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1、A Narcissist:A Psychological Analysis of Coleman Silk in The Human Stain,一个自恋者 人性的污点中科曼希尔克的心理探析,Philip Roth,Chapter1 Introduction 1.1 A General Introduction to Philip Roth 1.2 A General Introduction to The Human Stain 1.3 An Introduction to Freudian Narcissism Chapter2 The Narcissistic Characteristi

2、cs of Coleman Silk 2.1Coleman Silks Narcissistic Neuroses(自恋神经病) 2.2The Ideal Ego (理想化自我)of Coleman Silk 2.3The Narcissistic Love Chapter3 The Formation of Coleman Silks Narcissistic Personality 3.1The Strong Self-Consciousness Formed in the Stage of Primary Narcissism 3.2The Withdrawn of Object-Lib

3、idoFrustrations Faced In the Stage of Secondary Narcissism 3.3The Lack of Cure for Narcissistic PersonalityLove Chapter4 A Narcissistic DeathThe Interpretation of Colemans Death Mystery 4.1The Mystery of Colemans Death 4.2Colemans Narcissistic Deaththe Emotional Suicide Conclusion,Content,A General

4、Introduction to Philip Roth,1.He is termed as “the Americas Best Novelist” by Time magazine in 2001 2. his first work Goodbye, Columbus in 1959 3.Phlip Roth, Bernard Malamud, Saul Bellow and Isaac Bashevis Singer are described as the “backbones of American Jewish literature” 4. He earned for him eve

5、ry major American literary honor, including the National Book Award, the Pulitzer Prize, and the Faulkner Prize.,A General Introduction to The Human Stain 故事发生在1998年春天,人过中年的犹太人科尔曼希尔科(Coleman Silk )是一位著名的古典文学教授,就职于新英格兰小镇上非常有声望雅典娜大学,在学术界颇具威望。但是,他隐瞒着一个秘密。他实际上是一位非裔美国人,只是因为肤色很浅所以谎称自己是犹太人甚至连妻子也不知道。多年来他竭力通

6、过努力来证明自己可以在白人世界立足。 处于事业颠峰的科尔曼(Coleman),却因为最近在课堂上的一句话而使自己陷入了危机。他称呼一些逃课的学生为“幽灵(spooks)”,而被人指为种族主义者。几乎是一夜之间,他失去了一切。被大学解雇,朋友纷纷躲开,妻子突发心脏病死亡,儿女们甚至不愿意和他说话。他变得一无所有。这时候他遇到了佛妮娅Faunia(学校的清洁工),他们很快便陷入了疯狂的热恋中,这似乎让科尔曼找到了继续生活下去的动力。佛妮娅是他的避难所,也是他的自我在另一个世界中的映射。或许科尔曼爱她的原因就是他们两人都承载着同样的心理重负。佛妮娅是白人,却极其自卑,对她的过去与现在充满羞耻感。她的

7、回忆充满痛苦:童年在继父的虐待中渡过,前夫患有精神病,他们的孩子也不幸死去。备受折磨的她格外脆弱,不敢轻易相信任何人。故事结束于一场车祸,雅典娜大学的前任教授科尔曼希尔克和他的情人佛妮娅丧生于车祸中。,“自恋”(narcissism )这一词汇和其意义原本出自于希腊神话: 俊美少年纳西瑟斯(narcissus)因为自负于无人能及的美貌,对所有爱慕者都不屑一顾.,林中女仙艾可(echo)由于倾慕纳西瑟斯却被他拒绝而忧郁地死去,化作山谷中的回声(echo)。复仇之神得知此事后,诅咒纳西瑟斯只能与自己的倒影相恋。最终,纳西瑟斯因迷恋自己在水中的虚幻倒影而日渐憔悴,落水而死。,“自恋”在最初就包含这几

