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    Unit 6阶段能力训练(Lessons 3133).完形填空There are four seasons in a year in China. _1_ comes in March. June, _2_ and August make the summer season. The autumn season lasts _3_ September to November. December, January and _4_ make the winter season. _5_ different seasons, people _6_ different clothes and do different things. The summer is _7_, so people usually wear cool clothes and do things like swimming or _8_. Near the North Pole(北极) there are only _9_ seasons. They are winter _10_ summer.( )1.A.Summer B. SpringC. Winter D. Autumn( )2.A.January B. April C. July D. May( )3.A.in B. at C. for D. from( )4.A.February B. MarchC. April D. May( )5.A.In B. To C. At D. On( )6.A.put on B. wearC. make D. bring( )7.A.cold B. warm C. hot D. cool( )8.A.skiing B. skating C. surfing D. running( )9.A.one B. two C. three D. four( )10.A.or B. but C. and D. with.阅读理解When Charley got up one morning, he looked out of the window and saw the ground deeply covered with snow. On the side of the house nearest the kitchen, the snow was deeper than Charley's head.Charley's father told him they needed a path(小路) through the snow. “I would make one if I had time,” said his father, “but I have to go to work. Could you make a path, Charley?”“How could I do that?” asked Charley in surprise. “The snow is higher than my head!”“Little by little,” said Charley's father.So Charley got the snow shovel(铲) and started working. He shoveled and shoveled as hard as he could, but it was very slow work. “I don't think I can do it, mother,” he said. “There is too much snow!”“Little by little, Charley,” said his mother. “The snow feel in tiny flakes(薄片), but see what a great pile(堆) it has made.”“Yes, I see, Mother. If I throw it away little by little, I can do it.”Charley went on working as hard as he could. When his father came home in the evening, he was very happy to see a nice and clear path. The next day he gave Charley a nice card. Written on the card were the words “little by little.”( )1.Why did Charley's father ask him to make a path?A. Because he was very busy.B. Because it was too cold.C. Because he didn't like snow.D. Because there was little snow. ( )2.How did Charley feel when his father asked him to make a path?A. Excited. B. Tired.C. Surprised. D. Relaxed.( )3.The mother's words showed that _. A. she was very angry with the boyB. she wanted to encourage the boyC. she wanted to work with the boyD. she wanted the boy to have a rest( )4.From the passage, “little by little” probably means “_”. A. Well begin is half doneB. Failure is the mother of successC. Many hands make light workD. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.任务型阅读There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. For all my friends, every season is good.Wang Tong likes flying kites and climbing hills. She says when spring comes, the days are getting warmer and longer. And everything begins to grow. The wind is not very strong. It's the best time to fly kites. And when you climb the hills, you can enjoy yourself. So she often says spring is her favourite season.“Swimming is my favourite sport,” says Anne. “When summer comes, I often go swimming in the rivers or lakes with my friends.” You can enjoy yourself in the water. And you can swim like a fish there.“I often go climbing with my father during the long vacation of the National Day,” says Liu An. “My father often tells me that I can see lots of beautiful things if I stand on the top of a hill.” So he likes autumn best of all.Bob says he likes winter very much. He says, “I'm very happy when I am playing with snow.” He is making a snowman now.12题完成句子;3题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下全文的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1. There are _ seasons in a year.2. _ is Wang Tong's favourite season.3. Why does Bob like winter very much?_4. _5. _ .主旨大意 本文主要是关于季节的简单介绍。1. B 2.C 3.D 4.A5. A 表示在某个季节用介词in。6. B 句意:在不同的季节里,人们穿不同的衣服,做不同的事情。put on强调“穿”的动作;wear强调“穿”的状态。7. C 8. C 在四个选项中,只有surfing(冲浪)是夏季的运动项目。9. B 10.C.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要向我们描述Charley起来时发现路上堆满雪,他爸爸吩咐他铲出一条小路,他觉得雪太多,但他爸爸和妈妈鼓励他一点点地做。最终他爸爸下班回家后发现了一条小路。第二天他爸爸给了Charley一张写着“一点点”的卡片。1. A2. C 细节理解题。根据第三段的“asked Charley in surprise”可知,他是感到惊讶的,故选C。3. B 推理判断题。根据前面他对妈妈说他觉得他做不了,那里太多雪了,但后面他妈妈对他说那些雪就像薄片一样,由此推断她是在鼓励他,故选B。4. D 词义猜测题。根据前文的内容可知,分别说到那些雪很厚,但后来经过Charley一点点地做,最终完成了,由此可知选项D(千里之行,始于足下)符合。.1.four/4 2.Spring3. Because he is very happy when he is playing with snow. 4. For all my friends, every season is good.5. 你可以在水里玩得很开心。


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