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1、一、单项选择(15)( )1. Do you know if _ back next week? If he _ back, please let me know. A. he comes, will come B. will he come, comes C. he will come, comes D. will he come, will come( )2. Dont run _ shout at the party. If you do, youll _ leave. A. and, must B. of, have to C. in, must D. or, have to ( )3

2、. Dont _ jeans to the party. A. put on B. wear C. wearing D. dress( )4. If you bring a pet dog to the party, the teacher will_A. take them away B. take it offC. take it away D. take away it( )5. If you join the lion, maybe youll _. A. famous B. be famous C. being famous D. not famous( )6. You are la

3、te again. Why _ a little earlier?A. not you come B. do you come C. dont you come D. you dont come( )7. When is _ to have our sports meeting?A. good time B. good a time C. a time good D. a good time ( )8. If you go to the meeting tomorrow, _ A. he will, too B. he wont, either C. he does, too D. he do

4、esnt, either( )9.What are you going to give your mother for her birthday? Im not sure. But Ill buy her _ A. something special B. anything specialC. special something D. special anything ( )10. _away the old books and _ me that new one. A. Bring, bring B. Bring, take C. Take, take D.Take,bring ( )11.

5、_ of them like playing golf._like playing table tennis.A.Some, Others B. Some, The other C. Few, Other D. Many, The other ( )12.Im going to _ time with my grandparents this vacation. A. take B. have C. spend D. go ( )13. Jim asked me _ him with his math. A. help B. helping C. helped D. to help( )14.

6、 What _ you _ at eight yesterday evening? A. have, done B. did, do C. were, doing D. will, do( )15. If I have no ticket, the man wont _.A. let me into B. let me in C. allow me in D. allow me int 二 完形填空(10)It is evening, 1 old cock(公鸡) is 2 in a tall tree. A fox comes to the tree and looks at the coc

7、k.“Hello, Mr. Cock, I have some good news for you.” says the fox.“Oh? ” says the cock. “What is it?”“All the animals 3 good friends now. Lets 4 friends, too. Please come down and play 5 me.”“Fine!” says the cock. “Im very glad to hear that.” Then he looks up. “Look! There is something over there.”“

8、6 are you looking at?” asks the fox.“Oh, I see some animals over there. 7 coming this way.”“Animals?”“Yes. Oh, theyre dogs.”“What? Dogs !” asks the fox. “Well . . . well, I 8 now. Goodbye.”“Wait, Mr. Fox,” says the cock. “ 9 go. They are only dogs. And dogs are our friends now.”“Yes. But they 10 tha

9、t yet.”“I see, I see,” says the cock. He smiles and goes to sleep in the tree.( )1. A. theB. anC. aD. X( )2. A. sitB. sitsC. sittingD. siting( )3. A. isB. amC. areD. be( )4. A. areB. beC. isD. am( )5. A. andB. toC. for D. with( )6. A. WhatB. HowC. WhoseD. Where ( )7. A. He isB. They areC. She isD. I

10、t is( )8. A. must to goB. must goC. must goingD. must to going( )9. A. No.B. NotC. DontD. Doesnt( )10. A. arent know B. doesnt know C. dont know D. isnt know三阅读理解。(15)AMost people who work in the office have a boss (老板). So do I (我也是). But my boss is a little unusual. Whats unusual about him? Its a

11、big dig. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the office every day. My bosss dog. Robinson, is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch. When there is telephone call for my boss, I always know if he is in the offic

12、e. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy (毛绒绒的) under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office. If there is no dog , I know my boss is out. 1. People _bring dogs to the office. A. usually B. often C. seldom (几乎不) D. sometimes 2. My boss is Robinsons _. A. boss B. master

13、 (主人) C. classmate D. teacher 3. Robinson goes to meetings _ my boss. A. for B. without C. instead of (代替) D. with 4. Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is _. A. in the office B. at meetings C. out of the office D. out of work 5. The passage tells us the boss _ the dog very much. A. looks

