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1、prenuptial agreement,A南407B,Prenuptial agreements,commitments ? Bomb(炸弹 )?,prenuptial agreement,What is the prenuptial agreement? Prenuptial agreements legal effect What is the premarital property fair ?,What is the prenuptial agreement?,Refers to both men and women for marriage to be married and th

2、e signing, to take effect after the marriage has legal binding agreement in writing. 是指将要结婚的男女双方为结婚而签订的、于婚后生效的具有法定约束力的书面协议。,What is the prenuptial agreement?,Main purpose is to both sides, as well as their respective property and debt ownership issues such as implementation of conventions, so that w

3、hen a divorce or the death of one of controversy. 主要目的是对双方各自的财产和债务范围以及权利归属等问题实现作出约定,以免将来离婚或一方死亡时产生争议。,What is the prenuptial agreement?,Prenuptial agreement at present in China is not very popular, largely associated with ancient traditional culture in China. 婚前协议目前在我国不是很流行,这主要与我国古老的传统文化相关。,What is

4、the prenuptial agreement?,Abroad sign a prenup is a very normal thing, this is mainly to protect their property. 在国外签定婚前协议是一件很正常的事情,这主要是为了保护自己的财产。,What is the prenuptial agreement?,If not happy after marriage, divorce, with a prenuptial agreement can make themselves fully own all of the property, ra

5、ther than worrying about their property losses. 如果婚后不幸福,离婚的话,有了一份婚前协议就能使得自己的财产完全的归自己所有,而不要担心自己财产有所损失。,Prenuptial agreements legal effect,Premarital Agreement content must not violate public order under the premise of good customs, have the force of law. If the agreement involves divorce or paying al

6、imony after divorce and child custody who, judges are usually found to be invalid. Found to be invalid because: because our laws are also generally agreed that the marriage to be sustainable, long-term maintenance, divorce cannot be used to set the agreement.,婚前协议的法律效力?,婚前协议书内容必须在不违反公共秩序善良风俗的前提下,才具有

7、法律效力的。假使协议内容涉及“离婚”,或是离婚后的赡养费给付与子女监护权归谁,法官通常会判定无效。判定无效的原因是:因为我国的法律还是普遍认为,婚姻生活要永续经营、长久维持,所以不能用离婚来订定协议内容。,What is the premarital property fair ?,Premarital property fair is to be married men and women on their respective premarital property and debts between the two sides agree on the scope and rights

8、of attribution of giving proof of the authenticity, legitimacy of the activities. Premarital property of notarization in two forms: one is the future spouses prior to the marriage agreement, notary legalization;,什么是婚前财产公正?,婚前财产公正就是对将要结婚的男女双方就各自婚前财产和债务的范围和权利归属问题所达成协议的真实性、合法性给予证明的活动。 婚前财产公证以两种形式进行:一是未

9、婚夫妻在结婚登记前达成协议,到公证处办理公证;,What is the premarital property fair?,Second, the couple acquired during the marriage agreement, notary legalization procedures. Notary also includes premarital property of generalized marital property contract, that is, spouses after marriage issues such as ownership of prop

10、erty between the two sides did agree,什么是婚前财产公正?,二是夫妻双方在婚姻关系存续期间达成协议,到公证处办理公证手续。 广义的婚前财产公证还包括夫妻财产约定,即夫妻对婚后双方所得财产的所有权归属等问题所做的约定。,What is the premarital property fair?,Husband and wife may agree in writing property before marriage, and property acquired during marriage belongs to common or all, or part

11、 of a co-ownership, part of their all, and so on. 夫妻可以书面约定婚前财产以及婚姻关系存续期间的财产归共同所有或者各自所有,或部分共同所有、部分各自所有等。,Prenuptial agreements,Scandal says ahead,Protection of personal property in China will run into prenup era 保护个人财产 中国将跑步进入“婚前协议”时代,夫妻财产约定制,在新法有关夫妻财产的条文中,一是引入了“个人特有财产”的内容。以前只要一结婚,财产就算是双方共有的了。经过一段时间,

12、如果要离婚,也往往对半分,修正案第18条则明确规定了哪些财产为夫妻一方的个人财产。二是夫妻双方可以书面约定婚前财产以及婚姻关系存续期间的财产分配方式。,新婚姻法关于夫妻财产的规定,新婚姻法第十八条(Article 18) 新婚姻法第十九条( Article 19 ) 新婚姻法第十七条 (Article 17),新婚姻法第十八条,第十八条 有下列情形之一的,为夫妻一方的财产: (一)一方的婚前财产; (二)一方因身体受到伤害获得的医疗费、残疾人生活补助费等费用; (三)遗嘱或赠与合同中确定只归夫或妻一方的财产; (四)一方专用的生活用品; (五)其他应当归一方的财产。,新婚姻法第十九条,Arti

13、cle 19 So far as the property acquired during the period in which they are under contract of marriage and the prenuptial property are concerned, husband and wife may agree as to whether they should be in the separate possession, joint possession or partly separate possession and partly joint possess

14、ion. The agreement shall be made in writing. The provisions of Articles 17 and 18 of this Law shall apply to the absence of such an agreement or to a vague one.,新婚姻法第十九条,第十九条 夫妻可以约定婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产以及婚前财产归各自所有、共同所有或部分各自所有、部分共同所有。约定应当采用书面形式。没有约定或约定不明确的,适用本法第十七条、第十八条的规定。,新婚姻法第十九条,The agreement reached bet

15、ween the husband and wife on the property acquired during the period in which they are under contract of marriage and on the prenuptial property is binding on both parties. 夫妻对婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产以及婚前财产的约定,对双方具有约束力。,新婚姻法第十九条,If husband and wife agree, as is known to the third party, to separately possess t

16、heir property acquired during their marriage life, the debt owed by the husband or the wife to any other person, shall be paid off out of the property separately possessed by him or her.,新婚姻法第十九条,夫妻对婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产约定归各自所有的,夫或妻一方对外所负的债务,第三人知道该约定的,以夫或妻一方所有的财产清偿。,新婚姻法第十七条,Article 17 The following items o

17、f property acquired by husband and wife during the period in which they are under contract of marriage shall be jointly possessed: (1)pay and bonus; (2)earnings from production and operation; (3)earnings from intellectual property rights; (4)property obtained from inheritance of gift except as provi

18、ded for in Article 18(3) of this Law; and (5)Any other items of property which shall be in his or her separate possession.,新婚姻法第十七条,第十七条夫妻在婚姻关系存续期间所得的下列财产,归夫妻共同所有: (一)工资、奖金; (二)生产、经营的收益 (三)知识产权的收益; (四)继承或赠与所得的财产,但本法第十八条第三项规定的除外; (五)其他应当归共同所有的财产。,情感专家杨冰阳在新浪博客里对于新解释中六个要点的白话译文:,“1、明确规定亲子关系诉讼中一方当事人拒绝鉴定将导致法院推定另一方


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