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1、Lesson 80,The crystal palace,单词学习,palace extraordinary exhibition iron various machinery display steam profit college,n. 宫殿 adj. 不平常的,非凡的 n. 展览 n. 铁 adj. 各种各样的 n. 机器 n. 展览 n. 蒸汽 n. 利润 n. 学院,palace 宫殿 n. 这是一座豪华的宫殿。 This is a luxury palace. 英国女王住在白金汉宫。 The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace.

2、luxurylk()r 奢侈的,extraordinary adj.不平常的,非凡的,奇怪的 他竟然在晚会上睡觉,简直太奇怪了 Its extraordinary that he slept through the party. 他的记忆力惊人。 He has an extraordinary memory.,exhibition 展览 n.他们举办了一个高科技产品的展览。 They held an exhibition on hi-tech products. make an exhibition of oneself (做蠢事而使自己) 丢脸,出洋相 恐怕弗兰克喝醉了并且出了洋相。 Im

3、afraid Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself. hi-tech是high technology高科技的简写,iron (1)n.铁 中国出口铁。 China exported iron. 打铁要趁热。 Strike while the iron is hot. (2)n. 熨斗 (3)v. 熨衣服 你能帮我熨下衣服吗? Could you iron me this shirt?,various 各种各样的 学校收到了教育部的各种奖学金。 The school has received various grants from t

4、he education department. 由于各种各样的原因,她接受了这份工作。 She took the job for various reasons. 做这件事有各种各样的方法。 There are various ways of doing this.,machinery (1)机器(总称) 这是一台极好的机器。 This is a wonderful piece of machinery. 一大批新机器是从美国进口的。 A lot of new machinery was imported from America. (2)社会、政治等之 制度,机构,组织,机关 the ma

5、chinery of government 政治机构 the machinery of the law 司法机关,display (1)n.展览 中山公园每年举办花展。 A flower display is held every year in the Zhongshan Park. (2)v. 展览 各种款式的套装被陈列于橱窗中 Various styles of suits are displayed in the shop windows.,steam (1)n.蒸汽 谁发明的蒸汽机? Who invented steam engine? 他的眼镜蒙上了一层薄薄的水汽。 His gla

6、sses were covered with a film of steam. (2) v. 冒蒸汽 The kettle is steaming. 那只茶壶在冒著蒸汽,profit (1)n.利润 净利 net profit 毛利 Gross profit 他们通过削减成本增加了赢利。 They increased profits by cutting down the cost. 这是一项赢利的投资。 This is a profit-making investment. Stores havent made as much profit as usual this year. The p

7、rofits from the exhibition were used to build museums and colleges,(2) (U)利益,好处 你将从学习中获得益处 You will get profit from your studies. (3)v. 获益 智者由自己的过失中得到教益 A wise person profits from his mistakes. I have profited much from your advice/this book/ living abroad.,College 学院 n. 她去年上的大学。 She went to college

8、 last year. 他在医学院上学。 He studies at a medical college.,Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Cristal Palace which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. be built for 为.而建 Great Exhibition=Worlds fair 世界博览会 fair 可以指展览会 书展 a book fair,Sentence 副词之前可

9、以不加。如 :smallest, tallest, newest, best most interesting, most difficultly,单音节和少数多音节的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 的构成分规则和不规则。变化如下:,不规则变化,要多加注意哦!,good bad many little ,well badly much far ,better,best,worse,worst,more,most,less,least,better,best,farther,farthest,worse,worst,more,most,important _ _ easy_ _ wet_ _ ha

10、ppy_ _ careful _ _ thin _ _ good_ _ hot _ _ easily _ _ many_ _ nice _ _ big _ _ heavy_ _ delicious_ _ much_ _,给出下列词的比较级和最高级,more important,most important,easier,easiest,wetter,wettest,happier,happiest,more careful,most careful,thinner,thinnest,better,best,hotter,hottest,more easily,most easily,more,

11、most,nicer,nicest,bigger,biggest,heavier,heaviest,more delicious,most delicious,more,most,More examples: 1.Mary is cleverer than her little sister. 2.The new building is higher than the old one. 3.His shirt is more expensive than mine. 4.Kate is more beautiful than Lily is. 5.She is five years older

