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1、Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Lesson 1 Exercise One,traditional Chinese medicine; TCM basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine clinical experience treatment based on syndrome differentiation miscellaneous diseases Chinese pharmacy four properties and fiv

2、e tastes acupuncture and moxibustion ancient Chinese philosophy sweating therapy; diaphoresis,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Exercise One,purgation vomiting therapy; emetic therapy the School of Reinforcing the Earth etiology prescription; formula medical pra

3、ctice therapeutic principles cold and cool medicinals nourishing yin and reducing fire diseases caused by blood stagnation/stasis/static blood,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Translation Exercises,1/2/5/6/7/8/9/10/12/13/14 (略) 3.TCM is a science that studies t

4、he rules of life as well as the occurrence, progress, prevention and treatment of diseases. 4.Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperors Internal Classic) laid a foundation for the formation of theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine. 11.In the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, there appeared so-called Jin

5、-Yuan Four Great Medical Schools by offsprings. 15. Zhu Danxi treated diseases chiefly by nourishing yin and reducing fire, whose theory is known as “School of Nourishing Yin”.,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Translation Exercises,16. Warm Disease is a clinica

6、l subject that studies the occurrence, progress, diagnosis and treatment of seasonal warm diseases. 17. The School of Warm Disease developed the rules of treating warm diseases based on syndrome differentiation in light of defensive, qi, nutritive and blood phases and the triple energizer. 18. Wang

7、Qingren corrected mistakes about anatomy made in ancient medical books and advocated the theory of blood stagnation causing diseases. 19. Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine has paved a new way for the development and modernization of traditional Chinese medicine. 20. Great progress

8、has been made in systematic and experimental study of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine.,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,中医学是中华民族灿烂的传统文化,为中华民族的繁荣发展做出了突出贡献。此外,中医学在世界传统医学和药学领域中发展了自己独有的学术流派。中医药不仅对中国而且对于全世界的健康卫生事业发挥了重要作用。 中医学是一门研究人体生命活动变化规律及调节的科学。中医

9、学体现了对于人体生命科学的深刻认识,它是科学和进步发展的。其健康理念和临床实践反映了现代科学的发展趋势。,Translation Exercises,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Listening Comprehension,Questions: 1.What were recorded in ancient TCM works? Theories of syndrome differentiation and treatment of disease. 2.Before com

10、ing to China, what had the student already heard of? Huangdis Internal Classic and Treatise on Cold Damage. 3.What is considered as the TCM bible for over two thousand years? Huangdis Internal Classic. 4. What are the periods that medical achievements and experiences were summarized by Huangdis Inte

11、rnal Classic? Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. 5.Which of the following classic works is not mentioned in this material? 难经;本草纲目;金匮要略;诸病源侯论 Classic of Difficulties; Compendium of Materia Medica; Synopsis of the Golden Chamber; Treatise on Causes and Manifestations of

12、 Various Diseases.,Produced by Ye Xiao,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2012,Lao Tzu,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Exercise One,five zang-organs six fu-organs system of meridians (and collaterals) holism;holistic concept organic whole social attribute (f

13、ive zang-organs) open into;(treatment) open orifices sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store diagnostics relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Exercise One,therapeutics common cold due to wind and cold treat th

14、e same disease with different therapies treat different diseases with the same therapy balance of water metabolism clearing (away) heart fire nature of disease treating the left side for disease in the right side drawing yang from yin treating the lower part for disease in the upper part,Produced by

15、 Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Exercise Two,1/2/3/4/5/6/7/12/13/14 /17/18/19 (略) 8.TCM has noticed that social activity psychologically influences human beings. 9. TCM emphasizes the coexistence of body and spirit, interdependant and interactive. 10. Yang qi in the huma

16、n body tends to flow to the exterior in the daytime and to the interior at night. 11. The difference of regional climates, to some extent, influences the physiological activities of the human body.,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,15. Differentiation of syndrom

17、es and treatment of the disease are two inseparable aspects in diagnosing and treating diseases. 16. Clinically, though the differentiation of diseases is important in Chinese medicine, the differentiation of syndromes is far more stressed as to treat diseases by curing syndromes. 20. Chinese medici

18、ne treats disease not purely on its difference, but on its pathogenesis rather than,Exercise Two,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,中医学从整体上的看待健康,把人体作为一个统一体,也是自然界的一部分。因此,中医学认为健康与空气、食物、环境和生活方式有着密切的联系。 在中医人体内部的各个部分被认为是执行各种特定生理功能的系统,而不是解剖实体。主要的器官系统有心、肝、脾、肺、肾。心被认为是所有其

19、他器官的控制者,并负责血液循环和基本的情绪反应。肝储存的血液,协助消化,调节气血循环,主筋,并参与情志活动。脾脏运化营养物质和水,滋养肌肉和四肢,决定人的体质。肺司呼吸,主气,调节气和津液循行,并抗初入之邪。肾脏被认为是最重要的器官,除了从体内排除废液,还存储了先天和后天精气。肾主水,主骨生髓,主生殖、生长和发育。肺的吸气功能也受肾脏功能的影响。人体所有的五个主要器官都参与为人体提供能量(气)和免疫防御功能,尤其是肺,脾,肾三脏。,Exercise Two,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 20

