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1、二、翻译技巧,常用句式的翻译方法 1、强调句 2、否定句 3、虚拟语气 4、成语习语 5、其它动词形式,1、强调句的译法,英语的句子可利用不同的语法手法来强调其中的某个成分, 从而构成了强调句。强调的方法有三种。,(1)用do来强调的语句,可把 do 译为 “确实”、“一定”、“必须” 等词, 以加强语气。 Examples: 1. These bacteria are too small to be seen, but they do exist. 这些细菌小得看不见, 但它们确实存在。,2. This reaction did take place. 这种反应确实发生了。 3. They

2、do represent extreme cases. 它们确实代表特殊情况。,(2)It (was)that(which,who) 强调的句型,用强调句型 “It is(was)that(which,who)”可以强调主语、宾语、状语。对于强调句, 在译文里可用“正是”一类的字眼来强调有关成分。整个句子应当顺译, 但在强调宾语时也可以倒译。,a. 强调主语,1. It is shallow people who judge by appearances. 浅薄之人,以貌取人。 2. It is not helps but obstacles that makes a man. 使人成才的,

3、不是助力而是阻力。 (或)造就一个人, 不是扶助他,而是磨难他。,b. 强调宾语,1. It was John with whom he first came into contact. 他首先是与约翰取得联系的。 2. It was a bouquet of roses that was left to us. 留给我们的是一束玫瑰。 3. It is this molecular motion that we call heat. 正是这种分子运动我们称之为热。,c. 强调状语,1. It was not until evening that we learned the unhappy

4、news. 直到晚上,我们才得知这不幸的消息。 2. It was here that he told me what had happened two years ago. 就是在这里他向我讲述了两年前发生的事情。,3. It is from radio that the subject of electronics was born, which brought such great changes to the technology of today. 电子这门学科正是从无线电产生的, 它为现代技术带来了如此巨大的变化。,(3)利用倒装结构表示强调,英语句子的倒装结构主要出于上下文或预期

5、上的需要,以使说话或文章中心突出有力。谚语一般不用倒装结构, 所以英译汉时常需作适当的改变。用倒装语序构成的强调句在翻译时要根据情况作不同的处理。但不是所有的倒装语序都一定要译成强调句。 翻译这类强调句时,一般采用顺译法即可表到强调意味, 有时也用语气词“就”、“也”等字来表示强调。,a. 状语在句首, 包括某些状语从句。,1. Much as he likes physics, he likes mathematics better. 虽然他很喜欢物理, 但更喜欢数学。 2. So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to i

6、magine its speed. 光的运行速度如此之快, 我们都很难想象。,b. 地点副词移到句首的句子,1. Here come the bus! 2. There goes the bell. 3. Down came the hammer and out flow the sparks. 铁锤一落, 火星四射。,c. 程度副词置于句首的句子,1. Only after they had performed hundreds of experiments did they succeed in solving the problem. 只有在做了几百次实验之后, 他们才把这一问题解决了。

7、 2. Hence comes the name magnet. 由此得出磁铁这个名称。,d. 时间副词置于句首的句子,1. Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。 2. Then began our new lesson. 于是我们开始上新课。,e. 语气副词置于句首的句子,1. No defects did we find in these parts. 在这些零件里,我们没发现什么瑕疵。 2. Scarcely did they speak about the difficulties in their work. 他们很少谈到自己工作中的困难。,此外, 在比较状语从句

8、或方式状语从句采用倒装语序的强调句中,译成汉语时和原文使用的自然语序相同。 如: The melting point of copper is not so high as (is) that of iron. 铜的熔点没有铁的熔点高。 从句为倒装语序,省略is 后为自然语序。,2、否定句的译法,英语的否定形式是一个常见而又比较复杂的问题, 使用非常灵活、微妙, 被认为是英语的特点之一。 在表达否定概念时, 英语在用词、语法和逻辑等方面与汉语有很大不同。 因此才翻译英语否定句型时, 必须细心揣摩,真正彻底理解其意义及否定重点,然后根据汉语的习惯进行翻译。 某些否定句犹如陷阱,一定要慎之又慎。,

