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    Module8StorytimeUnit1Onceuponatime.基础知识回顾.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.She walked in the garden and picked(摘) some flowers. 2.Tom decided(决定) to go for a ride yesterday. 3.Dont walk in the forest(森林) alone,or you may get lost. 4.Its very hard to see something clearly in the dark(黑暗的) room. 5.Before you enter the teachers office,you should knock(敲) at the door. .按要求完成句子,每空一词1.Lily walks to school every day.(用yesterday改写句子)Lilywalkedto schoolyesterday. 2.Mr Black brought us some wonderful photos yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)Did Mr Black bring you any wonderful photos yesterday? 3.I finished all my homework an hour ago.(改为否定句)I didntfinish all my homework an hour ago. 4.I often go fishing in the river all alone.(改为同义句)I often go fishing in the river bymyself. 5.Long long ago,there were three bears.(改为同义句)Onceupon atime,there were three bears. .根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.Once upon a time,an old manlived(live) in the forest. 2.He finisheddoing(do) his homework. 3.Anns dog waslost(lose). 4.Dontpick(pick) flowers in the park. 5.We decide to swim(swim) in the lake next Friday afternoon. .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.汤姆独自走在森林里。他感到孤单。Tomwalkedalonein the forest.He felt lonely. 2.从前,村子里住着一位老太太。Onceuponatime, there lived an old woman in the village. 3.我在一个新地方很容易迷路。Its very easy for me tobe/getlost in a new place. 4.她环顾四周,注意到一所小房子。Shelookedaround and noticed a little house. 5.晚饭后,我的家人总是在公园里散步。After dinner,my family alwaysgoforawalk in the park. 综合能力提升.单项填空(A)1.You should pull the box.Dontit. A.pushB.writeC.knockD.buy(C)2.Be quiet!Mr Chen is comingthe classroom. A.onB.forC.towardsD.in(D)3.milk do you want? Four bottles.A.HowB.WhatC.How manyD.How much(B)4.Would you like some bananas?. A.No,pleaseB.No,thanksC.Yes,I wouldD.Yes,I wouldnt(C)5.I found a girlunder a big tree just now. A.cryB.to cryC.cryingD.cries(A)6.I liketo Wangfujing Dajiebuy gifts. A.going;toB.to go;/C.went;toD.goes;to(C)7.The doctorover the old man carefully yesterday. A.lookingB.lookC.lookedD.looks(B)8.In those days,few peopletaking a bus. A.likeB.likedC.likesD.liking(D)9.The handsome princeand found that he changed into an ugly beast(野兽). A.looked intoB.looked afterC.looked forD.looked around(D)10.Your book is on the floor.Please. A.pick them upB.picked them upC.picks it upD.pick it up.完形填空A poor boy was born in a poor family.His father left the family 1 he was a baby.The boy and his sister had to live 2their grandmother.Early in life he was 3 at music.He sang on the streets with three other kids. A Jewish(犹太人) family,the Kamofskys,had pity on the boy and 4him to their home.For the first time in his life,he got kindness from 5 people.When he went to bed,Mrs Kamofskys sang 6 a Russian song and he could sing with her soon.Later,he learnt to sing and play many Russian 7.And the boy became the son of his family.The Kamofskys bought him the 8 musical instrument. The little black boy 9 and wrote a book about this Jewish family.He wrote a song for them.He said that in his family he learnt how to live a 10 life. You might know his name.This little boy was Louis Armstrong.(B)1.A.unlessB.whenC.untilD.because(C)2.A.forB.alongC.withD.on(D)3.A.kindB.niceC.wellD.good(A)4.A.broughtB.gaveC.madeD.had(B)5.A.the otherB.otherC.the othersD.others(C)6.A.youB.herC.himD.them(D)7.A.booksB.toysC.novelsD.songs(A)8.A.firstB.secondC.oneD.two(B)9.A.gave upB.grew upC.put upD.got up(C)10.A.hardB.sadC.realD.tired.任务型阅读Once there were two wolves.They had a son when they were very old.The baby wolf was very clever and they loved him very much.But the baby wolf had a problem.He liked to eat vegetables better than meat.His favourite vegetable was carrots.His parents worried about this a lot.They tried their best to teach him to hunt(打猎) and eat meat.One day the baby wolf saw a rabbit eating a carrot.He jumped onto the rabbit very quickly and caught it.His parents were really happy to see this.Then they heard their son saying to the rabbit,“I dont want to eat you.I only want your carrot.Give me the carrot,now!”1.How many wolves in this story?(不超过5个词)Three/3. 2.What was the baby wolfs favourite vegetable?(不超过5个词)Carrots. 3.Why did the baby wolf catch the the rabbit?(不超过10个词)Because he wanted the rabbits carrot. 


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