20、11,Listening Comprehension,Teacher:In the long course of its development and practice,materialism and dialectic have been _ all aspects of TCM theory. Student: How does TCM understand materialism? Teacher: In TCM, materialism means that the existence of human beings depends on the interaction betwee

21、n the celestial qi and terrestrial qi. The spirit and the body are . Diseases are and curable. Student: Would you please tell me in detail?,inseparable,cognizable,permeated,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Listening Comprehension,Teacher: Sure. Traditional Chin

22、ese Medicine holds that the world in which we live is material and is the result of the interaction between yin and yang. It is said in Plain Questions: “The lucid yang ascends to form the sky and the .yin descends to constitute the earth.” Qi is the most basic substance in , the movement of which l

23、eads to the of everything in the universe. Spirit is also an important concept in TCM. In a broad sense, Spirit refers to the external manifestations of life this includes both physiological and pathological manifestations. More narrowly, Spirit refers to mental activity. In TCM theory, Spirit cover

24、s three aspects: the spiritual, the ,and the mental activities. Student: How does materialism direct us in clinical treatment?,turbid,constant motion,conscious,formation,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Listening Comprehension,Teacher: Materialism is very impor

25、tant for clinical treatment. In its long course of practice, traditional Chinese medicine has the inherent relation between mental activities and physiological activities. Just as what is said in Plain Questions, “In the human body, the five zang-organs generate five kinds of organ-qi and hence the

26、five emotional changes.” The frequently quoted expressions are “anger damaging liver”, “over-joy damaging heart”, “thought damaging spleen”, “anxiety damaging lung” and “fear damaging kidney”.,revealed,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Listening Comprehension,St

27、udent: What then is dialectic? Teacher: It includes manifestation and root, the ;. treatment and contrary treatment, differential application of therapeutic methods. It also includes treatment of the same diseases with different therapeutic methods and treatment of different diseases with the same t

28、herapeutic methods. Student: It looks like good grasp of materialism and dialectic is crucial if I want to master TCM.,chronic and acute,routine,Produced by Ye Xiao,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2012,Lao Tzu,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Yin-Yang Theo

29、ry,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Fundamental Concept of Yin-Yang,Yin- Yang is a summary of attributes of two opposite aspects of certain correlative things or phenomena in the universe. It may not only represent the attributes of two mutually opposite things

30、 or phenomena, but also the two mutually opposite aspects within a thing or a phenomenon. (阴阳是对自然界相互关联的某些事物或现象对立双方属性的概括。它既可表示相互对立而又相互关联的两种事物或现象,又可表示同一事物或现象内部相互对立而又相互关联的两个方面。)“且夫阴阳者,有名而无形。”,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Yin-Yang Interaction 1. Opposition and

31、Restriction Between Yin and Yang 2. Mutual Rooting of Yin and Yang 3. Waxing and Waning of Yin and Yang 4. Yin-Yang Conversion,Basic Contents of Yin-Yang,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Yin-Yang Interaction (阴阳交感): The interaction or interactive course during

32、the qi movement of yin and yang. Evolution of the universe, and generation and disappearance of things are all the consequence of action of yin and yang upon each other. “天气下降,地气上升,天地交感,万物乃生。”,Basic Contents of Yin-Yang,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,1. Oppos

33、ition and Restriction Between Yin and Yang (阴阳对立制约): The mutually opposing, repelling and contending relationship between yin and yang. This mainly embodies their mutual restriction and struggle, through which unity or a dynamic balance is maintained. (eg. 水/火; 寒/热; 热者寒之, 寒者热之),Basic Contents of Yin

34、-Yang,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,2. Mutual Rooting of Yin and Yang (阴阳互根): The mutually dependent relationship between yin and yang, the same as interdependence between yin and yang. It reveals the inseparability of two sides of yin and yang. It also has

35、the meaning of mutual generating and promoting. (eg. 气属阳而血属阴,气能生血、行血、摄血,而血能养气,载气),Basic Contents of Yin-Yang,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Basic Contents of Yin-Yang,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,3. Waxing and Waning

36、 of Yin and Yang (阴阳消长): Alternation of strength and prevalence between the paired yin and yang, the same as natural flux or growth and decline of yin and yang. It indicates the two sides of opposite things are not in a state of stillness and unchanged, but in a state of constant change under a cert

37、ain limit, namely “quantitative change”.,Basic Contents of Yin-Yang,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Basic Contents of Yin-Yang,Physical Functions,Nutrients,Supply,Transform,Yang,Yin,Waxing and Waning of Yin and Yang in Balance,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM

38、 English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,4. Yin-Yang Conversion (阴阳转化): The property of the same thing can be transformed between yin and yang, also called inter-transformation of yin and yang, a process of “qualitative change” on a base of “quantitative change”. (素问:“重阴必阳,重阳必阴”; “寒极生热,热极生寒”。),Basic C

39、ontents of Yin-Yang,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Yin- Yang Disorders,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Exercise One,philosophical concept mutual transformation balance of yin and yang transformation of yin and yang extr

