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1、P26 第三章、第二节 英汉句法现象的对比(句子结构) 一、Revision 1.It is the worlds outstanding examples of self-reliance-in the most massive scale. 这是全世界自力更生的杰出榜样而且是规模最大的。 2.Being the first head of government of Belgium to be received in China, I am conscious of taking part in a kind of accomplishment. 作为中国接待的第一个比利时政府首脑,我意识

2、到自己在完成一种 使命。 3.In the United States many traditional expressions of care and concern that were once part of personal relationships have been popularly used in small businesses and government offices. 在美国,许多曾经用在私人关系方面的表示关爱的传统表达法 现在 也在小企业和政府机关广泛使用。,4. They dont understand it profoundly. 他们并不深刻了解这一点。 5

3、. On May 26,1958,Westinghouse completed a small nuclear reactor for the production of civilian electric power at Sippingport, Pennsylvania, with a capacity of 60,000kilowatts. 1958年5月26日威斯汀豪斯公司在宾夕法尼亚州希平波特建立一座 为生产民用电力的小型核反应堆,容量为6万千瓦。,二、句子结构,复合句 并列复合句 并列连词和连接副词:and, so, therefore, not onlybut also, ne

4、ithernor, or, otherwise, or else, eitheror, but, yet, still, however, while, whereas, for 主从复合句 .从属连词:that, before, after, whether, if, since, although, when because, as soon as, as long as .疑问代词:what, who, which, whom, whose .疑问副词:when, why, where, how .关系代词:that, which, who, whose, whom .关系副词:when

5、, why, where,1.简单句复合句 1).The teacher came in, followed by his students. 老师进来了,他的学生跟着他(后面跟着他的学生)。 2).Without his knowledge, the matchmakers were at work. 他自己还不知道,媒人却已为他穿针引线了。 3).Her coming home late worried her mother. 由于她回家晚了,她的妈妈很担心。 2. 复合句简单句 1).Its four years since I came here. 我来这里已经四年了。 2).What

6、 he said is reasonable. 他的话很有道理。 3.主从复合句其他 1).My jeep was straining up when the radiator began to leak. 我的吉普车正吃力地往上爬,这时水箱开始漏水了。 主从复合句联合复句(顺承关系),2).No sooner had I got home than it began to rain. 我一回到家里,雨就下了起来。 主从复合句联合复句(顺承关系) 3).Think it over and youll find a way. 如果你认真想一想,你就会想出办法来。 并列复合句偏正复句(假设关系)

7、4).We have studied English for only a year, yet we can act English plays already. 虽然我们才学了一年英语,但我们已经能够演英文剧了。 并列复合句偏正复句(转折关系) 4.倒装句正装句 1).Out rushed a little boy. 一个小男孩冲了出来。 2).Never have I read a book like this. 我从未读过这样的书。,5.主动语态被动语态 1).The lost child was found after three days. 失踪的男孩三天后找到了。 2).The l

8、ight has been turned off by Xiao Ming. 小明把灯熄了。 3).A snake bit him. 他被蛇咬了。 三、Exercises 1). “Get out of here!” shouted the doorkeeper. “滚出去!”守门人吼道。(倒装句正装句) 2).Pressure of work has somewhat delayed my answer. 由于工作忙,答复迟了一些。(简单句复合句) 3).When I negotiate, I get nervous. 谈判时我总有点紧张。(主从复合句简单句 ),4).With much difficulty did she find her way home. 她 好不容易回到了家。 (倒装句正装句、正面表达反面表达) 5).Nothing is gained by all the overcaution. 所有这些谨小慎微的措施到头来是一无所得。(被动语态主动语态) 6).Stike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。 7).The visitors were struck by the beauty of the West Lake. 游客被西湖的美景迷住了。 8).The wo


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