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1、黑龙江省绥化九中九年级英语全册unit 6 i like music that i can dance to section b(3a-4)学案(无答案) 人教新目标版【学习目标】1.知识目标:掌握单词energy, interest 的词形变换、few/a few /little/ a little 的区别与联系、短语be sure to do sth. 及whatever 引导的从句。2.能力目标:自主学习,疯狂背诵,培养瞬间记忆的能力。3.情感目标:掌握学习方法,提高效率。全力以赴,激情投入,高效学习。【学习重点】:理解并复述课文。【学习难点】:学会在写作中运用定语从句。【预习案】i.学

2、法指导 使用说明&学法指导1.先通读教材,完成表层理解题,再勾画出文中的疑难点,然后再读教材进行填空。2.15分钟独立完成。教材助读(二轮阅读)一、 一轮阅读做题目学习建议迅速浏览课文,跳过生词,捕捉关键信息,把握文章主题,完成阅读题目。阅读短文,判断正(t).误(f).1. the fishermans wife was funny.( )2. yellow river fisherman isnt too long and its interesting. ( )3. its worth seeing the exhibition. ( )4. there are few great ph

3、otos of people and of the countryside. ( )5. many classical groups have stranger names than this band. ( )6. every song is loud and you often can understand the words. ( )二、 二轮阅读找难点。学习建议仔细阅读课文,在文中勾画出重点短语和句子并结合语境猜测其含义。(一) 短语1. the latest movie _2. over the years _3. look for _4. stay at home _5. be s

4、ure to _6. one of the best-known chinese photographers _7. on display _8. a world-class photographer _9. make us happy _10. on a monday morning _(二) 句子1. 不幸的是,这是他最糟糕的电影。_, this is his _ movies.2. 埃米 金是当今世界最著名的中国摄影师之一,她的一些最著名的照片在这个展览会上展览。amy kim is _ in the world today, and some of her most famous ph

5、otos are _in this exhibition.3. 这些年来,我们见过一些名字相当奇怪的音乐组合来往于乐坛。_ the years, weve seen _ groups _ pretty strange names come and go .一、单项选择题( )1._ yellow river is the second _ river in china. a. the, longest b. the, longer c. /, longer d. a, longer( )2.he is expectintg me _ tomorrow. a. to coming b. come

6、 c. coming d. to come( )3.i thought the _ were really funny. a. fishermans wife b.fishermens wives c. fishermens wives d. fishermans wife( )4. her uncle doesnt like people _ talk much but do little. a. whose b. who c. which d. what( )5. a few women love movies _ have scary monsters. a. that b. who c

7、. which d. what二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1.some f_ are catching a big fish in the lake.2.if youre looking for e_, youd better go to see comedies.3.our art teacher will hold an exhibition at the g_.4.the girl is full of e_. she always feels relaxed.5.liu xiang has been a w_ running player.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.we w

8、ill consider your _ (suggest) later.2.in your spare time, what do you like for _ (entertain) besides watching tv?3.gu changwei is one of the top _ (photograph) in china.4.his parents are _ (energy).5.i like fish very much, but my daughter _ (like)it.四、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.这部电影太长而且乏味,但它有几处优点。the movie is _ a

9、nd _, but it has _ _ _ features.2.他相信自己能通过这次考试。he _ _ that he can pass the exam.3.许多著名的照片在这次展览中展出。many famous photos _ _ _ in this exhibition.4.无论做什么事,他总是力求做好。_ _ _, he always tries to do it well.5.我每天看到这些相同的东西,它们并不那么吸引我。i see the _ things everyday and they dont _ me as _.五、补全对话a: hi, lin chan. what

10、 kind if music do you like?b: hi,gao qiang. i like (1)_music_ that i can dance to. what (2)_about_you?a: i like music that i can sing (3)_along_ with. what kind if singers do you love?b: i love (4)_those_ who can play different kinds if music.a: what kind of (5)_books_ do you (6)_like_?b: i like boo

11、ks (7)_that_ have many pictures in it.a: oh, i like books that (8)_have_ great stories.?我的疑惑 请将预习中不能解决的问题写下来,供课堂解决。【探究案】质疑探究质疑解疑、合作探究探究点一: 语篇探究学习建议 通过对教材3a 部分文章结构,主旨大意等地把握,加深对课文的理解。1. yellow river fisherman is a _, wild and windy is a _a. band b. movie c. book d. tv series2.回答问题: are amy kims city p

12、hotographs successful?_.探究点二 单词和短语探究section b & self check自主学习(自读课文,完成下列题目)一、词汇1. latest 形容词,“最新的,最近的”。辨析:latest / last / later / lately / late (1)latest 形容词,译为“最新的,最近的”。(2)last 既可作形容词,又可作副词。译为“最后的”。(3) lately 仅作副词,译为“最近”。(4) later仅作副词,译为“后来”。(5) late既可作形容词,又可作副词。译为“迟的,晚的”。例如:有奥运会的最近消息吗?is there any