14、 like B. hates (恨) C. likes D. trust(信任) BBMrs. Browns telephone number was 3464, and the number of the cinema in her town was 5463, so people often made a mistake and telephoned her when they wanted the cinema. One evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs. Brown answered it. A tired man said, At wha

15、t time does your last film begin? Im sorry, said Mrs. Brown, but you have wrong number. That is not the cinema. Oh, it began twenty minutes ago? said the man. Im sorry about that. Goodbye! Mrs. Brown was very surprised. So she told her husband. He laughed and said, The mans wife wanted to go to the

16、cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he telephoned the cinema. His wife heard him, but she didnt hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy! ( )l. Why did people telephone Mrs. Brown? A.Because Mrs. Brown knew a lot about The films, so people often telephoned he

17、r. B.Because Mrs. Brown was friendly.C.Because people often want to make a mistake. ( )2. What was Mrs. Browns telephone number?A. Mrs. Browns telephone number was 3464 B.It was 6432.C.It was 5463.( )3. The man didnt want to see a film,why?A.Because his wife was feeling tired. B.Because he was feeli

18、ng tired.C. Because it was late.( )4. The man and his wife didnt go to the cinema,why?A. Because the film had already begun (已开始)。 B. Because the man didt want to go there.C. Because they didt want to go there.( )5. Where will they stay this evening?A.In the cinema. B.Stay at home. C. In the park.cM

19、r. Smith is our Chinese teacher. He always asks the same student to answer his questions because he doesnt look at the students at all. Yesterday he questioned Dick three times. Dick was very angry. After class Dick asked me, What shall I do? I told him a good idea. Now we are having a Chinese class

20、. Mr. Smith wants one of us to read the text. Dick, please read the text. Dick isnt here today. Dick stands up and says. Oh, I see. you read it, please. 1. Mr. Smith teaches us _. A. English B. Math C. Physics D. Chinese 2. He always asks the same student to _. A. translate the text B. read the tex

21、C. tell a storyD. answer his questions 3. Yesterday he questioned Dick _. A. onceB. twice C. three times D. four times 4. _ told Dick a good idea. A. Tim B. Mr. Smith C. The writer D. I 5. Is the idea really good?_. A. yes, it is B. No, it isnt C. Yes, it does D. No, it doesnt五补全对话(5)六词汇。(11)A)首字母填词

22、。1. I want to buy a new m_ phone.2. I am lucky to have a c_ to study in Peking University.3. Many famous people give their money to c_ to help the poor.4.The man got i_ in the match and was sent to the hospital.5.I am very sorry that my parents are a_ my decision.B) 根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. _(watch)TV t

23、oo much is bad for your eyes. 2.Its very _ to play with fire.(danger) 3.They are much _(friend)than I thought. 4. The teacher _(take)away my mobile phone because I used it in class. 5. Please ask the children _(not play)in the street.6.There are lots of beatiful_(flower).七句型转换。(5)1. I think Im going

24、 to stay at home. (改为否定句) I _ think I _ going to stay at home.2. Ill take it away if you bring food to the party. (对划线部分提问) What _ you _ if you bring food to the party?3. If you go to the party, youll have a great time. (改为同义句) If you go to the party, youll _ _.4. Ride your bike or youll be late. (改

25、为以if引导的条件状语从句) Youll be late if you _ _ your bike.5. Why not play soccer with me? (改为同义句)Why_ _play soccer with me?八完成句子。(14)1如果去参加晚会,你会玩得很高兴。(great) If you go to the party ,_ _ _ 2如果你上学迟到了将会发生什么?(happen)_ _ if you are late for shool?3他以打渔为生。(living)He .4在聚会时,不要带别的学校的朋友来。(bring) at the party. 5 如果我成为律师,我将工作不能和孩子们一起。(able,work) If I am a lawyer, I wont_


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