8、个心理因素:极度的自负, 狂妄自大(megalomania); 对外界事物的漠视; 缺乏爱他人的能力; 将自己想象为他者式的爱欲对象,对理想化自我(Ideal Ego)的追求; 毁灭的倾向。,从弗洛伊德开始, “自恋”就是精神分析学派的一个重要研究对象和领域,因为它与主体的自我认知和自我意识的形成有着非常密切的联系。弗洛伊德最早提到自恋的概念是为了解释同性恋的现象。弗洛伊德用主体的主要兴趣、爱和关心,也就是力比多的投注来解释自恋。作为主体内在驱动力的力比多,既可以朝向自身内部投注,也可以朝向外部投注。 它向外部投注时,表现为对外界事物包括他人的积极关注;它向内部投注时,表现为自我中心式的心理和

9、行为。 原发性自恋(Primary Narcissism): 这个力比多框架的基础和前提是,弗洛伊德假设,个体在婴幼儿时期的原初力比多投注是完全朝向自身内部的,并且,他会把抚育照顾自己的母体作为自身的一部分进行力比多投注,这仍然是一种内部的投注,是出于自我保护的本能驱动。弗洛伊德假定这种现象发生在每一个人身上,并称其为原发性自恋。 继发性的病态自恋(Secondary Narcissism):随着个体的成长,力比多逐渐开始向外部投注,一旦在此过程,遭到重大挫折,就会返回朝向内部,而积累了过多的内部力比多之后,就会形成继发性的病态自恋(pathological narcissism) 。治愈病态

10、自恋的方法就是学会爱其他人。,弗洛伊德还把自恋和自尊相联系。 自尊表现为一种对理想化自我(Ideal Ego)的爱恋,实质上仍然是一种自恋。在个体的成长过程中,当脱离了婴幼儿阶段,最初原发性自恋的理想自我被抛弃后,个体就会开始朝向外界不断寻找理想自我的典范,投注力比多,同时,内部投注的力比多又会促使自身发展,实现这一阶段的理想自我。然而,如果外部理想自我的典范与实际内部自我的发展产生断裂并且差距巨大,自尊对理想自我的追求就会对主体的内部心理产生强大的压抑,一旦这种压抑超过了承受力的上限,人格的崩溃就有可能催发出毁灭的倾向,这种倾向既可能指向自身,也可能指向被作为理想自我化身的外部典范。,2.1

11、Coleman Silks Narcissistic Neuroses(自恋神经病 ) 2.1.1 Megalomania(狂妄自大) in Coleman Silk He over-evaluates his position and reputation in the college and colleagues mind. According to Coleman, his achievement as a dean in Athena College is so great that without him the college will turn into nothing. He

12、once told the narrator Nathan Zuckerman (a friend of Coleman) that he was one of a handful of Jews on the Athena faculty when he was hired and perhaps among the first of the Jews permitted to teach in a classic department anywhere in America.” This sense of uniqueness establishes the self-pride in C

13、oleman. He believes himself like “the great heroic Achilles(战无不胜的神), who, through the strength of his rage at an insult, can finally defend himself against his opponent.,2.1.2 Hysteria(歇斯底里,癔病)in Coleman When Colemans megalomaniac needs are not satisfied, Coleman then comes to the hysterical state.

14、E.g. He has not once told the narrator he is mad at those who misunderstand him. Rage bursts out of him. He confesses, “I hate the bastards. I hate the fucking bastards the way Gulliver hates the whole human race after he goes and lives with those horses.” From this statement, Coleman compares him t

15、o another famous figure in literatureGulliver, and amplifies his anger against his colleagues and associates to the whole human race. Coleman also devaluates others as humbler than horses. This action is just corresponding to narcissistic feature of hatred for the world. E.g. he attributes his wifes

16、 death to colleagues and the “spooks” incident to peoples ignorance of words. The only one out of blame is Coleman himself, just as his son Mark criticizes him, “you have to be rightyou never apologize”.,2.2The Ideal Ego(理想自我) of Coleman Silk The ideal ego or ideal-ego is one of Freuds important pro

17、positions. It refers to “an image of the perfect self towards which the ego should aspire.” This ideal ego takes the place of the actual ego that was formerly the object of primary narcissism, and satisfies the egos demand of perfection. That is to say, narcissists tend to create a new self accordin

18、g to the imagined perfect self to replace the actual self. 2.2.1 The Denial of the Past Like common African Americans in the United States, he and his family are discriminated by Whites. His boxing coach Doc Chinzner advises Coleman not to tell anyone he is black. Coleman is startled by Docs advice.