40、eme cold turning into heat pathological changes absolute predominance general rule of pathogenesis supplementing the insufficiency dispelling wind and dispersing cold,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Exercise One,mutual waning and waxing mutual inhibition inter

41、dependence yin exuberance leading to yang disease contrary and supplementary to each other organic whole impairment of yang involving yin deficiency of both yin and yang deficiency cold syndrome subduing yang and extinguishing wind,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2

42、011,Translation Exercises,1. Yin-yang is a pair of concept in ancient Chinese philosophy. 2./5./6./7./9./12./14./15./19.(略) 3.The occurrence, development and change of all the things in the universe are the outcome of paradoxical movement of yin-yang opposition and unity. 4. The celestial qi pertain

43、s to yang because it is light and lucid, while the terrestrial qi pertains to yin because it is heavy and turbid. 8.Only through constant balance of waxing and waning can the normal development of things be promoted.,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Translation

44、 Exercises,10. Sprout of things signifies transformation while extreme development of things indicates change. 11. Yin-yang is indispensable to the shape of human body. 13.If yin and yang fail to be interdependent and fall apart, human life will come into an end. 16.The deficiency of either yin or y

45、ang to a certain extent will inevitably result in the insufficiency of its opposite aspect.,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Translation Exercises,17. The internal reason of the onset and development of diseases lies in disharmony of yin and yang./Imbalance bet

46、ween yin and yang is the intrinsic factor responsible for the occurrence and progress of a disease. 18.Yin-yang attribute of the disease can be differentiated by the complexion brightness./The brightness of complexion can tell whether a disease pertains to yin or yang in nature. 20. Favorable curati

47、ve effects can only be achieved by applying proper medications./Only when appropriate herbs are chosen can excellent therapeutic effects be ensured.,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Translation Exercises,疾病是正邪(人体的抵抗力与致病因素之间)斗争的结果。因此,在某病治疗过程中,一些因素和条件,即时间、地点和个体特点

48、应当被考虑的。在中草药的临床应用过程中,这些因素是非常重要的。这是指导中医临床实践的一个重要治则。为时间为例,在夏季,人体的汗孔开张或松弛,而冬季闭合或紧张。如果人体同样感受外来风寒邪气,在夏季不宜用辛温解表药,但在冬季应大剂量使用。夏季潮湿,致病邪气多易夹湿。因此对于夏季疾病,草药中应加入化湿或除湿之药。,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Listening Comprehension,Questions: 1.What is yin-yang theory? The duality

49、 of all things in the natural world. 2.Write out four pairs of yin-yang. Day and night, brightness and dimness, movement and stillness, upward and downward directions. 3.What is the basic interaction between yin and yang? Yin-yang conversion, mutual rooting of yin and yang, waning and waxing of yin

50、and yang as well as unity and opposition of yin and yang. 4. What are waning and waxing of yin and yang and Yin-yang conversion regarded respectively? The quantitative change and the qualitative change.,Produced by Ye Xiao,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2012,Lao Tzu,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. T

51、CM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Wu Xing ( The Five Elements ),Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,. The implication of the five elements .The development of the theory of the five elements . The interactions among the five elements . The application o

52、f the theory of the five elements in TCM,Contents,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Wu,Xing,Wu Xing,“Wu” refers to five categories of things in the natural world, namely wood, fire, earth, metal and water.,“Xing” means movement and transformation.,“Wu Xing” actu

53、ally refers to the movement and transformation of these five elements as well as their interrelationships.,. The implication of the five elements,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,The fire and water supply diet for the people. 水火者,百姓之所饮食也; The metal and wood sup

54、ply the conditions of work and rest for the people. 金木者,百姓之所兴作也; The earth generates everything, which serves the people. 土者,万物之所资生,是为人用。, .The development of the theory of the five elements,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Water Fire Metal Wood Earth,People dr

55、ink water. People use water to wash clothing.,People use fire to cook food. People use fire to warm themselves.,Metal can be made into various tools.,Wood can be made into various tools.,Earth ensures the growth of all things.,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,W

56、ood is characterized by the bending and the straightening. 木曰曲直 Fire is characterized by flaming upwards. 火曰炎上 Earth is characterized by sowing and reaping. 土爰稼穑 Metal is characterized by changing. 金曰从革 Water is characterized by moistening and descending. 水曰润下,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM Engli

57、sh Academic Term of Spring, 2011, .The interactions among the five elements,Generation,Restriction,Counter-restriction,Over-restriction,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,1. Generation and restriction among the five elements,Generation,Generation means that one t

58、hing bears the effect of promoting or generating another in the five elements.,The order of generation,The mother-child relationship,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,Restriction,Restriction means that one thing controls and restrains another thing in the five e

59、lements.,The Order of Restriction,Produced by Ye Xiao, M.S. TCM,TCM English Academic Term of Spring, 2011,The relationship between generation and restriction,Generation and restriction among the five elements are in fact inseparable. Without the generation, nothing can grow and develop; without the restriction, there will be no way to prevent harm caused by excessive development of things. Only when restriction exists in the generation and the genera


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