9、The English language has its peculiarities in negation. Of course, English-speaking people have their own way of thinking in the negation and of expressing negative implications, quite different from ours. What is affirmative in form in English may often mean something negative in Chinese, and vice

10、versa. Whether sentences in English are to be turned to negative or affirmative requires careful consideration.,As other languages, English has many ways to express negative meanings. Well have a better command of English and do a better job in translation if we do not neglect the difference between

11、 English and Chinese negation.,(1)、全部否定(Full Negation),全部否定指意义上的彻底否定, 无任何肯定余地。 全部否定句可以由 never, no, not, none, nobody, nothing, neithernor 等否定词构成。 这类句子可以直接译成全部否定句。,Examples:,1. Never touch a switch when your hands are wet. 2. No transistor in the box is out of order. 3. None of these substances are g

12、ood conductors. 1、严禁用湿手触碰开关。 2、盒子里的晶体管没有一个是坏的。 3、这些物质都不是良导体。,Phrases used in negation:,none other than, by no means, not in the least, etc. 1.The new arrival was none other than the president. 2. He is by no means stupid. 3. He is not in the least angry with me. 刚进来的人不是别人正是总统。 他一点都不笨。 他一点都没生我的气。,(2)

13、部分否定 (Partial Negation),部分否定指不完全否定, 其中的否定因素也带有一定程度的不否定因素。 部分否定的概念是由几种不定代词之一与“ not ” 搭配而成。 部分否定在结构上不易判明, 翻译时必须特别注意。,a. not every(=some “不是每个” ),1. Every electric motor here is not new. 这儿的电动机并不是每台都是新的。 2. Every student can not do the experiment well. 并非每个学生都能做好实验。,b. not all(=some “不全是”),1. All the s

14、tudents are not diligent. 不是所有的学生都用功。 2. I can not remember all these formulas. 这些公式我并不全都记得。,c. not both(=one “两个不都”),1. Both of the substances do not dissolve in water. 不是两种物质都溶于水。 2. Both of the answers are not right. 两种答案并非都不对。,d. not many(=a few (“不多”,“少数几个”),1. Not many of the things are of use

15、 in form in which they are found. 不是许多东西在刚发现时就是有用的。 2. Not many of us can understand this idea. 并非我们中的许多人都能理解这一观点。,e. Not always(=sometimes “不总是”, “有时” ),Friction is not always useless, in certain cases it becomes a helpful necessity. 摩擦并不总是无用的,在否写情况下它是有益的、必需的。,(3)双重否定 (Double Negation),双重否定即否定之否定。如

16、果一句话中有两个否定词,而且从意义上互相抵消, 构成双重否定,与汉语中的“无比称道”“座无虚席”“未尝不可”“非公莫入” 相似。 翻译双重否定句时,可保持双重否定形式, 也可译成肯定形式,根据汉语习惯而定。,Examples:,1. Without substance, there could be no world. 没有物质就没有世界。 2. He is not incompetent for learning foreign language well. 他不是没有能力学好外语。,3. There is no rule that has no exceptions. 任何规则都有例外。

17、4. It is not rarely that he gets angry. 他经常发脾气。 5. Those two girls never chat together without teasing each other. 那两个女孩在一起聊天总是互相逗乐。,(4)形式否定句,英语中有的否定词与其它词连用形成一种固定结构,这种结构形式上是否定的,但语义上表示对事物的否定达到极端程度, 接近于否定的否定, 实际上是肯定的意思。 如:,1. There is nothing like mineral water to quench ones thirst. 矿泉水是解渴的最好饮料。 2. W

18、e cannot be too careful in doing experiments. 做实验越仔细越好。 3. It is impossible to overestimate the value of the invention. 这项发明的价值去论怎样估计也不会太高。,(5)含蓄否定句,英语里有些词或词组形式上是肯定的, 但意义往往是否定的。由这类词和词组表达的否定成为含蓄否定或意义否定。汉译时, 要把否定的意义明确译出。 动词短语:常见的有: fail to do, lack, refuse, stop, protectfrom The specification lacks de

