补全对话”试题特点,3.此题设计的问题情景真实可信,符合学生的年龄特点

6、和生活实际,突出了试题的交际性。 4.把话题设置在一个情境中,考查学生在特定的情境中运用语言的能力。,.课程标准对初中毕业生口语技能的要求,能就简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见,参与讨论; 能与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务; 能在口头表达中进行适当的自我纠正; 能有效地询问信息和请求帮助; 能根据话题进行情景对话; 能用英语表演短剧; 能在以上口语活动中做到语音、语调自然,语气恰当。,“补全对话”命题与备考,主要交流项目为: (1)打电话 (2)购物 (3)问路和应答 (4)看病 (5)就餐 (6)借东西 (7)讨论计划(8)谈论天气 (9)邀请和约会,“补全对话”试题复习策略,1)整理

7、课本中出现的话题,熟悉英语课程标准中的话题项目表。 2)认真通读全文,判断在什么情况下应该说什么。 3)根据上下文之间的关系,互相求证。 4)瞻前顾后,逐句分析和推敲。 5)仔细检查,全文求证。,常见题型 对话填词、对话填句子、对话选择(七选五或五选五等)、对话配对。,解题技巧 一、通读全篇对话,弄清谈话的语境及内容。 A、B两人对话,共10个句子,其中空出5句。在做题时,应跳过空行,快速把全篇对话通读一篇,对对话的 整体结构有所了解,把握对话的内容及语境。对语境的熟悉是十分重要的,熟悉语境的重点应放在明确具体事 实,即把握对话的具体时间、地点、人物以及它们之间的相互关系。从而“对症下药”,从

8、头脑中提取所需的习惯用语。,因为在不同的场合,语言的表达方式、谈 话的态度、表达的内容就会有所不同。如在餐馆、图书馆、车站、商店等不同的地点,都有各自的语言表达方 式。因而,在做题时,应在理解全篇对话内容的基础上,准确地把握语言环境,把自己“置身”于语境之中, 理解双方谈话的意图。,二、前后照应,注意对话的“链条”。 假如我们把对话比作环环相扣的“链条”,那么由于空行的设置,链条就几乎环环脱节了。要想把已经脱 节的“链条”连接起来,就得把握对话上下文的信息。对话的上下文的关系是相当密切的。做题时,可以根据 上句的信息推断下句的信息,通过下句的信息推断上句的信息,即:要填前面的空行,看后句的信息

9、,要填后 面的空行,看前句的含义。,如在打电话时,上句问Whos that speaking?那么下句所选的就应是This is 。如在餐馆,下句的内容是A bottle of beer,please.那么上句就应该是What can I do for you?或Ca n I help you?这样前后对照,逐句推敲,双管齐下,瞻前顾后,抓住对话的脉络,就能使对话不“断链”。,三、注意对话的表达要符合英美人的风俗习惯。 不同的国家有不同的风俗习惯、生活习惯等等。在语言交际中也有各种不同的差异。在交际语言的选用中 ,由于受到各自的文化背景的影响,表达的方式也就不同。因而,在补全对话过程中,所选的

10、句子要符合英美 人的习惯。在做题时,要特别注意西方民族风情的“五不问”即:不问年龄,不问婚否,不问经历,不问收入 ,不问住址。因为这些都是个人的隐私,询问隐私是一种非常失礼的行为。,因此,在补全对话中应特别注意, 凡有像Have you eaten?Where are you going?Whatdo you want to buy?等,这类句子都是“中文的思 想+英文的形式”,在对话中都应避免使用。,四.重读对话,验证答案。 所有空白都填好以后,还没有最后完成,还要验证。这时再认真仔细地阅读全文,对所有的答案逐个再做一次复验。检查分为: (1)“意”:检查补好的全篇对话是否贯通通畅,内容是否

