



1、unit 2 welcome to sunshine town 一、教学内容:unit 2 welcome to sunshine town 二、教学目标:掌握unit 2的词汇及词性的变化三、教学重难点:掌握课文中的重点短语的结构、用法. 基础词汇名词 (n.) 1. theatre n.剧院;电影院 2. land n. 土地;陆地3. state n. 状态,情形 4. play n. 戏剧5. home town n. 家乡 6.bicycle n. 自行车7.postcard n. 明信片 8.key ring n. 钥匙环9.waiter n. (男)侍者 10.shopper n

2、. 购物者,顾客11.hospital n. 医院 12.ham n. 火腿13.fork n. 叉子 14.plate n. 盘子15.air n. 空气;大气 16.pizza n. 比萨饼 17.life n. 生活;生命;人生;生物 18.underground n. 地铁 19.pollution n. 污染 20 lake n. 湖21 building n. 建筑物,楼房 22.example n. 例子;榜样动词(v.) 1.teach vt. 教 2.order vt. 叫或点(饭菜、饮料等)3.leave. vi. 离开;出发vt. 离开;使处于某种状态4.ride vt.

3、 骑(马、自行车等) 5.prepare vt. 准备6.miss vt. 错过 7.learn vi. & vt. 学习8.count vt. & n. 数,点数 9.will verb (过去式would)将,将会10.shall verb (过去式should) 将,将会(用于第一人称)11.hold vt. 举行;托住;拿着12.shop vi. 买东西13.try vt. & vi. 试;试用;试做;试图;努力形容词(adj.) 1.dirty 脏的 2.western adj. 西方的;西部的 3.warm adj. 暖和的,温暖的4.sunny 晴朗的;阳光充足的5.full a

4、dj. 完整的;满的;吃饱了的6.golden adj. 金制的;金色的7.sick adj. 患病的;不舒服的8.less adj. 较少的,更少的9.country adj. 乡村(的)10.close adj. 近的11.far adv. & adj. 远(的)介词(prep.)1.around prep. 在周围2.until prep. 直到时候,直到为止3.above prep. 在的上面 4.below prep. 在的下面连词(conj.) than conj. 比代词(pron.).none pron. 没有一个(人或物) 副词(adv.) tomorrow adv. 在明天

5、感叹词(int.)hey int. 嘿,喂【典型例题】根据所给的提示完成下列单词。1. some children are playing _(羽毛球) by the _ (湖).2. it is _ (有用的) to learn english.3. can the car go into the _ (中心) of the town?4. how many _(包) of _(薯条) do you need for the party?5. your hands look so d_. go and wash them.6. shanghai is a m_ city. there are

6、 many tall buildings in it.7. your new flat looks better _ mine.8. i dont want to see him here, so ill l_ here before he arrives.9. if you t_ your best in english, youll l_ it well.10.it is really a w_ film! id like to see it again.根据句意和首字母提示写出单词的完整形式: 1. my mother does all the cooking in the k_ eve

7、ry day for the family. 2. its about 15 minutes by t_ from my home to the shopping mall. 3. the theater is f_ today and you have to wait for the next s_. 4. we were t_ and the workers bought twelve b_ of orange juice for us. 5. the a_ of the youth centre is more than 150 square(平方)meters. 6. there ar

8、e usually five f_ on each hand, but very few people have six. 7. i often go to the city by u_. 8. after sports news we have l_ news and world news. 9. mrs. smith doesnt look well. lets take her to the nearby h_ and see the doctor. 重点词组7b unit 2 词组1.点一些食物 order some food2 犯了一个错误 make a mistake3 用钱买 b

9、uywith money4 比少 lessthan5 告诉某人关于某事 tell sb. about sth.6 京剧 beijing opera7 这样高的一幢楼 such a tall building = so tall a building8 去散步 go walking = go for a walk9 我们中的大多数 most of us10 与靠近 be close to11 乘地铁 by underground (介词短语)take an underground (动词短语)12 空气污染 air pollution13 玩得开心 have a good/great/nice

10、time = enjoy oneself =have (lots of) fun14 国画 chinese paintings15 某人在作业方面需要帮助 want/need help with ones homework16 体育运动中心 sports center 青少年活动中心 youth centre17 举行一场晚会 hold a party = have a party18 一组;一群 a group of19 给某人发一封电子邮件 send an e-mail to sb.20 英国学生中的一个 one of the british students21 艺术品 works of

11、 art22 制定计划 make a plan23 骑自行车 ride a bike (动词短语)24 骑自行车 on a/the/ones bike = by bike(介词短语)25 进行球类运动 play ball games26 没关系;不要紧 never mind. = it doesnt matter.= thats ok.=thats all right.27 别的什么? what else? = what other things28 让我猜猜 let me guess29 向某人问好 say hello to sb.30 开心一整天/享受一整天 enjoy a full da

12、y31 世界上最好的游戏 the best game in the world32 带某人参观某地 show sb. around sw.33 到达最近的城镇 get to the nearest town34 带某人去某地 take sb. to sw.35 想起、考虑 think of36 许多要做的事 lots of things to do37 住在像这样的地方 live in places like this38 不必 dont have to = neednt39 直到晚十点 until ten oclock at night40 在北京市中心 in the centre of b

13、eijing41 (来)对了地方 (be) in the right place42 选择任何你喜欢的食物 choose any food you like43 许多西方的餐馆 lots of western restaurants44 教某人某事 teach sb. sth. 教某人做某事 teach sb. to do sth.45 当地剧院 local theatre46 一个给人们看戏或表演的地方 a place for people to watch plays and shows47 将a与b匹配 match a with b49 种蔬菜和花 grow vegetables and

14、 flowers【典型例题】一. 选用所给词组的适当形式填空。(每词限用一次) be underground, sound great, live in, tell sb. about sth., ride a bicycle, show sb. around spl, have a good time, hold a party, help sb. with sth. 1. i will _ you _ our town. 2. well go and see the sea. that _. 3. im very busy. i cant _ you _ your lessons now. 4. the old woman _ this old building. 5. they really _ at yesterdays party


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