19、 Subconsciously, he does not acknowledge himself as black. When others call him “Negro”, Coleman feels surprised and cannot accept the title“Nigger? Direct at him?” In his monologue, Coleman declares, “I am not one of you, I cant bear you, I am not part of your Negro we.” From then on, Coleman says

20、goodbye to his past of being a Negro. 2.2.2 The Pursuit of New Identity When he is 26,he decides to change his race. The level of acceptance Jews found in twentieth-century American life made it far easier and more appealing to be Jewish than other colored race. The imagined family history goes: his

21、 parents are both dead and there is no relative he keeps in touch with. That is the life-long lie told by Coleman to his wife and children.,2.3The Narcissistic Love Accepting Faunia as a lover for Coleman seems illogical, their relationship nearly suffers from despises from everyone in town. Coleman

22、 is seventy-one, while Faunia is only thirty-fourhalf of Colemans age. Besides, Coleman is a professor majoring in Greek culture, and ironically Faunia is a cleaning woman who is illiterate. This abnormal romance is actually a mirror of Colemans own narcissism. The narcissistic love between him and

23、Faunia is the result of Colemans narcissistic “object-choice”. According to Freud, a narcissist is like to choose on the basis of his own characteristics. In physical appearance, Faunia looks like Coleman, just as Zuckermans observation that Faunia is like Coleman even more than his own daughter. Ap

24、art from the physical similarity, like Coleman, Faunia also has a past unbearable to recall. Faunias past is full of depression, and so is Colemans in which racial discrimination nearly kills his dignity. When most people in town and college despise Coleman, Faunia says to Coleman, “you are the perf

25、ect man”. From Faunia, Coleman regains his self-confidence.,Chapter3 The Formation of Coleman Silks Narcissistic Personality 3.1The Strong Self-Consciousness Formed in the Stage of Primary Narcissism In the stage of his primary narcissismthe period before adulthood, intense self-consciousness has be

26、en developed in Coleman, which furnishes Colemans primary narcissism to be excessive. The Empathy of Colemans Parents From his father, Coleman gets the consciousness that he should be academic and perfect, and at the same time, his mothers over-protection isolates him from the sense of inferiority,

27、in some way strengthens his self-respect and self expectation. Never disappointing his parents, Coleman in his childhood becomes “the highest-ranking colored student in the 1944 graduating class”, and excelling in every aspect, even better than most whites. This disturbance to his normal primary nar

28、cissism gives rises to his awareness of self-protection, thereby, Coleman becomes more self-concentrated. The effects of either the empathy of the parents drive Coleman to pay more attention to the self and foster his egoism.,3.2 The Withdrawn of Object-LibidoFrustrations Faced In the Stage of Secon

29、dary Narcissism For Coleman, the stage of secondary narcissismthe age after seventeen is an essential period for the formation of his narcissistic psychology. As an African American, Coleman is not welcomed by the American society. 3.2.1 Discriminations Faced as an African American As an African Ame

30、rican who lives in the southern parts of the United States, Coleman cannot escape away from the miserable fates of Negros. Having stepped into the society without the careful protection of parents, Coleman witnesses the cruelty that Negro is suffering from. To the white race they are the Other, segr

31、egated from the whites world. The contrast between whites opinion of him and the self-image held in mind depresses Coleman to despair.,3.2.2 The Failure in the Relationship As to love someone, in Freuds model, is to extend libido outward to an object, thus depleting the supply of libido available fo

