


相关资料 .doc---(点击预览)
A1 定模板.dwg
A3 定模浇道衬板.dwg
A3 斜顶.dwg
A3 顶针板.dwg
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关 键 词:
汽车 雨刮器 模具设计 cad 图纸 以及 说明书 仿单

摘  要




The windshield wiper was first invented in 1910. The first regular production automobiles had been on the roads since 1900, which means that cars were driving on roads in all kinds of weather for at least ten years without windshield wipers!The idea for windshield wipers was born when the President of the Trico company in the United States was driving his car on a rainy day and, unable to see the road well because of the weather, he hit a boy on a bicycle. Though the boy was not hurt badly, the driver was considerably shaken by the experience. It was his shock at the danger of driving without seeing the road properly that brought about the birth of windshield wipers.But a number of different methods were tried before the motor-driven wiper systems we are familiar with today came about. The initial windshield wiper design was one in which a rubber blade on the windshield was rotated manually. While this allowed the windshield to be cleared and forward vision improved, the operator hand soon tired, and the design was abandoned. The next design was powered by a vacuum driven pump. Unfortunately this design was plagued by the fact that its speed of operation changed with the speed of the vehicle. This failure finally led to the attachment of a motor to the wiper arm, which is essentially the one still in use today.


目  录

摘  要 III

Abstract IV

目  录.............................................................................................................................................V

1 绪论 1

2 塑料制品分析 2

  2.1 明确制品设计要求 2

  2.2 明确制品批量 2

  2.3 材料选择及性能 2

  2.4 成型设备 3

  2.5 拔模斜度 3

  2.6 计算制品的体积和质量 3

    2.6.1表面质量的分析 3

    2.6.2塑件的体积重量 3

3 注射机及成型方案的确定 4

  3.1 注射机的确定 4

  3.2 成型方案的确定 4

    3.2.1 成型设备的选择 4

    3.2.2 成型的特点 4

    3.2.3 成型的原理 4

    3.2.4 成型过程 4

4 型腔数的确定及分型面的选择 6

  4.1 型腔数的确定 6

  4.2 分型面的选择 6

    4.2.1 分型面的主要选择原则 6

  4.3 确定型腔的排列方式 7

  4.4 标准模架的选用 7

5 成型零部件的设计与计算 8

  5.1 凸模设计 8

  5.2 凹模的设计 8

  5.3 成型零件工作尺寸的计算 9

    5.3.1 模腔工作尺寸的计算 9

    5.3.2 型芯工作尺寸的计算 9

    5.3.3 型腔侧壁厚度和型腔底壁厚度的计算 9

6 浇注系统的设计 10

  6.1 主流道设计 10

  6.2 浇口的设计 10

  6.3 平衡进料 11

  6.4 冷料井设计 11

  6.5本模具浇注系统的选择 12

7 排气与冷却系统的设计 15

  7.1 冷却系统设计的原则 15

  7.2 冷却水路的计算 15

  7.3 排气系统的设计 17

8 顶出与抽芯机构的设计 18

  8.1 斜顶机构 18

  8.2 推杆复位装置 18

  8.3 抽芯机构的选择 19

  8.4 斜顶抽芯机构的设计 19

  8.5 延时顶出机构的设计 22

9 导向机构的设计 24

  9.1 导向、定位机构的主要功能 24

  9.2导向机构的设计 24

    9.2.1 导柱的设计 24

    9.2.2 导套的设计 24

10 注射机与模具各参数的校核 25

  10.1 工艺参数的校核 25

  10.2 模具安装尺寸的校核 25

    10.2.1 喷嘴的校核 25

    10.2.2 定位圈尺寸的校核 25

    10.2.3 模具外形尺寸的校核 25

    10.2.4 模具厚度的校核 26

    10.2.5 安装参数的校核 26

  10.3 开模行程的校核 26

11 结论与展望 27

致谢 28

参考文献 29

1 绪论

塑料塑件在人们的日常生活中及现代工业生产领域中占有很重要的地位。采用模具成型的工艺代替传统的切削加工工艺,可以提高生产效率,保证零件质量,节约材料,降低生产成本,从而取得很高的生产效率。因此,在机电、仪表、化工、汽车和航天航空等领域,塑料已成为金属的良好代用材料并得到了广泛的应用,出现了金属材料塑料化的趋势。 在工业发达国家,据最近数据统计,日本生产塑料模和生产冲压模的企业各占40%;韩国模具专业厂中,生产塑料模的43.9% ,生产冲压模的占44.8%;新加坡全国有460家模具企业,60%生产塑料模,35%生产冲模和夹具。作为最有效的塑料成型方法之一的注射成型技术具有可以一次成型各种结构复杂和尺寸精密的塑件。成型周期短、生产率高、大批生产时成本低廉、易于实现自动化或自动化生产等优点,因此,世界塑料成型模具产量中约半数以上是注射模具。