11、清晰,前后意思是否矛盾,所选的选项是否符合对话的语言环境,是否符合上下文的逻辑关系等等。 (2)“形”:查找各种可能出现的语法错误等,如单词拼写、动词的时态和语态、主谓一致、冠词的用法、名词的单复数形式及专有名词的大小写问题等。 审题重语境,通读定句型,细读填词句,复验“意”和“形”。,总之,在做补全对话题时,考生应在通读全篇对话的基础上,把握各部分之间的逻辑关系,充分理解谈话 内容及谈话人双方的意图,使补全后的对话思想通顺,前后连贯,且符合英美人的语言表达方式,这样才算把 补全对话题做得完美无缺了。,同学们一定要: 意达形准,中考例析 阅读下面对话并完成 A:Hello,this is Ka

12、ngkang here . Is that Helen? B:Yes,speaking. A:Helen.The happy weekend is coming.1._. B:Yes.Im not busy at all.Ive already finished my homework. A:2._. B:Ive no idea.What about you ?,A:Let me see.Wed better do something interesting and helpful.3._. B:Certainly. Where? A:In the new museum. B:Oh,I rem

13、ember. I heard of it last week.4._. A:By bike. Its Saturday tomorrow. The traffic must be heavy, I think. B:I agree.5._. A:At the gate of our school at nine in the morning. B:OK. See you then.,1.Are you free tomorrow? 2. What are you going to do? 3.Would you like to see some old things with me? 4.Ho

14、w shall we get there? 5.When and where shall we meet?,2.提示:Alice打电话给Laura,相约明天上午九点在St. Peters Hospital 门口会合一起去看望因病住在该院的数学老师,可是Laura不在,她母亲接了电话,Alice请她转告Laura有关事项。根据提示内容和对话大意,在空白处填写所缺的词或词组。每空不限填一个单词。 A: Alice B: Lauras mother,A: Hello! Could I 1._ to Laura, please?B: Im sorry she isnt in. This is Laur

15、as mother. Can I 2._? A: Youre very kind. This is Alice. I am sorry to tell you that our 3._ is ill. She is now in hospital.Id like Laura to go to visit her with me. B: Sorry to hear that. Ill let Laura know it. When and where will you meet? A: What about 9:00,4._ St. Peters Hospital? B: OK. Ill giv

16、e her the message. A: All right. 5._! B: See you later !,speak,根据“打电话”的交流习惯,通话后找人的常用 语是:Hello! May / Could I speak to ?,take a message ( for you ),Laura不在家,她母亲肯定是说“捎个口信”;,math teacher,根据提示确定;,at the gate of / in front of ( the gate of ),如果填at表示“在医院”,从语法上讲是正确的,但是在实际生活中,at St. Peters Hospital作为见面的地点范围

17、太大,所以应该指明具体地点。,See you (later) / Goodbye,根据上下文对方表示会带到口信的意思,这里似乎应该说Thank you,但是和下文See you later却无法呼应,所以对空应该填表示“再见”的语句。,I.通读全文,判断这是考查“打电话”的交际项目。 II.重读对话,检查“意”方面是否信息完整,“形”方面注意 take a message不要遗漏冠词;正确拼写math,不要大 写。 III.本段对话提示内容详细,只有五处空缺,表面看起来难 度不大。但是通过分析可以看出,如果轻率下笔,4、 5空就会失分,所以一定要上下对照,周密考虑,力求 满分。,3.Mothe

18、r: You look a bit worried, Tony.1._ Son: I seem to get heavy these days. Mother: Thats a problem. Can I offer you some advice? Son: 2._ What do you think I should do ? Mother: On the one hand, you should stop eating too much. On the other hand, 3._ Son: Some of my friends have told me the same thing

19、, but Im too busy to exercise.,Mother: Then why not join a club on weekends? Son: 4._ Mother: You can join the swimming club. You want to learn to swim, dont you ? Son: Thank you, Mom. Mother: 5._ I hope it will help.,解题思路: I.通读全文,可以看出这是一对母子间的对话,母亲提出 了一些建议,帮助儿子解决体重超标的困扰。,补全对话 Mother: You look a bit