32、r narcissistic investments in ones own ego. Whereas being loved, having ones love returned, and possessing the loved object, raises the ego libido once more. Coleman also does not avoid this frustration of love. The self-regard that decreases when Coleman in love does not get recovered as the first

33、love relationship with Steena ends tragically, and thus Coleman suffers from the pathological accumulation of ego-libido. In front of Steena, Coleman is even has the tendency to tell Steena everything, as with true love. The only secret Coleman does not admit is his Negro identity. He could not tell

34、 her that he is colored. Steenas reaction destroys Colemans beautiful dream. As a white, it is unimaginable to choose a Negro as the husband for Steena. As the common value in the society, the black is not received and inferior to most whites.,3.3The Lack of Cure for Narcissistic PersonalityLove Whe

35、n Coleman decides to pass as a Jew, his narcissism has been nailed, and gets serious afterwards. What is worse, after the tragic love with steena, Coleman severs(割断) himself from his family, and from then on Coleman never truly loves anyone else, neither his wife, children nor his colleagues. Loving

36、 others is a process of releasing ego libido, for to love means to direct libido to objects. In this way, the abnormal accumulation of ego-libido is relieved, and the narcissists psychology can be relaxed and consoled. However, Coleman who is unable to love others and in a world which is lack in lov

37、e, does not have the chance to gets his abnormal personality cured.,Chapter4 A Narcissistic DeathThe Interpretation of Colemans Death Mystery 4.1The Mystery of Colemans Death Colemans death is clothed upon with some mystery. Different interpretations of the car crash presented in The Human Stain con

38、fuse readers and critics. Four interpretations for the cause of the death of Coleman and Faunia People in the town attribute the cause of Colemans death to the mad sex obsession. The officer emphasizes Colemans car crash is “a case of speed”. Zuckerman (Colemans friend) is the one who does not belie

39、ve the official saying and insists that it is Farley Les (Faunias ex-husband) who murders Coleman and Faunia. Les concludes the death of Coleman as the “murder-suicide”.,4.2.Colemans Narcissistic Deaththe Emotional Suicide Colemans death is obscured by Roth in The Human Stain. Under some unknown sti

40、mulations, Coleman makes his car over the speed and rush into the river. one can figure out that before the car crash, Coleman has suffered from the “narcissistic wound”, as his ego ideal to be a perfect white man accepted by the world has collapsed. As a narcissist, Coleman, under the despair, has

41、been mentally broken down. 4.2.1 The Breakdown of the Ego-Ideal Before the “spooks” incident, it is reasonable to state that Colemans creation of new self is successful. Few have figured out Colemans real identity. The world is friendlier to him as a Jew than as an African American. Honored the firs

42、t Jewish dean of Athena College, Coleman has managed the college well, and his achievements has acknowledged by some people. With both whites and blacks accuse him as a racist who hates his own race, Coleman then finds out that he is not accepted by white and abandoned by his own race. After the “sp

43、ooks” incident, Coleman feels that his creation of the new self is in vain and his real identity is to be exposed. The ego-ideal thus is lost.,4.2.2 The Failure of Colemans Narcissistic Love The failure of the romance between Coleman and Faunia is more destructive, which finishes the collapse of Col

44、emans spirit. Sharing similar pasts, Coleman seldom truly cares about Faunias feeling under the influence of his extreme narcissistic personality. Regardless of Faunias wish to be far away from words, Coleman insists on reading newspaper to her every morning. As a narcissist, Coleman idealized Fauni

45、a to be the woman who can fulfill his each demand. Finally, this conflict bursts out. Faunia rushes out of Colemans house one morning, intolerable of his reading anymore. “The mistake was to stay hereand now she hates himthat he really thinks his suffering is a big deal. He really thinks that what everybody thinksis so life-shattering.” She realizes that “the only thing he pa


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