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1、Unit 7 Its raining!,Guessing game,Hows the weather ?/Whats the weather like? Its _.,Hows the weather ?/Whats the weather like? Its _.,Hows the weather ?/Whats the weather like? Its _.,Hows the weather ?/Whats the weather like? Its _.,rain,snow,rainy,snowy,sun,cloud,wind,sunny,cloudy,windy,晴朗的, 阳光明媚的

2、,有风的,阴天的, 多云的,有雨的,有雪的,Hows the weather? Its ,Presentation,Talk in pairs -Hows it going?,(你)最近怎样?过得如何?, Its great.,Great,Pretty good,Terrible,Not bad,Unit 8 Wheres the post office?,There be 句型 一、There be .句型表示的是“某处有(存在) 某人或某物”, 句式结构: 1.肯定句式:There be (is,are) +名词+地点状语 _ _ two erasers in my pencil box.

3、在我的铅笔盒里有两块橡皮. _ _ a tall tree in front of the house.在房子前有一棵大树。,There is,There are,2. 否定句:There isnt / arent _ _ a bank on Bridge Street.大桥街上没有银行。 _ _ any basketballs in the classroom.在教室里没有篮球。,There isnt,There arent,3. 一般疑问句:Is/ Are + 主语 +? 肯定回答:Yes, there is/are. 否定回答:No, there isnt/arent. _ _ a ba

4、nk near here?这附近有银行吗? _ _ any restaurants near here?,这附近有一些餐馆吗?,Is there,Are there,二、There be 句型中的主谓一致原则 There be句型中be动词的形式要和其后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。即就近原则。 (1) 如果句子的主语是单数的可数名词,或是不可数名词,be动词用“is”。 e.g. 紧挨着邮局有一个投币电话。 _ _ a pay phone next to the post office.,There is,(2) 如果句子的主语是复数名词,be动词就用“are”。 e.g. _ _ many

5、 trees in the park.在公园里很多树。,There are,(3) 如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主语,be动词要和最靠近它的那个主语在数上保持一致,也就是我们常说的 “就近原则”。 e.g. 在桌子上有一只桔子和一些香蕉。 _ _ an orange and some bananas on the table. 在桌子上有一只桔子和一些香蕉。 _ _ some bananas and an orange on the table.,There is,There are,三、There be 句型与have的区别 There be句型表示 “存在的有”, havehas表示 “拥

6、有”、 “所有”, 两者不能同时使用。 例如: _ _ a model plane on the desk. 桌子上有一架模型飞机。 _ _ a model plane. 我有一架模型飞机。,I have,There is,但表示某物的组成部分时,二者可以互换。 _ _1200 students in our school. = Our school _1200 students. 我们学校有1200名学生。,There are,has,on the box,under the box,in the box,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,-W

7、heres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,near,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,next to,链接: next to 的同义词是beside, 意为“在(某人或某物) 旁边”。例如: She sits beside me. = She sits next to me. near 也有表示在某物的附近, 意为“靠近, 接近”。如: The football is near the door. 足球在门旁边。 near 除了作介词表示方位外, 还可以作形容词, 意思是“近的, 不远的”, 其反义词是far,

8、 意为“远的, 遥远的”。例如: My home is very near from my school.我家离学校很近。,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,in front of,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,behind,区别in front of 和 in/at the front of,B,A,A is in front of B.,B,A,A is in/at the front of B.,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,acro

9、ss from,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _.,between the big box and the small box,go straight (down the street),turn left,turn right,go up ,go down ,go / walk,on the left,on the right,on your left,on your right,on the left of,on the right of,Summary,Ask for and give directions -Is there a hospital near here? -Yes, there is. -Where is the hospital? -Its on Bri


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