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    Managerial Staff管理人员Warming-upWhat do you think is the reasonable ratio of managerial staff versus laborial staff in a company? How many people should be arranged to work under an immediate supervisor?Words and Phrases1 The attendance to tomorrows meeting is mandatory to everyone.2 With the bosss decision to improve working efficiency, the management is going through a big turnover these days.3 All the department heads should submit their plans for the new year by the end of this week.4 We have to divvy up our work, so that everyone knows what he is responsible for.5 The manager has always kept an eye on every one of us, trying to see if anyone is lazy.6 No wonder Johns so arrogant today. When the cats away, the mice play.7 Our company isnt working very efficiently. There are too many chiefs and not enough Indians.8 Employees in Carrefour would be dropping like flies if the on-going boycott lasted. Dialogue 1A:Please send this memo out to all the managerial staffThere will be training for all the department heads next weekAttendance for managerial staff is mandatoryexcept for the financial departmentFinancial officers may participate if their schedules allowB:You would like me to send this to all managerial staff? I'm sorry,sir,could you please clarify? Who all is included in managerial staff?A:Managerial staff is anyone who is in a position of authority or responsibility,or who has anyone working under themIt includes all supervisors and department headsB:What about the senior account managers? Do they count?A:No,they are in a position of leadership and have more experience than normal account managersbut they do not directly supervise othersThey are not members of the managerial staff and will not be included in our training Dialogue 2A:Management is going through a big turnover these daysWith Bills retirement, and department realignment,we have lost about l/3 of our managerial staffTheyve been dropping like fliesB:Isnt that a good thing? Having fewer bosses means having less stress,dont you think?A:Actually,I dont think soSupervisors are really important to make sure everything goes smoothly in the workplaceThey are necessary for divvying up work and disciplining employeesIf there is no one to keep an eye on us,no one would get any work doneYou know what they say,when the cats away,the mice playB:Youre right,we do need leadershipBut what we dont need is too many people to lead usYou know what they say about too many chiefs and not enough IndiansA:AlrightI get your point


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