20、worried, Tony.1._ Son: I seem to get heavy these days. Mother: Thats a problem. Can I offer you some advice? Son: 2._ What do you think I should do ? Mother: On the one hand, you should stop eating too much. On the other hand, 3._,Whats the matter ( with you )?,母亲想知道儿子为何显得有些苦恼,自然要问:“你怎么了”下句儿子做了回答。还可

21、以填: Whats wrong ( with you )? Whats the / your trouble / problem? What happened ( to you )?,Of course. / Certainly. / Sure. / OK. / Yes, please.,上句母亲要给孩子一些建议,下句儿子问:“你认为我该怎么办?”说明他准备接受母亲的建议,所以用肯定回答。,you should ( do / take some ) exercise.,根据生活常识,减轻体重的最佳办法是少吃多运动,前句提到了“少吃”,本句可以试填为“多运动”,又与下句exercise能够呼应,

22、从而确定。或者you should do /play ( some ) sports.,Son: Some of my friends have told me the same thing, but Im too busy to exercise. Mother: Then why not join a club on weekends? Son: 4._ Mother: You can join the swimming club. You want to learn to swim, dont you ? Son: Thank you, Mom. Mother: 5._ I hope i

23、t will help.,What / Which club can / could / should I join ?,根据上下文判断本句是儿子提问参加哪种俱乐部。,Youre welcome. / No at all. / Thats OK . / Thats all right.,上句是儿子感谢母亲帮助他,本句自然是“谢谢”的答语。,II. 重读对话,检查“意”方面是否信息完整,“形”方面注意要正确拼写一下单词:matter, happened, course, certainly, exercise, sports, join 和welcome.特别注 意3空you要小写。 III.本

24、段对话非常贴近生活,自然真实,双方谈话的意图 比较明显;但是要求写出五个完整的句子,所以要做 到“意达形准”,确实需要细致缜密的思维,扎实的语 言功力和灵活运用知识的能力。,III.本段对话非常贴近生活,自然真实,双方谈话的意图比 较明显;但是要求写出五个完整的句子,所以要做到 “意达形准”,确实需要细致缜密的思维,扎实的语言功 力和灵活运用知识的能力。,典题精练 根据下面对话中的情景,在每个空白处填入适当的语句, 使对话恢复完整。 A: Hello, Wang Lin. How beautiful your new bike is ! B: 1._ A: Where is it made?

25、B: It is made in Shanghai. A: I also want to buy one.2._ B: In Minsheng Department Store. And there are many different colors.3._,A: I like green best. 4._ B: About 150 yuan. A: Mm The price is OK. Well, would you like to go to the shop with me next Sunday? B: 5._,根据下面对话中的情景,在每个空白处填入适当的语句, 使对话恢复完整。

26、A: Hello, Wang Lin. How beautiful your new bike is ! B: 1._ A: Where is it made? B: It is made in Shanghai. A: I also want to buy one.2._ B: In Minsheng Department Store. And there are many different colors.3._,Thank you / Thanks / Thanks a lot,Where did you buy it / Where can I buy one ?,Whats your

27、 favorite color / What color do you like best ?,A: I like green best. 4._ B: About 150 yuan. A: Mm The price is OK. Well, would you like to go to the shop with me next Sunday? B: 5._,How much is it / How much does it cost ?,Sure, Id love to / Sorry, but Im afraid I wont be free then.,1.A: 1. _? B: C

28、ome in, please. Im in the study. A: Hi, Susan. B. Hi, James. A: 2. _? B: Im looking at the photos! A: Yes? Can you show them to me? B: 3. _. Here you are. A: Oh, what photos! Where did you take them? B: Dont you see the Palace Museum?,A: Oh, youve been to China! 4. _? B: During our summer holiday A:

29、 Whose camera did you take them with? B: Mine. I had a digital one before I left. A: 5. _? B: It cost me 300 dollars. A: Well, thats great.,May I come inis anyone in What are you doing Sure When did you go there How much did it cost,2.A: Hello, Mary. 1. _? B. Fine, thank you, Lucy. A: Mary, 2. _. B.