13、 _ news about the olympic games?他是最后一个到会的。he was the _ person to come to the meeting.后来走失的孩子找到了妈妈。_ the lost child found his mother.近来你在干什么?what have you been doing _ ?你知道有关韩国人质的最近消息吗?do you know the _ news about korean hostage (韩国人质)?2.whatever 译为“不管什么,无论什么”,是连接代词,相当于no matter what引导让步状语从句。例如:不管做什么

14、,你都应该认真。whatever you do, you should always do carefully. (同义句转换)_ _ _ _ _, you should always do carefully.类似的词还有:whenever 无论什么时候,wherever 无论在哪儿,whoever 无论谁, however 无论怎样。上述词都可以改为“no matter +疑问词”的形式。二、短语1. be sure to do 主要有以下用法:(1)用在祈使句中,表示说话人的要求,译为“一定要,务必要”。例如:一定要按时吃药。_ _ _ take the medicine on time

15、.千万别忘记呀!_ _ _ _ forget it.(2)当主语是第三人称时, 所表示的内容是说话人的一种判断,认为某人“必然,一定”会做某事。例如:她一定会来。 she _ _ _ come.(3)be sure +that从句 表示“确信”,常可以与be sure to 替换。例如:他一会通过考试。im sure that hell pass the exam.(同义句转换) he _ _ _ pass the exam.2.to be honest译为“老实说,说实话”,相当于to tell the truth,常在句中作插入语。例如:老实说,我对此事一无所知。to be honest,

16、 i dont know anything about it.(同义句转换)_ _ _ _, i dont know anything about it.3.suit sb. fine 译为“合谋人的意;对某人来说(很)合适”。例如:这件衣服很合你身。the dress _ you very _.suit与fit 的区别:(1)fit sb.译为“适合某人,合谋人的身”,指衣服鞋子等在尺寸上合(2)suit sb.指衣服鞋子等在花色、款式、美观方面适合,也可指发型适合某人。此外suit还可作名词,指“(一套)衣服,西装”。例如:你穿着衣服很合身,但颜色不合适。the suit _ you _,

17、 but its color doesnt _ you.1. 辨析 few / a few 与 little / a little (1) there are few tomatoes in the fridge. lets go and buy some.冰箱里几乎没有西红柿了。 我们去买一些吧。(2) the movie has a few good features.这部电影有几个好的特点。(3) theres little time left. hurry up! 没时间了。快点!(4) i still have a little water. you can drink it. 我还

18、有一些水。你喝了吧。思考:从以上例句可以看出,few和 a few 用来修饰名词复数,但few表示否定意义,意为“几乎没有”,而a few 表示肯定意义,意为“有些”。little 和 a little 用来修饰不可数名词,little 表示否定意义,意为“几乎没有”,而 a little 表示肯定意义,意为“一些”。2. latest, later, lately, lastlatest adj “最近的,最新的”,不是late最高级。this is the latest song.这是最近流行的歌曲late adj/adv“晚的,迟的,最近,不远前”later adj/adv “更迟的;后

19、来,较晚”lately adv “近来”相当于recentlylast adj/adv “最后的,最后”3.as 的用法:用作连词“按照” please do it again as i told you.连词,当的时候,着重强调两个动词同时发生 she sang as she worked. 表示原因,“因为,由于”比较口语化,语气也较弱,所表示的原因比较明显。as i didnt know the way, i asked the policeman.asas 和一样 4.over the years多年来,往往与现在完成时连用over这里做介词“在期间,直到过完”lucy often w

20、orks over nightover the years, theyve planted many trees on the hills. 多年来他们已在山上种植了许多树。5.though 不做副词“可是,不过,然而”放在句尾6. be sure of/about +n. / pron. /短语 确信,对有把握 im sure of/about his success.我相信他会成功。be sure that 从句 确信,相信, 有时候与“be sure +不定式”互换 im sure that hell pass the exam.=hes sure to pass the exam. b

21、e sure to do “一定要做某事,务必做某事”,表示说话人的一种肯定的判断和要求。be sure to write to me as soon as you arrive there.make sure 确保,核实,查收,弄清楚,后跟从句。7.one of the+adj最高级+复数名词,最之一one of the +复数名词后接定语从句时谓语动词的单复数情况one of the +复数名词后接定语从句时谓语动词通常用复数形式he is one of the teachers who know french in our school. (修饰the teachers)“one of

