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    Argentina,Poverty, Equality, Government intervention in markets and Macroeconomics. 1989- Present Problems, Successes and Suggestions,Brief Facts,Considered a developing country with developed sectors that are both regionally and globally competitive in trade markets. . Finance, Manufacturing Agriculture According to the UNDP, Argentina was listed as High on the Human Development Index in 2007. 97% adult literacy, Compulsary Education through 17, Free University Education. Low Infant Mortality Rate (69/1000) and High Life Expectancy (76) GINI coefficient of 49 (Very High)!,Economist Intellegence Unit 2008,Poverty and Inequality History through Data,Under the help of Domingo Cavallo in 1991, Argentina adopted a currency board in order to flight off hyperinflation. Argentinas currency was largely overvalued, and originally, people from middle class backgrounds enjoyed increased quality of life from increased imports. It also engaged in many free market policies, trade liberalization and decreased regulation. However, later on in the decade, Argentinas middle class suffered from a decrease in international competitiveness. Hence, inequality increased substantially.,Fields, Sanchez-Puerta 2005,Poverty and Inequality History through Data,. Distribucion del ingreso, pobreza, y crecimiento en la Argentina. Argentina Ministry of Labor,Poverty and Inequality History through Data,1CIA World Factbook, 2009 2Fields, Sanchez-Puerta 2005,Population Below Poverty Line (%),The Official Poverty Line in Argentina is derived from a subsistence basket with a value greater than the 2USD poverty line.2,Poverty and Inequality Explaining the crisis,Argentinas National Debt was 135 Billion USD and growing. Government attempted to minimize debt service by engaging in a debt swap. Workers and foreign depositors worried Argentina was getting ready to default on its debts Depositors took massive runs at banks for fear the banks holdings in government bonds would collapse. Capital flight became rampant; banks restricted or prohibited withdrawals from banks. Argentina had no choice but to end its 10 year long currency board, and allow the currency to float Since investors assigned a risk premium with the Peso, a swift devaluation occurred. Foreign goods were now more expensive, and domestic prices skyrocketed again.,New York Times November. 1 2001,Poverty and Inequality History through Data,1CIA World Factbook, 2009 2Fields, Sanchez-Puerta 2005,Population Below Poverty Line (%),The Official Poverty Line in Argentina is derived from a subsistence basket with a value greater than the 2USD poverty line.2,Planning Verse Market,Index of Economic Freedom The Index of Economic Freedom is “a series of 10 economic measurements created by the Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal. Its stated objective is to measure the degree of economic freedom in the world's nations. ”,Executive Summary of the Index of Economic Freedom,The 2009 Heritage Foundation Index of Economic Freedom,Index of Economic Freedom World Rankings Executive,Washington, D.C.: The Heritage Foundation and Dow Jones & Company, Inc., 2008,Examples for state-owned enterprises and price fixing (A solution to some of Cavallos problems),State Owned Enterprises: Pension Funds: 21th, Oct,2008 the government announced the plan to privatize the national private pension funds Airline Industry Energy Companies Price Controls: Basic Commodities (Gas, Milk, Etc.),An old and potentially-repeated problem and its solution: Pension Funds and the Financial Sector,Problems: infringe peoples benefits when : government is short of money and It will make the market lose the confidence in the governments ability to pay off the debt. the government may use the money for special purposes. Solutions: return the pension funds to the private organization. improve the management of the banks and financial system.,Problem and solutions for the Monetary Policy,Problems: Argentina became too concerned with inflation fighting, It gave up export based employment when it adopted the currency board. Solutions: Abandoning the currency board! Allowing the currency to adjust to a level where Argentina gains competitive advantage in producing its exports creates jobs! Its better to have a job during inflation than not having one!,Works Cited and Bibliography,“Argentina Country Profile.“ Country Profiles. Economist Intellgence Unit, 2008. Web. 18 Oct. 2009. . “Executive Summary of the Index of Economic Freedom.“ Executive Summary of the Index of Economic Freedom (2008): 1-13. Web. 20 Oct. 2009. . Evolucion en la distribucion del ingreso total familiar por decil.“ Chart. Distribucion del ingreso, pobreza, y crecimiento en la Argentina. Argentina Ministry of Labor, 2005. 20. “Human Development Report 2009 - Country Fact Sheets - Argentina.“ Statistics | Human Development Reports (HDR) | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 2009. Web. 19 Oct. 2009. . “Index of Economic Freedom 2009.png.“ Web. 20 Oct. 2009. . Kraus, Clifford. “Experts See Record Default In Argentine Debt Revision.“ New York Times Online. 3 Nov. 2001. Web. 19 Oct. 2009. . Partlow, Joshua, and Brian Byrnes. “Argentina to Nationalize Pension Funds.“ The Washington Post. 21 Nov. 2008. Web. 20 Oct. 2009. .,


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