12、 than I am. 6.He is 2 centimeters taller than her. 7.This ruler is 20 centimeters longer than that one.,比较级的用法: than 1.汤姆比杰克高. 2.这只箱子要比那只箱子大. 3.那些苹果比这些大. 4.第一个问题很容易,但第二个更容易.,Tom is taller than Jack.,This box is bigger than that one.,Those apples are bigger than these ones.,The first question is very

13、 easy, but the second one is easier.,形容词最高级的用法(in; of) 那个短发的女孩是我们班最高的. 今天是一年中最热的一天. 他的房间是三个中最干净的一个. 上海是中国最大的城市.,The girl with red hair is the tallest in our class.,Today is the hottest day of the year.,His room is the cleanest of the three.,Shanghai is the largest in China.,(2) 数量的比较 1.我的笔比你的多. 2.我喝

14、的茶比他多. 3.他吃的饭比我少. 4.一班的学生比二班多.,I have more pens than you (do).,I drink more tea than he (does).,He has less rice than I (do).,There are more students in Class 1 than in Class 2.,注意,1.The new building is higher than the old one.,Those apples are bigger than these ones.,2.His shirt is more expensive t

15、han mine.,如果主语是物主代词+名词,那么后面要用 名词性物主代词。,比较级必须在同类中进行,即人与人比, 物与物比,而且比较结构前后的词语要对称, 特别注意在than或 as 之后不要漏掉可能出现 的替代词 that ,those, one ,ones.,注意,5.The city is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.,one of+ the+最高级+复数名词,Which/Who+ 比较级,A or B? Which/Who+ 最高级,A ,B or C?,6.Who is older, Jim or Tom ? Who

16、is the tallest, Jim , Mike or Tom,Which language is _ , English, French or Chinese? A. difficult B. more difficult C. the most difficult,C,注意,5.The city is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.,one of+ the+最高级+复数名词,Which/Who+ 比较级,A or B? Which/Who+ 最高级,A ,B or C?,6.Who is older, Jim or Tom

17、? Who is the tallest, Jim , Mike or Tom,Which language is _ , English, French or Chinese? A. difficult B. more difficult C. the most difficult,C,注意,7. Mary is the tallest of all the sisters in the family .,在使用形容词最高级时,一定要把自己包括 在比较的范围内。,8.This is the third largest city in China .,当表示“第二,第三”等意思时,经常在最高

18、级的前面加second, third,等词。,9.Its our largest machine in our factory.,当最高级前有物主代词修饰时,其前不加 定冠词the.,双音节或多音节形容词和副词的比较级 和最高级的特殊情况:,1、一般是在原级前加more构成比较级,在原级前加most构成最高级。 beautiful more beautiful most beautiful interesting more interesting most interesting dangerous more dangerous most dangerous 2、某些单音节形容词,加more,

19、 most 构成比较级和最高级。 glad more glad most glad pleased more pleased most pleased tired more tired most tired often-more often- most often,3、表示在两者之间相差的程度用“具体数字+比较级+ than+ 比较对象”。 eg: The road is two metres longer than that one . 这条公路比那条公路长两米。 This pencil is four inches shorter than that one . 这只铅笔比那只铅笔短四英寸

20、。 4、有些双音节和单音节形容词,既可以加er或est构成比较级和最高级,也可以加more 和most构成比较级和最高级。 friendly huge calm free true clever,5、形容词原级的比较。 形容词的原级与asas连用表示肯定意思,是“和一样”的意思;与not as/ so as连用表示否定意义,是“不如”或“不一样”的含义。 She is as pretty as her mother. The book is as new as that one. The story is as interesting as that one. The question is

21、not as / so difficult as that one. My bike is not as / so good as yours.,6、形容词比较级的修饰。比较级前面可以用even(更加),much(得多),far(得多),a little(一点),a bit(一点),a lot(大量),still(还,还要)等词语表示不定程度或数量。 eg: I am even less lucky. She is far better than me at writing. This pen is much better than that one. Tom is a little shor

