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    非谓语动词练习1.(2012·西城抽样)Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office,but our work,we turned down the offer. A.not finished B.not having finished C.finished D.having finished2.(2012·东城检测)With the college entrance examination near,both the parents and the students are more and more anxious. A.draws B.drawn C.drawing D.is drawing 3.(2012·东城检测) in a red skirt in the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games,the little girl Lin Miaoke won the hearts of the people all over the world. A.Dressed B.Worn C.Dressing D.Wearing4.(2012·东城检测)The problems at the meeting tomorrow are really hard to solve. A.discussed B.to discuss C.to be discussed D.discussing5.(2012·高考原创卷)Nearly half the U.S. workers questioned in a survey yesterday said they were worried their jobs are at risk amid the current economic crisis. A.having released B.being released C.released D.releasing 6.(2012·成都模拟)Astronaut Zhai Zhigang has every reason to feel proud because he is the first Chinese in space. A.walking B.having walked C.to have walked D.to walk7.(2012·成都模拟)Oil prices have risen 32 percent since last year, a record $84.65 a barrel on Nov.9. A.by;reached B.by;reaching C.by;to reach D.to;reaching8.(2012·成都模拟)The education program combining brain work with manual labor is being widely spread throughout the country. A.to aim at B.aims at C.having aimed at D.aimed at9.(2012·成都模拟)At the airport,a man dressed in a black suit was caught on the clean floor. A.spit B.spitting C.spat D.to spit10.(2012·成都诊断)It remains whether the patient can survive the major operation or not. A.to observe B.to be observed C.observing D.being observed11.(2012·绵阳诊断)The financial crisis that originated on Wall Street swept the world,thus _large numbers of workers jobless. A.leaving B.to leave C.left D.have left12.(2012·绵阳诊断)To his surprise,his new film well by the public in China,met a cold welcome abroad. A.accepted B.was accepted C.to accept D.accepting13.(2012·绵阳质检) the youth to the rising sun at 8 or 9 o'clock a.m.,Mao Zedong expressed his great hope for the young men. A.Compared B.To compare C.Compare D.Comparing 14.(2012·湖南十校联考)What should I do with this passage? the main idea of each paragraph. A.Finding out B.Found out C.Find out D.To find out15.(2012·湖南三十校联考)I can't see my old grandparents alone in the country,so I'll have them with me in the city at present. A.leave;stay B.left;stay C.leaving;to stay D.left;to stay16.(2012·湖南三十校联考)Having got up late this morning,Mike ran as fast as he could _to catch the bus. A.hope B.to hope C.hoped D.hoping17.(2012·东北三校联考)Written in a hurry,.How can it be satisfactory? A.the report is full of mistakes B.Sam made lots of mistakes in the report C.there are plenty of mistakes in the report D.they found many mistakes in the report18.(2012·东北三校联考)The bus went on slowly,every now and then to take people in. A.to stop B.stopping C.to have stopped D.stopped 19.(2012·东北三校联考)Go to bed right away.Forget you need to get up as early as you can _the early train? A.catch B.catching C.caught D.to catch 20.(2012·成都模拟)What do you know about the traffic accident yesterday? It was the drunken driver who was for it. A.occurred;to blame B.occurring;to blame C.to be occurred;to be blamed D.occurring;to be blamed21.(2012·重庆调研)Shella forgot all about the dog and the TV set, in the new magazine that had come in the mail. A.deeply lost B.deeply losing C.was deeply lost D.and deeply lost22.(2012·南昌二模)The plan to be carried out next month needs among the members of the labor union before . A.to discuss;carrying out B.to be discussed;carried out C.discussing;being carried out D.discussed;to be carried out23.(2012·南昌三模)Can you hand in your composition tomorrow? Sure.it handed in on time,I'll stay up tonight. A.To have got B.Having got C.Getting D.To get24.(2012·南昌调研)As the light turned green,I stood for a moment,not ,and asked myself what I was going to do. A.moved B.moving C.to move D.being moved25.(2012·江西五校联考)The psychological consultation centers have seen a sharp rise in the number of students looking for help,most they were confused and depressed. A.said B.to say C.saying D.say26.(2012·海淀模拟) these suggestions will help you become more cooperative and achieve more. A.Followed B.Following C.To follow D.Being followed27.(2012·海淀模拟)Can I have the document right now? Of course.Wait a minute and I'll have my secretary It for you. A.to print B.printing C.printed D.print28.(2012·东城检测)The pop star walked out of the stage, her hands elegantly to her crazy fans. A.waving B.was waving C.waved D.to wave29.(2012·东城检测)Another primary school is reported for children in Wen Chuan now. A.to have been built B.to have built C.being built D.to be building30.(2012·西城模拟)Does Shelly like shopping? Well,she would rather spend time at home than in the street. A.read;wander B.reading;wander C.in reading;to wander D.reading;to wander31.(2012·西城模拟)The time and effort he has devoted during the past few years trees in that remote area is now considered to be of great value. A.to planting B.to plant C.plant D.planting32.(2012·海淀一模)Be careful!Don't forget you are on a ladder. But you are holding it for me,nothing . A.worry about B.to worry about C.is worried about D.worrying about33.(2012·西安八校联考)“Once people think you are a liar,it's hard ,no matter what you'll say.”father warned his son. A.for you to make yourself believe B.for you to make yourself believed C.of you to make yourself believing D.of you to make yourself believe34.(2012·陕西六校联考)I'm going to Beijing next week.Do you have anything there? No,but thank you all the same. A.to be taken B.to take C.taking D.taken 35.(2012·保定模拟)I would like you to my birthday party,but I was busy and forgot to call you. A.to invite B.inviting C.to have invited D.having invited非谓语动词练习答案1解析:答案:B2解析:答案:C3解析:答案:A4解析:答案:C 5解析:答案:C6解析:答案:D7解析:答案:B8解析:答案:D9解析答案:B10 答案:B11答案:A12答案:A13答案:D14答案:C15答案:B16答案:D17答案:A18答案:B19答案:D20答案:B21答案:A22答案:C23答案:D24答案:B25答案:C26答案:B 27答案:D28答案:A29答案:A30答案:B31答案:A32答案:B33答案:B34答案:A35答案:C4


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