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1、canada,大家好,我是来帮大家翻译的。,the canadian flag called the maple leaf flag. the flag itself is composed of two color red and white. white represents the middle is canadas vast territory, on behalf of the red side is adjacent to the the atlantic and pacific coasts. the middle red maple leaf is the symbol of

2、life in canada and fertile land hard working people. 加拿大国旗称为枫叶旗。国旗本身是由红白二色组成。中间的白色代表的是加拿大广阔无垠的国土,两侧的红色代表的是东西两岸相邻的大西洋及太平洋。中间的红色枫叶则是象征生活在加拿大富饶国土上辛勤努力的人民 。,national emblem,currency krns,i like money!,canada is the second largest country in the world. it is larger than the usa and reaches nearly a quart

3、er of the way round the earth. the distance from east to west is over 5,500 kilometres and the country covers six of the worlds 24 time areas.,the geographical position 地理位置,the population of canada is about 29 million and the capital is ottawa. there are two official languages, french and english.

4、加拿大的人口总数约为2900万,首都为渥太华。其官方语言有2种,法语和英语。,this is the photo of ottawa,canada has one third of the worlds supply of fresh water. there are five great lakes in the south, and there are many others, especially in the north. most of the electricity is produced by water.,the country has a great deal of coal

5、, oil and natural gas, and these are all exploited for energy.,(都是直译,我英语不好。),much of the country is covered by forests, and wood is cut and sold all over the world. canada is also the worlds biggest producer of the kind of paper which is used for newspapers.,温哥华 vancouver,渥太华 ottawa,多伦多 toronto,ther

6、e are too many cities i want to show you,but time is limited.,安大略皇家博物馆,at last,i want to show you some beautiful sights.,some famous sights in canada.,尼亚加拉瀑布,诺特丹圣母大教堂,狮门大桥,狮门大桥,thank you very much!,谢谢!,温哥华 vancouver,third-largest city as one of the worlds best places to live,渥太华 ottawa,ottawa is the capital of canada. its the second biggest country on the planet. lovely cosmopolitan city,多伦多 toronto,canadas financial capital. toronto is canadas larg


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