22、the +复数名词”结构前带有the only之类的现定语,后面定语从句中的谓语动词则要用单数形式,因为定语从句在意义上修饰的是the only one,而不是那个复数名词。he is the only one of the teachers who knows french in our school.(修饰the only one)8. on display=on show介词短语 可以做表语或者定语his pictures are on display in london this month.(表语)all kinds of clothes on display in paris ar

23、e very popular.(定语)9.interest:n.兴趣,趣味;常用于下列短语take / have an interest in 对有兴趣show interest in 在方面显露出兴趣have no interest in对不感兴趣lose interest (in) 失去(对的兴趣)v.使感兴趣 interest sb. 使某人感兴趣。be interested in sth =show/have/take an interest in he interested me in football.他使我对足球感兴趣。ive got a lot of books that mi

24、ght interest you.我有许多可能使你感兴趣的书。10.class 等级,级别,阶级11. whatever=no matter what“无论什么,不管什么”whatever you do, do it well.whatever=anything that “凡是的,所得东西”用来引导名词性从句take whatever you want. 你要什么就拿什么。whatever he wants is fine to me.他无论要什么我都没有意见。12.suggest v. 提议,建议 suggest 的名词是suggestion 是可数名词。建议,后跟名词、动名词或that从

25、句,从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用(should )+动词原形;he suggested a visit to the museum to me.他建议我去博物馆参观。he suggests going for a walk in the park.他建议去公园散步。i suggested to him that we leave early for the station.我向他建议我们得早点动身去车站。表示“暗示,间接表明”,后跟n/代词/从句做宾语,从句不用虚拟语气。mikes pale face suggests his bad health.his expression suggeste

26、d that he was angry.13.expect期望;预计常含有知道某事即将发生之意。多指盼望、等待某事的发生,感情色彩强烈。可接名词、不定式、不定式的复合结构或从句做宾语。i am expecting a letter from my friend.(名词)我在期待我朋友的来信。miss zhao expects you to be on time.(不定式复合结构)赵小姐期望你能准时。i expect that i could be here for another hour.(从句)我期望在这里再呆一个小时。i didnt except to meet you here. (不

27、定式)我没想到在这里见到你。expect to do sth.期望干 expect sb. to do sth期望某人干14. energy (n.)=energetic (adj.)探究点三 重难点句子探究1. whatever you do, dont miss this exhibition.无论你做什么,都不要错过这个展览。思考:句中whatever 引导让步状语从句,意为“无论什么,不管什么”可以用no matter what 替换。类似的词还有whoever(无论谁), whenever(无论何时),wherever(无论哪里),however(无论怎样).wherever i g

28、o, he can reach me by phone.无论我去哪里,他都能用电话联系到我。whenever you come, the door will be open for you.无论你何时来,门都会为你开着。= no matter when you come, the door will be open for you.come out of there , whoever you are.不管你是谁,从那儿出来吧。=come out of there, no matter who you are.she keeps the window closed, however hot i

29、t is.无论多热,她总是关着窗子。=she keeps the window closed, no matter how hot it is.由以上例句可以看出:疑问词与ever 构成的合成词= no matter + 疑问词。2. as the name suggests, the band has lots of energy.就像这个名字暗示的一样,这个乐队充满活力。思考:as the name suggests中as 引导非限制性定语从句。类似的句子还有:as we all know, noise is also a kind of pollution.正如我们所知,噪音也是一种污染

30、。学以致用,拓展提升学习建议运用本节所学知识,设置恰当的情景,组织语言活动,提高语言运用能力there are some exhibitions, shows, sports meetings and movies in your city next week. if you are a reporter, what would you like to report on them?参考问题:1. when will the exhibition be held?2. who will host the sports meetings?3. who is the important actor

31、 in the movie?4. whose paintings will be showed?跟踪训练用所给词的适当形式填空1.most people think the book is (bore)2.zhang yimous films are very (success)3.are you (interest)in taking photos?4.a cinema is a place of (entertain)5. (fortunate), he was late for school because he has an accident.6.be sure (remember)

32、the new words.根据汉语完成句子1. 一定要按时来这儿。 to come here on time.2. 他的一些最著名的照片在这次展览中展出。some of her photos in this exhibition.3.少数的城市照片不那么成功。a few city photographs are .3. 近几年,我学了3000多个新单词。 ,i more than 3000 new words.5.我弟弟喜欢苹果,而不喜欢香蕉。 my brother _apples _bananas.6.无论你做什么,都要尽最大努力。 _ _ _, do your best.【训练案】一翻译翻译下列句子1. 不论你做什么,不要错过这场展览。 .2. 几乎没有比这个乐队的名字更奇怪的了。 .3. 他们演奏那种我爱听的音乐。 .4. 这些是甚至在星期一早上都使我们高兴地音乐家。 .1.the photos were taken by mr smith.a.on the show b. on the display c.on a show d.on display2.yellow river fisherman is hong taos movie. a.the la


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