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1、Module 1,Language points,1. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a dark path. (1) get out of 从出来 get into 进入 get on 上(车等) get off 下 (车等) get to 到达 (2) through 穿过; 通过(表示立体空间, 从内部穿过) across 横过; 穿过 (从表面穿过,从一侧到另一侧) (3) walk along沿着走 get along with 与相处,2. look over查看,检查 look after 照

2、顾,照料 look ahead 向前看,着眼未来 look at 看着 look across 眺望 look around/about 四处看看,四下环顾 look back 回头看;回顾 look down 低头看,look down upon/on 看不起;轻视;低头看 look forward to 盼望,期待 look into 朝看去;调查 look like 看上去像 look out 当心,小心, look out of 朝外面望去 look through 浏览 look up 查寻,查阅; 抬头看,3. naturaladj.大自然的 e.g.Magnetism is an

3、aturalphenomenon. 磁力是一种自然现象。 Our motherland flows withnaturalresources. 我们祖国蕴藏着丰富的天然资源。 拓展:naturen.大自然 naturally adv.大自然地 Man-made人造的 e.g.We enjoyed the beauty ofnature. 我们欣赏大自然的美。,4. wondern.奇观;奇迹 e.g.Colour television is really awonder. 彩色电视真是一个奇迹。 They come to see the naturalwonder. 他们来参观这一天然奇观。

4、拓展:wonder还用作动词,意为“觉得奇怪,惊奇”,“想知道”。 e.g.Iwonderat his rudeness. 我对他的粗鲁感到奇怪。 The teacherwonderswhy James is always late for school. 老师想知道为什么James上学总是迟到。,No wonder难怪,不足为奇 Tou get up at eight,no wonder you are often late.,5. discussionn. 讨论,商讨 e.g.In theirdiscussion, I was in favor of Mr. Li. 在他们的争论中,我支持

5、李先生。 Their case is now underdiscussion. 他们的案件现在正在讨论中。 拓展:discussv. 讨论,论述 e.g.We willdiscussthe plan at the meeting. 我们将在会议上讨论这项计划。 Have a discussion Under discussion A discussion about/on,6. thoughconj. 虽然;但是 注意though和but不可以放在同一句中 e.g.Thoughthe task was difficult, they managed to accomplish it on ti

6、me. 尽管任务困难,他们仍按时完成了。 Thoughit was raining, we went there. 虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿。,7. belowprep. 在下面,在以下 e.g.Write your namebelowthe line. 在线下写上你的名字。 This place isbelowsea level. 此地在海平面以下。 The temperature is two degreesbelowzero. 温度是零下2度。,8. silentadj.寂静的 e.g.The old house was quitesilent. 这所旧房子非常寂静。 Please

7、 keepsilent. 请保持安静。 拓展:silencen. 沉默;寂静 e.g.Silenceis gold. 沉默是金。,9. replyv. 回答;回复 e.g.He gave me no chance toreplyto his question. 他没有给我回答他问题的机会。 You mustreplyto this letter right away. 你应当马上回复这封信。 拓展:replyn.回复 e.g.Thank you for your promptreplyto our telegram. 多谢您对我们电报的即刻答复。,区分reply和answer reply和an

8、swer都可以跟that 从句,这是两者可以互换。 Answer可以直接跟名词或者代词,reply则需要加to。 Can you answer /reply to the question.,10. clearv.(烟雾等)开始消失 e.g.Suddenly, the cloudsclearedand the rain stopped. 突然云开了,雨停了。 clear还可作形容词,此时有很多种意思。 e.g.The water in the lake isclear. (清澈的,透明的) 湖里的水清澈透明。 He gave aclearexplanation. (易懂的,明白的) 他给出了一

9、个清楚明确的解释。 It is quiteclearthat she is not coming. (明显的,显然的) 很显然她不会来。,11. remainv.做不及物动词,逗留;留下 e.g.I didntremainlong in the city. 我没在那个城市逗留很长时间。 He had toremainin hospital until he was better. 他不得不一直住院直到身体好些。 做不及物动词,剩余,还有。 If you take away 4from 10.6reamins. 做系动词,保持不变。 Itremaineda secret. 这仍然是个秘密。,13

10、.fall away 突然向下倾斜 e.g.The roadfalls awayto the plain. 路向平原方向倾斜延伸。 fall away还表示“消失;遗弃;离开”,或“脱落、掉出” 。 .g.In a crisis, all prejudicesfall awayand everyone works together. 在危急关头大家就能摒弃前嫌,同心协力。 As confidencefell away, consumers kept more of their cash in their pockets. 随着信心逐渐消失,消费者把更多的现金留在口袋里。,14. on top

11、of 在上面;盖住 e.g.There is a birdon top ofthe house. 房顶上有只鸟。 The farm sitson top ofthe hill. 那个农场在山顶上。,15. in ones opinion 表示“按某人的意见,在某人看来”。 e.g.Who,in your opinion, is the best football player in the world today? 在你看来,谁是当今世界上最好的足球运动员? In my opinion, its important for us to protect the earth. 我认为,对我们来说保

12、护地球很重要。,16. million为数词,意为“百万”。 常见的用法: (1)有具体数字修饰时,后面不加-s; (2)表示不确定的数量时,用复数形式,后接of,如millions of表示“数以百万计的”。 e.g.What will you do if you have twomillionyuan? 如果你有两百万,你将会做什么? There aremillions oftrees in the mountain. 这座山上有数百万的树木。,17.英文中表达长、宽、高、深等概念时,结构为“数字+单位+long/wide/high/deep”。如: three meters wide 宽

13、9米 nine meters deep 9米深 two meters long 两米长 e.g.The city wall of Xian is 12 meters wide and 12 meters high.西安城墙是12米宽,12米高。,注意:还可用“基数词+单位词+in+名词(length,width,height,weight等)”表示。 two meters long=two meters in length 2米长 three feet high=three feet in height 3英尺 four inches wide=four inches in width 4英寸

14、宽 e.g.This box is 2 kilograms in weight. 这个盒子有两千克重。,18. Lets callWonders of the worldandjoin inthe discussion. 译文我们给世界奇观节目打电话,加入讨论吧。 join in的意思是“参加(某种活动);加入到”。 e.g.Wejoined inthe game. 我们都参与了游戏。 How interesting the activity is! All of the students want tojoin init. 这个活动太有趣了,所有的学生都想参加。,19.Let us do s

15、th. let us not do sth.=dont let us do sth. 注意反义疑问句,20.agree,21.More than超过,多余 He was more than 70 years old. More than比多;与其说不如说 Writing is more important than speaking. 写比说更加重要 He is more kind than honest. 与其说他诚实,不如说他友善。,22.There be 句型 (1)就近原则 (2)there be sb. Doing sth. (3)there be sth. To do (4)the

16、re be 句型的一般将来时,23.Be afraid (1)be afraid of sth. (2)be afraid to do sth. (3)be afraid that 从句,24.Lift (1)Lift作名词,电梯。 There are two lifts in the building. (2)Lift作动词,举起,抬起,提起。 You have to lift your arms above your head.,25.Nearly做副词,几乎,差不多。 Not nearly远远不 This bottle is almost full. 这个瓶子几乎满了 There are not nearly enough people to do the homework.做这项工作的人远远不够 He can hardly speak English. 他几乎不能说英语,26.Die Die做动词,死亡。 Dying做现在分词,也可以做形容词。意为快要死的。 I will remember it to my dying day. Death做名词,死亡。 My dogs death made m


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