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1、,名词: n. actor, actress, address, afternoon, airport, animal, apple, Asia, Alice, New York, Christmas Day, the University of London 冠词:art. an, a, the 形容词:adj. active, afraid, angry, bad, beautiful, black, busy, careful, careless, cloudy,副词:adv. now, then, often, today, here, out, down, inside, downs

2、tairs, back, everywhere, carefully, kindly, much, usually, happily, luckily, where, when, however 介词:prep. at, in, above, after, among, below, for, since 连词:conj. and, but, so, bothand, even if, because,代词:pron. any, anyone, anything, he, she, it, my, his, this,不及物动词:Vi. come, arrive, walk, go, die,

3、 fall, run, stay, sit, lie, rise, stand 及物动词:vt. borrow, buy, forget, help, call, afford, allow 连系动词: be, look, seem, appear, smell, taste, sound, feel, keep, stay,情态动词: can, could, may, might, will, would, should, ought to, must, need, dare,助动词: be, do, have, shall, will,五种基本句型结构: 主语+系动词+表语 主语+谓语 主

4、语+谓语+宾语 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语,He is angry. I listened. She opened the door. My mother gave me an apple. His sister made him angry.,He is angry. He is in the classroom. He is there. He is a teacher. The book is mine. She is the first.,她和蔼。 She is kind. 她在花园里。 She is in the garden. 她是一个工程师。 S

5、he is an engineer. 公园在学校后面。 The park is behind the school.,He is angry. He is angry now. He is angry about the noise. He is angry because of the noise. He is angry because I told a lie. My mother is kind. My mother is kind to us. My mother is always kind. My mother is kind so that we love her. My mo

6、ther is so kind that we love her.,海南出名。 Hainan is famous. 海南因为它美丽的风景而出名。 Haina is famous for its beautiful scenery. 海南以椰岛而著称。 Hainan is famous as coconut island.,be careful about, be sure about, be worried about, be interested in, be good at, be afraid of,He planted a tree. He planted a tree yesterd

7、ay. He planted a tree in the garden yesterday. He planted a tree with my father in the garden yesterday. She bought a book. She bought a book in the bookshop. She bought a book in the bookshop last Sunday. She bought a book for her daughter in the bookshop last Sunday.,他帮了我。 He helped me. 他帮我做作业。 He

8、 helped me with my homework. 他昨天帮我做作业。 He helped me with my homework yesterday. 他昨天在教室里帮我做作业。 He helped me with my homework in the classroom yesterday.,He has arrived. He has arrived at the station. He has already arrived at the station.,他正在听。 He is listening. 他正在听音乐。 He is listening to the music. 他

9、正在屋里听音乐。 He is listening to the music in the room. 他正在和他朋友在屋里听音乐。 He is listening to the music with his friend in the room.,My mother gave me some money. My mother gave me some money last night. My mother gave me some money in the study last night. 他教我们英语。 He taught us English. 他去年教我们英语。 He taught u

10、s English last year. 他教我们两年英语。 He taught us English for two years.,我爷爷给我们带来水果。 My grandfather brought us fruits. 我爷爷昨天给我们带来水果。 My grandfather brought us fruits yesterday. 我爷爷昨天从乡下给我们带来水果。 My grandfather brought us fruits from the countryside yesterday.,I passed him a card. He handed me a book. She s

11、howed me her pictures. My mother bought me a dress. My brother told me a story.,我发现他伤心。 I found him sad. 我昨天发现他伤心。 I found him sad yesterday. 我昨天在教室里发现他伤心。 I found him sad in the classroom yesterday.,He made his father angry. He made his father angry last Saturday. He made his father angry last Satu

12、rday because he broke the window.,I believe him honest. We call him Little Mike. We consider him a strange man. He kept the door open. We made him president of the company.,You are happy. Are you happy? You have a book. Do you have a book? He can sing. Can he sing?,你明天要去动物园吗? Are you going to the zo

13、o? Will you go to the zoo?,你能和他明天一起把教室打扫一下吗? Can you clean the classroom with him tomorrow?,When did you visit the zoo? Where will you put the book?,你为什么撒谎? Why did you tell a lie? 你为什么昨天撒谎? Why did you tell a lie yesterday? 你昨天为什么对你妈妈撒谎? Why did you tell a lie to your mother yesterday?,I dont like

14、the film. He cant go to the shop. He isnt active.,我不告诉你。 I wont tell you. 我不担心。 I am not worried. 我不必呆在这。 I neednt stay here.,我还没收到我最好的朋友的来信。,I havent heard from my best friend.,我的作业做完了。 My homework has been done. I have done my homework.,树浇水了。 The trees have been watered.,门油漆了。 The door has been pa

15、inted.,这个教室我们要打扫一下。 We have to clean the classroom.,这条消息我们要告诉他一下。 We should tell him the news.,这首歌我不喜欢。 I dont like this song.,去年建了一所学校。 A school was built last year.,昨天发生了一起车祸。 A car accident happened yesterday.,下星期天将举办一场运动会。 A sports meeting will be held next Sunday.,每天给树浇浇水。 The trees should be w

16、atered every day. You should water the trees every day.,我们学校盖了一栋新楼。 A new building has been put up in our school.,定语的翻译: The book is interesting. The red book is interesting. The red English book is interesting. The red English book on the desk is interesting.,在树下的男子是我爸爸。 The man under the tree is m

17、y father. 在树下的高个子男子是我爸爸。 The tall man under the tree is my father.,这位老师是我的英语老师。 The teacher is my English teacher. 在教室里的这位老师是我的英语老师。 The teacher in the classroom is my English teacher. 正在讲话的这位老师是我的英语老师。 The teacher who / that is talking is my English teacher.,欢迎你参加我们于12月25日晚6时半在教室里举行 的圣诞晚会。 You are

18、welcome to our Christmas party to be given in the classroom at 6:30 p.m. on December 25.,He was ill. He didnt go to school. He didnt go to school because he was ill.,1.The door bell rang when I was reading. 2.As you grow older, youll understand me. 3. Great changes have taken place since you left th

19、e city. 4. She cried as soon as she heard the news. He was punished because he broke the rules. Since everyone is here, lets start our meeting. I raised my voice so that they could hear me. We arrived early so that we caught the bus. He drove so carelessly that he had an car accident.,状语从句:,有两个学生在读书

20、。 Two students are reading. There are two students who are reading.,有很多人无法拥有小汽车。 Lots of people cant afford a car. There are lots of people who cant afford a car.,桌子上有一本书。 There is a book on the desk.,明天有场足球赛。 There will be a football match tomorrow.,我有一台电脑。 I have a computer.,1. 我的鞋又脏、又湿、又旧、又破。 2.

21、你书读得越多,你懂得越多。 3. 麦克个子越来越高。 4. 他过去常常和小伙伴在村边的小河里捉鱼。 5. 因为得了感冒,他不得不住院一周。,1. 我的鞋又脏、又湿、又旧、又破。 My shoes are dirty, wet , old and worn. 2. 你书读得越多,你懂得越多。 The more you read, the more you will learn. If you read more, you will learn more. 3. 麦克个子越来越高。 Mike is taller and taller. 4. 他过去常常和小伙伴在村边的小河里捉鱼。 He used to catch fish with his little friends in the small river near the village. 5. 因为得了感冒,他不得不住院一周。 He had to stay in hospital for a week as a result of the bad cold/ because of his bad col


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