



1、人教版必修二单词题人教版必修二Unit1练习一:1. Bears in this country are unlikely to s_ unless strict protection programs are carried out.2. Do you f_ going to swim along with us this weekend?3. We thought that this book was not w_ reading a second time.4. Im sorry. The products you s_ in our online shop are already so

2、ld out and temporarily out of stock.5. It is difficult to r_ overnight all the problems accumulated over the years.6. Im still _ ( 争论 ) with myself whether to let you go abroad alone.7.He flew on-stop from Beijing to Nanjing to attend an _(非正式的 )dinner party.8. The scientist is very strange, but the

3、re is no _( 怀疑 ) that he is clever.9.We often forget that fashion should be _ (设计 ) real people who live real lives.10. They _(装饰 ) the classroom withfresh flowers and beautifulpaintings to celebrate thefestival.练习二:belong to, in return, in search of, less than, at war, take apart, think highly of,

4、in trouble1. The famous professor who is _ is determined to go where he is needed most.2. He sold out all the possessions _ his uncle and went to America.3. Do something for somebody without expecting anything _.4. If you spend _ what you earn, you won tbe in debt, obviously.5. These workers migrate

5、 form country to country _ work.6. Whenever you are _, you can seek help from our organization.7. People won tlive a happy life if they are poor, hungry, sick or are _.8. The boy _ the toy car, but couldn tput it together again.Unit 2练习一:1. More than 7,000 athletes representing 43 countries are expe

6、cted c_ in the sporting event.2. The old cinema was torn down and r_ with a restaurant.3. We are confident that the Chinese people will overcome this disaster and rebuild their h_.4.She b_ with the trader till he agreed to take 50yuan off the price.5. His contribution was so great that he d_ to be a

7、warded the prize by the government.6. Besides his _(常规的 ) wages, the driver picks up money in tips.7. He is proud that his son has been _( 录取 ) to Oxford University.8. The company is spending heavily to _( 做广告 )its strongest brands.9. They must bear the _( 责任 ) for the impact of their activities on

8、society.10. Who do you believe should be in _( 主管 ) of such a situation?练习二:1. The more we can enjoy what we have, _( 我们就越幸福 ).2. They expect her _( 不但要听 ), _( 而且还提供 ) real answers.3. _( 这就是为什么 ) he created lampbrella.人教版必修二单词题4. On the other hand, _ ( 越大 ) the risk of disappointment.5.Thats not _(

9、这个问题那么简单) as it first appears.Unit 3练习一:1.Still greater efforts are needed before we can attain our _(目标 ).2. The moment I went into the exam classroom, I_( 完全地 ) forgot all the knowledge I had learned.3. This is actually a bit hard to explain, but I ll give it a try _( 无论如何 )。4.Such problems are a

10、_(普遍的 )feature of old age.5. We worked for a couple of weeks and finally _( 解决 ) this problem.6. They have accepted my _(申请 ) to join the club.7. He equals me in strength but not in _( 智力 ).8.Because of modern _( 技术 ),we have a much higher standard of living.9. He _(计算 ) his gains and losses of mone

11、y and the result was a minus.10. If we redouble our efforts, our dream will turn into _(现实 ).练习二:as a result of, have.in common, so that , go by, in fact1. He was _ angry _ he left the room without saying a word.2. As time _, the little girl is getting prettier and prettier.3. Lily and Lucy are twin

12、s , and they _ much _.4. They told me it would be cheap, but _it cost me nearly $500.5. _ the terrible earthquake, thousands of people in Japan lost their homes.Unit 4练习一:1. Science fiction usually sets these stories in the d_ future.2. Unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never do h_ to

13、us or our belongings.3. The girl wearing a red dress attracted my a_ immediately.4.Id a _ it if you would turn off the light. Im sleepy.5. He could not c_ himself for anger after hearing the bad news.6. The police have finally _( 成功 ) in solving the mystery.7. They _ (回应 ) to 16 calls complaining ab

14、out the noise of passing trains.8.The Prince wouldn tlisten to anyone and treat his people without _(仁慈 ).9. The boss _(雇佣 ) about 20 more people to work for him yesterday.10. During the eight-day march across the desert our supple of water _(减少 ) rapidly.练习二:burst into laughter, die out, long to, s

15、et up, turn around, be concerned about1. Many animals have _ for the cause of much killing and hunting.2. He decided to _ a Hope School to help the poor children in the village.3. Upon hearing the funny story, everybody _.4. After that I often _ see him, but could not get an opportunity.5. Everybody

16、 here _ the quality of our education system.6. Our teacher _ and went back into his office.Unit 5人教版必修二单词题练习一:1. He p_ his experiment over and over, working till midnight.2. They always a_ great importance to the protection of children.3. His success e_ him respect and admiration in the end.4. TED i

17、s offering the talks on its website in the f _ of videos.5. Although he p_ to be clam, his pale face gave him away.6. If you are _ (敏感) to caffeine, avoid it in the afternoon and evening.7. One day I will become a _( 百万富翁 ), but the chances are very small.8. What is more, music and the _( 音乐家 ) are

18、inseparable.9. She is very _(熟悉的 )with the foreign company after having worked there for ten years.10. We are _(过路人 ),and are not familiar with this street.练习二:to be honest, earn one sliving, attach importance to, dream of, in cash, rely on1. Are you going to pay _ or by credit card?2. _, I don tapp

19、reciate his way of speaking in public.3. In order to _ in a strange city, he first worked in a supermarket selling fruits.4. He has been _ becoming a sports star as Lin Shu-how.5. Our English teacher _ yourself instead of your parents when you come across somedifficult problems.参考答案:Unit 1练习一:1. sur

20、vive;2.fancy;3.worth;4.selected;5. remove;6. debating;7.informal;8. doubt;9. designed;10.decorated;练习二:1. thought highly of; 2. belonging to; 3. in return; 4. less than; 5.in search of;6. in trouble;7. at war;8. took apart;Unit 2练习一:1. compete; 2. replaced;3. homeland;4. bargained; 5. deserved;6. regular;7. admitted; 8. advertise; 9.responsibility; 10. charge;练习二:1.the happier we are; 2. Not only to listen, but also to provide; 3. Thatswhy; 4. the more, the greater;Unit 3练习一


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