22、ter than his friend Jim.,7. 形容词的比较级 + and + 形容词的比较级 (前后形容词是同一个) 越来越 She is becoming thinner and thinner. Our country is becoming richer and richer. There are more and more students in our school. Living in the world is becoming more and more difficult.,8、the + 形容词的比较级 + + the +形容词的比较级 表示“ 越,就越” The

23、more you eat, the fatter you will be. The harder you study, the more you will get. The smaller the house is, the less it will cost. The sooner, the better.,9、the + 形容词比较级 + of 短语 两者中比较的一个 She is the prettier of the two girls. The bike is the older of the two. His is the taller of the two. This one i

24、s the more beautiful of the the two picture.,10.表示“是的几倍”,用“倍数+as+原级+as”结构,或者“倍数+比较级+than”结构。 eg: This classroom is three times as big as that one. This classroom is twice bigger than that one.,Make Comparisons,Write down the comparatives and the superlatives of these words bignicelongnewcheap youngl

25、atesafethirsty heavy easyhardhighfewold thinexpensiveinteresting carefullyquicklygoodbad littlefarmany/much,Follow ups(随堂练习),1、-Mr Zhou, all of the students in our group, who lives _? -I think Li Lei does. A. fat B. father C. farthest D. farest 2、The Changjiang River is _ than any other river in Chi

26、na. A. shorter B. longer C. shortest D. longest 3、Bob never dose his homework _ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. A. so careful B. as carefully as C. carefully as D. as careful as 4、_ she is, _ she feels. A. The more busy, the more happy B. The busy, the happy C. Busier, happier D.The busier, the hap

27、pier 5、The weather is getting w_ a_ w_ .(越来越糟糕),C,B,B,D D,orse nd orse,。,Have a try,please。,1.Which do you like _(well),apples or oranges? 2.Who is _(old),Jim or Tom ? 3.Jack is running _ and _(fast) . 4.Our country is becoming _and _ (beautiful). 5.He is _(tall) of the two boys.,better,older,faster

28、,faster,more,more beatiful,the tallest,4.Find out the mistakes in the sentences below. All of us felt happily at her birthday party. I am more older than Harry.,3. Her coat is newer than you. 4. The weather in Beijing is colder than in Xiamen.,5. Sue is one of the tall girls in her class.,happy,much

29、,yours.,that ,tallest ,难点练习:,1. on duty 2. on second thoughts 3. on purpose 4. on foot 5. on the whole 6. on any account 7. On the average,多选答案:,1. c 根据课文第3-4行,只有c.是课文所暗示的并能说明水晶宫与其他建筑不同的原因,而其他3个选择虽然都与课文内容相符,但都不是水晶宫与其他建筑不同的原因,所以只有选c.是正确答案。 2. b 根据课文第10-11行 and the profits from the exhibition were use

30、d to build museums and colleges 暗示出博览会是非常成功的,所以只有b. highly successful 是正确的,与课文所暗示的情况相符。而其他3个选择a. failure (失败),c. not very profitable (不太获利的) 和d. spoilt by fire (被烧毁)都与课文内容不符。 3. d 只有选d. In 才符合语法,因为英语中“在某年”需要用介词in,而其他3个选择都不能用在年代前面,所以选d.,4. a 本句需要一个同前一句中的A great many(大量的,很多)含义最接近的词组. 才能与前一句意思相接近. a. q

31、uite a few(相当多,不少)只能修饰可数名词. b. quite a little(不少,相当多)只能修饰不可数名词 c. not too many (不太多)意思与a great many 相反 d. very much(很,非常)常做副词,修饰动词. 所以只有a. 与 a great many 意思最接近,所以选a 5. d 该句是用It 作形式主语,后面是动词be 加形容词,需要选一个合适的短语作真正的主语,才能使此句意思完整。按照语法规则,在这类句子中只有to + 动词不定式或动词+ -ing 形式才能做真正主语。 所以a. for traveling, b. in traveling , c. in order to travel 都不符合语法,只有d. to travel 合乎语法,所以应该选d. 6. c 前面的短语On arriving in England 是表示时间的,意思是“一到英国”,本句的前面需要


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