19、tails. 这份说明书不够详尽。,名词:,常见的有: neglect, absence, loss, exclusion A few instruments are in a state of neglect. 一些仪器处于无人管理状态。,形容词:,常见的有: free from, ignorant of, short of, last, little, few Japan is the last country to invent radar, but England. 发明雷达的国家绝不是日本, 而是英国。,介词或介词短语:,常见的有: beyond, above, beneath, b

20、eside, instead of The problem is beyond the reach of my understanding. 这个问题我无法解决。,(6) 否定成分的转移,英语中的否定,既是否定句中的一部分,如主语、谓语、宾语、定语或状语,也可以是否定复合句中的主句。翻译时,不一定按英语的否定重点原封不动的译成汉语,而应根据汉语的表达习惯作必要的转换。,a. 否定主语转换为否定谓语,Without fuel and steel, there would be no modern industry. 没有燃料和钢, 就不会有现代工业。 The experiment on the

21、transformation of energy shows that no energy can be created and none destroyed. 能量转换的试验说明了能量既不能创造也不能消灭。,b. 否定谓语转换为否定状语,He is not studying in the university. 他不在这所大学读书。 Noise did not disappear as we had expected. 噪声并没有象我们所预期的那样消失。,c. 否定宾语转换为否定谓语,Liquids have no definite shape. 液体没有固定的形状。 We know of

22、no effective way to store solar energy. 我们不知道储藏太阳能的有效办法。,c.,We do not eat vegetable just because we like them but also because they contain special substances called vitamins which are good for us and very important if we are to be healthy. 我们吃蔬菜, 不仅是因为我们喜欢吃, 而且是因为蔬菜含有一些叫维生素的特殊物质。维生素对人体大有好处, 而且对保持健康

23、也非常重要。,d. 否定介词宾语转换为否定谓语,The circuit should be overloaded on no condition. 电路在任何情况下都不得过载。 We shall consent to the designing plan under no circumstances. 在任何情况下,我们都不会同意这个设计方案。,e. 原文否定主句的谓语, 转换为否定从句中的谓语或复合谓语,He does not believe that the test will fail. 他相信试验不会失败。 Scientists do not think that computers

24、can replace man in every field. 科学家认为 计算机不可能在所有领域都能替代人。,Exercise: (e),1. Certainly I dont teach because teaching is easy for me.(大学英语第三册) 当然, 我教书并不是因为教书对我很容易。 2. The ambassador did not leave London to take up an appointment in Africa. 大使不是为了到非洲去就职而离开伦敦的。 or: 大使没离开伦敦到非洲去就职。,We did not build our insti

25、tutes of technology to educate our boys for export. 我们建立技术学院,向学生传授知识,其目的不是向国外输送人才。 这类否定转移在没有上下文的情况下很难断定其含义。因此要特别注意没有because, 但有 to 或 for 这些标志的否定转移。,3、虚拟语气的译法,As is known, the subjunctive mood is one of principal grammar rules in English. And its translation is really something not easy, for there is

26、 no equivalent mood in Chinese. But as a rich and precise language, Chinese, of course, can also express the meaning of the subjunctive mood in English. The main ways used to translate the English subjunctive mood are as follows.,(1)采用某些词汇译出虚拟语气,1. With his aid you would have succeeded. 当初若有他的帮助, 你早

27、就成功了。 2. Frankly speaking, I think you are smart as a rule, but this time a fool. If only you would listen to reason! 坦率地说, 我觉得你聪明一世, 糊涂一时。你要是能听得讲道理就好了。,(1),3. It is strange that he should be absent today. 今天他居然缺席, 真怪! 4. As a millionaire, he might have donated some money to his Alma Mater. 他作为一个百万富

28、翁,竟然不给自己的母校捐点钱。,(2)采用某些句型来译出虚拟语气,1. I wish she would marry me. 可惜他不愿嫁给我。(愿望句型) 2. I wish I were as versatile as you. 我巴不得像你一样什么都会。 3. Could you do me a favor(if I might ask)? 请帮帮忙。(非问句形式),(3)采用上下文烘托法,You were my sponsor for years. Without your help I could not have earned my degree nor got what I ha