30、 Its so kind of you to say that. A: Where did you buy the skirt? B: 3. _. A: In Hangzhou? Well, Hangzhou is a very beautiful City. 4. _? B: Last month. A: Did you go there with your father? B. No, 5. _. A: England? B: Yes, on business.,How are you Hows everything going You look so nice in the new sk

31、irt I bought it in Hangzhou When did you go there He has gone to England,3.A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong? B. 1. _. A: Sorry to hear that. 2. _? B. Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel weak. A: 3. _? B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctors yes

32、terday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days. A: 4. _? B: Because Im afraid Ill miss more lessons and Ill be left behind. A: Dont worry. Take care of yourself. 5. _ _. B: Thank you.,1. I had a fever.had a bad cold. 2. How are you feeling now 3. Have y

33、ou seen the doctor 4. Why dont you stay at home todayWhy do you come to school? 5. I can help you with your lessons,4.Doctor: Good morning . Whats your trouble? Woman: I dont feel very well. D:1._? W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher. D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”. W: Aahh D: 2._? W:

34、 Ever since last night. D: Did your sleep well? W: No, I was very tired last night. D: Oh, I see. 3. _. W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?,D: Maybe you overworked yourself. W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day. Do I have to stay at home? D: Yes. Youd better stay at home for two or t

35、hree days. W: 4._? D: No. I dont think it is serious. But you really need a good rest and take this medicine. W: 5._? D: Three times a day. W: OK. Thank you.,1. Have you taken your temperature? 2. How long have you been like this? 3. Youve a cold. 4. Is it serious? 5. How often do I have to take it?

36、,5.Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you hot a dictionary? Lucy: Sorry, I havent. You may ask Meimei. 1_. Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionary? Meimei: Yes. 2. _. Dick: Thank you. Ill give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday.3. _? Meimei: Yes, Id love to. 4._? Dick: About seven

37、 o clock. Meimei: Ill try to be there on time, but 5 _. Dick: It doesnt matter. Work must come first.,1 She may have one. 2 Here you are. 3 Would you like to come? 4 What time will it begin? 5 I must finish my homework first.,6.A: Hi, Bruce. Good news for you. B: 1._? A: You won the first prize in t

38、he English competition. B: Wow! Im so glad to hear that. 2._? A: Our English teacher did. She said three of the students in our class won the prize. B: What about you? A: 3. _, too. I think I was lucky this time.,B: So great! Congratulations! A: Its a great day for us today. Lets go out and relax ou

39、rselves, shall we? B: Good idea. But 4._? A: To the park, OK? B: All right. But I have to go home and tell my mother first. See you later. A: 5. _.,1. What is it ? 2.Who told you about it? 3.I was the winner. 4. Where shall we go? 5.See you later.,7. A:Hello,Betty! I (1)_ for a long time. I miss you

40、 very much. B;Hello,Amy! Me,too.Your skirt looks beautiful. (2)_? A:Cotton. B:(3)_? A:In Guanzhou. Please have a cup of tea. B:The tea is nice. Is it grown in Zhejiang? A:Yes,(4)_. (5)_the oranges? Are they grown in South China? B:I think so.,1.havent seen you 2.Whats it made of? 3.Where is it made?

41、 4.It is. 5.What about,8.A: Hi, Bill! Youre reading the novel again. B: Yes, Tom. Ill never be tired of it. A: (1) _? B: Three times. Every time I read it, I can always learn something new. A: Really? (2) _? B: Charles Dickens. I think he is a great English writer. What about you? A: (3)_. He is als

42、o my favorite foreign writer. Please let me have a look at it. B: OK, here you are!. What do you think of this novel? A: (4) _. I havent read such a novel for long. Where did you buy it? B: In the Rose Bookshop. A: I dont know where it is. (5) _? B: No. Only 10 minutes walk from here, next to the Peoples Cinema. A; Oh, I see. Im going there to ge


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