



1、六年级期末模拟(一) 姓名 成绩 听力部分(共30分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。(10分)( ) 1. A. king B. kilt C. quick( ) 2. A. watch B. waste C. water( ) 3. A. full B. thirsty C. hungry( ) 4. A. doctor B. astronaut C. dentist( ) 5. A. a nice place B. travel around C. a tidy and clean place( ) 6. A. August 3rd B. October 3rd C. August 13

2、th( ) 7. A. plastic bags B. paper bags C. plastic bottles( ) 8.A.father B. future C. fast( ) 9.A.sleepy B. safely C. quiet( )10.A. Giraffe points at his neck B. Giraffe points at his long neck C. Giraffe points at his long nose.二、根据你所听到的内容,选择相应的答句。(10分)( ) 1.A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I don

3、t.( ) 2.A. Ten. B. Ten yuan. C. Ten oclock.( ) 3.A.Yes, she is. B. No, she wont. C. Yes, I will.( ) 4.A.By car. B. At four. C. Great!( ) 5.A. I want to be a dancer. B. I want to dance. C. She wants to be a dancer.三、听录音,填入所缺单词。(10分)Jack _ many good habits. He _puts his things in _. He likes _ healthy

4、 food. This _, he is going to Taipei with his_. It is very_ and beautiful. He _take some photos there. Then he will _ them _me.笔试部分(70分)一、 选择题。(15分)( )1. Why is the bus _ again?A. stoping B. stop C. stopping( )2. He lost his bike. He felt _. A. excitedly B. sad C. happily( )3.We should eat _ every d

5、ay.A. a little vegetable B. some vegetables C. a few vegetables( )4. What _ he _ this morning?A. does; eat B. did; eat C. did; ate( )5. They saw _ monkeys around them. A. so many B. many too C . so much( )6. Playing on the road is not _.A. safe B. safety C. safely( )7. May I have_ apple juice? OK. A

6、. any B. many C. some ( )8. Look! The old man _ the road. A. cross B. crosses C. is crossing ( )9. You _ watch TV after finishing your homework.A. can B. should C. must( )10. She _ a _ diet. A. have; health B. has; healthy C. have; healthy( )11. Bobby is talking _ his plans _Sam. A. with; about B. t

7、o; about C. about; with( )12._ is my classmate. _name is Helen. A. She; Her B. It; Her C. She ; Hers( )13.The little boy walked by and _ me up. A. wake B. waked C. woke( )14 Would you like _ tea with milk? A. a B. some C. any( )15.I want to write an email my father. A.to B.with C.for二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(

8、10分)1.A mouse (bite) the net with his teeth. The lion got out.2.My parents was (happy),they laughed (happy).3.Dont talk, the baby (sleep).4.He must (put) our things in order.5. Mike always (have) meals on time, but his sister (do not).6. How can you cross them (safe)?7. We (fly) kites tomorrow.8.Its

9、 usually (rain) in the UK.三、按要求改写句子。(6分)1.The girl will go to the library this Sunday.(改同义句) The girl the library this Sunday.2.Helen does her homework before dinner.(改否定句) Helen her homework before dinner.3.Mike is good at PE.(改同义句) Mike PE.4.My mother is going to make a cake for me.(对划线部分提问) is mo

10、ther going to for ?四、根据中文提示完成句子。(14分)1.你打算为我煮鱼吗? you _ _ fish _ _me?2.昨天我在家做了家庭作业。 I _ my homework at _ .3.你打算在那儿待多久? _ _ _ _ are you going to there?4.我擅长音乐。 I _ _ Music.5.春节在什么时候?在一月份或者二月份。 _ _ is the Spring Festival ? Its in January _ _ February.五、完型填空。(10分)Youll see a new _1_at a hospital near Lo

11、ndon if you go there. He is very clever,_2_he never speaks. He can work 24 hours a day and never gets _3_.He is one metre tall and has a face_4_a TV screen .He is Dr. Robot. Doctors often need to ask their patients a lot of questions._5_ doctors can only spend a few minutes with such patient. But Dr

12、. Robot, a human doctor can ask a patient questions for an hour if it is _6_._7_ the help of Dr. Robot ,a human doctor can_8_a lot of useful information(信息)when he meets his patient. How can Dr. Robot do this? A computer tell him what to do. Dr. Robot can do a lot of things people can do, though he

13、cant completely_9_the place of _10_ doctors. ( )1. A. sick person B.nurse C.chemist D.doctor ( )2. A.so B.if C.but D.because ( )3. A.tired B.off C.up D.woounded ( )4. A.like B.on C.as D.in ( )5. A.Kind B.Busy C.Free D.Tall ( )6. A.late B.impossibleC.necessary D.interesting ( )7. A.With B.For C.Behin

14、d D.Under ( )8. A.spend B.have C.send D.speak ( )9. A.bring B.give C.take D.lead ( )10. A.robot B.computer C.women D.human 六、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确,用“T”、“F”表示。(5分)Jim likes cars. He has some model cars. He plays with them every day. He often goes out in his fathers car. “I wish I could drive a car, Jim say

15、s. “No. You are too small. You must wait a long time before you can learn,” his father says.On his birthday, his father gives him a pedal car(脚踏汽车)as a present. Jim likes it very much and drives it every day. “I wish I could have a passenger(乘客)to ride the car withme,”Jim says. “But the car is too s

16、mall,” his father says. “It can only take you. ” But Jim doesnt think so. He goes out and finds a passenger waiting for him!Who is the passenger? Its a dog. ( )1. Jim is a very small boy.( )2. Jim goes out with his father every day.( )3. Jim has some model cars at home.( )4. Jim wants to drive a car

17、 himself.( )5. Jims mother gives him a car on his birthday.七、阅读短文,选择正确的填空。(5分)The Road family often does housework together at the weekends. Pam often cleans bedrooms. Her father buys groceries (食品杂货) for the next week. Her mum washes the clothes. John, Pams brother, helps to cut grass in their gard

18、en. The Roads often ride a bike to the park nearby. In the park, they can play basketball and football. They always have a good time there. It is happy when a family works and plays together.( ) 1. How many people are there in the Road family? _ A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.( ) 2. The Road fam

19、ily likes to _. A. go on a picnic B. go shopping C. have a rest D. go to the park( ) 3. When the family work together, they feel_.A. tired B. happy C. angry D. sad( ) 4. _ cuts the grass in the garden.A. Father B. Mother C. Pam D. John( ) 5. A good title (标题) for the passage is _.A. A family works and plays together B. Cleaning the rooms C. A big family D. Pam and her parents八、写作。(5分)过马路时,我们应该注意些什么?请以Road safety为题,写一篇不少于50个单词的作文。 听力材料一、 听录音,选择你所听到的内容。1.The king isnt wearing any clothes. 2.We cant waste food. 3.She is thirsty now. 4.I want to be an astronaut. 5.


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