29、ve today. I always feel I owe you too much. 你曾对我资助多年, 要不是你帮助我,我怎么会获得学位并混出今天这个样子来?我总觉得你对我恩重如山。,(4)虚拟条件句的替代式扩展为汉语的假设句,1. A timely medical treatment could have saved the child.(名词短语) 如果治疗及时,这孩子本可以得救的。 2. There has been no earthquake here in this century.An earthquake would have shattered the old houses

30、 like that. (名词) 本世纪这里从未发生过地震。要是如此的话, 那样的老房子早就被震倒了。,(4),3. It would be a mistake not to take this opportunity. (不定式短语) 要是不利用这个机会, 那就不对了。 4. Born into a rich family, he would have received better education.(分词短语) 假如生在富有的家庭, 他会接受更好的教育。,4、 成语习语的译法,汉语成语是经过长期锤炼形成的, 一般都有言简意赅、形象生动的特点。翻译时可根据英语原文不同的语言风格与感情色彩

31、充分地恰当地运用汉语成语进行表达, 这是提高译文质量的重要手段。 不论原文是否成语都可考虑译成汉语的成语。 但成语的运用也应适可而止, 不能过多运用或追求, 尤其要强调运用恰当。 否则, 会损伤原意。过多运用成语也会有华而不实之嫌。,(1)原文中的单词译作成语,1. To many Americans, China is still a faraway place-unknown, unseen, and fascinating. 时至今日,仍然有许多美国人觉得中国远在天涯海角, 鲜为人知,令人心弛神往。 2. Love is a climate-a climate of the heart.

32、 爱是一种气氛-一种心心相印的气氛。,(2)原文中的短语译作成语,1. The problems of the human environment are, to some of us, an old story. 人类环境问题对我们中某些人来说是老生常谈。 2. David, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence. 大卫英俊,聪明,富有、家庭舒适、天性开朗, 称得上得天独

33、厚。,(3)原文中的成语处理,1. Well, there is no need for us to beat around the bush. 我们现在没有必要旁敲侧击。 2. Why do you love to find fault with someone? It seems that the only person who is always right is yourself. 你为什么总爱吹毛求疵, 你以为只有你自己总是对的。,5、 其它动词形式的译法,动词是英语句子中最活跃的成分。 就时态来说,有现在时、过去时、进行时、完成时等;就语气来说, 有虚拟语气、情态语气;就非谓语形式

34、来说, 有现在分词、过去分词、动名词、不定式等。它们的语法形式相差不多, 但意义不同。如不注意它们的变化及其语法意义, 就很容易造成误译。因此,注意动词的各种表现形式,分析其变化的意义,对确保译文的准确性很重要。,(1)动词时态变化的含义,1. Many of lifes problems which were solved by asking family members, friends or colleagues are beyond the capability of the extended family to resolve. 许多以前可以通过问家里人,问朋友或同事能解决的生活中问

35、题是现在大家庭无力解决的。,(1),2. First of all, it seems that a successful scientist is full of curiosity-he wants to find out how and why the universe works. 首先,有成就的科学家似乎总是充满了好奇心-他们总想找出宇宙万物运动的方式和原因。,(2)情态动词的不同含义,情态动词的意义最多, 最不稳定。像should, would, could, must 等可以表示很多情态意义。要准确地译出其意, 除了掌握情态动词的基本意义之外, 最主要是根据上下文和与其搭配的词来

36、判断。,Examples:,1. He was astounded but highly pleased that the man who presided over the destinies of the mighty British Empire should come pleading to him. 他又惊又喜, 那位掌握着大英帝国命运的人居然来向他央求。,2. He would watch a coach or player demonstrate a difficult maneuver, then he would try it himself. Inevitably, he would master the maneuver within minutes. 他往往先是观察教练员或运动员示范难的动作技巧, 然后总是自己试着练。 结果常常是只有几分钟他就学会了。,3. But the environment must also have a profound e


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