Rip van winkle分析_第1页
Rip van winkle分析_第2页
Rip van winkle分析_第3页
Rip van winkle分析_第4页
Rip van winkle分析_第5页




1、.华盛顿欧文是美国早期浪漫主义文学的代表,被誉为“美国文学之父”,是第一个为美国文学赢得欧洲乃至世界声誉的作家。在作品中,欧文常常把美国的现实状况与欧洲的历史传说融合在一起,展现了一幅幅生动的画面。瑞普凡温克尔是见闻札记中很有特色的一篇。该小说以哈得逊河流域的一个小村子背景,讲述了一个神奇的故事:主人公瑞普凡温克尔脾气温和,天性懒惰,不事生产,“什么赚钱的活儿他都不喜欢,甚至是憎恨。”经常遭到妻子的责备数落。为逃避妻子的唠叨,他经常带着猎枪和狗到山中去打猎。一天,瑞普在山中遇到一群古怪的老人在玩九木桩(some odd-looking personage playing at ninepins

2、)游戏。贪杯的瑞普凡温克尔偷饮了古怪老人的仙酒后酣然入睡(fell into a deep sleep)。等他一觉醒来回到村子时,却惊奇的发现村里发生了天翻地覆的变化。村子比以前大了;老朋友死于一场战争或者去了别的地方;妻子已经过世。孩子们都已长大成人;睡觉前他还是乔治王的臣民,现在竟成了美利坚合众国的公民原来他一睡就是20年。在我看来,瑞普凡温克尔是个矛盾的人物形象。一方面他虽然担负着养家糊口的责任,却一切有好处的劳动都深恶痛绝。因此,瑞普家的田地是最糟糕的,杂草丛生,篱笆倒塌,牲畜乱跑,家人仅靠一小块玉米和马铃薯地勉强生活。即便这样,懒惰的瑞普也不为所动,依旧无所事事、不事耕耘。另一方面,


4、ton irving is a representative of the early american romantic literature, is known as the father of american literature,he was the first to win the european american literature and even world reputation as a writer. in his works, irving was often take the reality of the united states associated with

5、 the european historical legends , so formed a vivid van winkle is geoffrey crayon in an article has distinguishing feature very much.the novel to a small village of the hudson river valley background, tells a magical story: the protagonist 精品.rip van winkel was a simple,good-natured man

6、. he was,moreover,nature is lazy and doesnt like producing. what make money work he doesnt like it, or even hatred. so he often blame scolded by his wife. to escape his wifes nagging, he often to the mountains to go hunting with a shotgun and dog. one day, pips encountered some odd-looking personage

7、s playing at ninepins. drink rips steal the fairy of the strange old man the drink and falls asleep. when he woke up to come back to the village, but was amazed to see that changed in the village. the village is large than before,old friend died in a war or go somewhere else,his wife has died,the ch

8、ildren have grown up.he is king george subjects before sleep, now become citizens of the united states of america-a originally he sleep for 20 my opinion,rips is a contradictory character. on the one hand, although he is laden with responsibility for the breadwinner, but hatred work. so rip

9、s fields is one of the worst,family only on a small piece of corn and potato to life. even so, rips still lazy and nothing to do.on the other hand,rips hatred work,but he verykeen to help neighbors.though distinct to this reflects that he is a kind,but afraid of family responsibility.thesecond, the

10、works adopts the description of different characters and different angle of view of the character portrait, painted a beautiful picture before the american revolution of the countryside. finally, the work精品.s has certain contempt on portraying the lives of women, for his wifes winkle description, the word hot, provocative, a derogatory term for the male uses mostly positive or


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