编 号毕 业 设 计 ( 论 文 )相 关 资 料题目: 汽车雨刮器的模具设计 系 专 业学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: (职称:教 授 )(职称: )2013 年 5 月 25 日目 录一、毕业设计(论文)开题报告二、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译及原文三、学生“毕业论文(论文)计划、进度、检查及落实表”四、实习鉴定表毕 业 设 计 ( 论 文 )开 题 报 告题目: 汽车雨刮器的模具设计 信 机 系 机 械 工 程 及 自 动 化 专 业学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: (职称:教 授 )(职称: )2012 年 11 月 27 日 课题来源宏利科技(苏州)有限公司科学依据(包括课题的科学意义;国内外研究概况、水平和发展趋势;应用前景等)目前,汽车工业有很大的发展,对于零部件的要求也越来越高,塑料的无骨雨刮器是一种新型雨刮器,更美观和实用。研究内容本课题主要研究的内容:一模多腔的塑料模具的设计与制造。主要研究内容有:首先学习典型的模具结构,进一步熟悉塑料模具设计的过程,注意的细节,设计要点,UG 软件的应用。然后是在工程实践的基础上,到车间了解模具加工,装配的过程,将实际生产再次反馈的设计,以求达到优化和学习并升华的目的。拟采取的研究方法、技术路线、实验方案及可行性分析塑料塑件在人们的日常生活中及现代工业生产领域中占有很重要的地位。采用模具成型的工艺代替传统的切削加工工艺,可以提高生产效率,保证零件质量,节约材料,降低生产成本,从而取得很高的生产效率。因此,在机电、仪表、化工、汽车和航天航空等领域,塑料已成为金属的良好代用材料并得到了广泛的应用,出现了金属材料塑料化的趋势。本文设计了采用了十六个斜顶机构,能一模生成十六件产品,顶出机构采用延时顶出,可以自动将产品同浇道料头脱开,大大节省了后续工序,本设计采用 UG 设计,直接设计出 3D 图形,然后生成装配图和零件图。研究计划及预期成果研究计划:2012 年 11 月 12 日-2012 年 12 月 25 日:按照任务书要求查阅论文相关参考资料,填写毕业设计开题报告书。2013 年 1 月 11 日-2013 年 3 月 8 日:填写毕业实习报告。2013 年 3 月 8 日-2013 年 3 月 10 日:按照要求修改毕业设计开题报告。2013 年 3 月 13 日-2013 年 3 月 18 日:学习并翻译一篇与毕业设计相关的英文材料。2013 年 3 月 19 日-2013 年 4 月 10 日:UG 设计。2013 年 4 月 12 日-2013 年 4 月 25 日:CAD 设计。2013 年 4 月 26 日-2013 年 5 月 20 日:毕业论文撰写和修改工作。预期成果:达到预期目标,了解到一模多腔的塑料模具的设计与制造,能批量快速的生产雨刮器,提高生产效率。特色或创新之处1.汽车雨刮器的模具设计(1)一模十六腔。(2)模具顶出产品是要能自动把产品和料头分开。已具备的条件和尚需解决的问题已具备的条件:电脑;相关开发软件;部分技术资料。尚需解决的问题:学习 UG 软件;确定产品的结构尺寸和技术要求;逆向设计建立三维数模;总成运动仿真校核。指导教师意见指导教师签名:年 月 日 教研室(学科组、研究所)意见教研室主任签名:年 月 日系意见主管领导签名:年 月 日英文原文Machine design theory The machine design is through designs the new product or improves the old product to meet the human need the application technical science. It involves the project technology each domain, mainly studies the product the size, the shape and the detailed structure basic idea, but also must study the product the personnel which in aspect the and so on manufacture, sale and use question.Carries on each kind of machine design work to be usually called designs the personnel or machine design engineer. The machine design is a creative work. Project engineer not only must have the creativity in the work, but also must in aspect and so on mechanical drawing, kinematics, engineerig material, materials mechanics and machine manufacture technology has the deep elementary knowledge. If front sues, the machine design goal is the production can meet the human need the product. The invention, the discovery and technical knowledge itself certainly not necessarily can bring the advantage to the humanity, only has when they are applied can produce on the product the benefit. Thus, should realize to carries on before the design in a specific product, must first determine whether the people do need this kind of productMust regard as the machine design is the machine design personnel carries on using creative ability the product design, the system analysis and a formulation product manufacture technology good opportunity. Grasps the project elementary knowledge to have to memorize some data and the formula is more important than. The merely service data and the formula is insufficient to the completely decision which makes in a good design needs. On the other hand, should be earnest precisely carries on all operations. For example, even if places wrong a decimal point position, also can cause the correct design to turn wrongly.A good design personnel should dare to propose the new idea, moreover is willing to undertake the certain risk, when the new method is not suitable, use original method. Therefore, designs the personnel to have to have to have the patience, because spends the time and the endeavor certainly cannot guarantee brings successfully. A brand-new design, the request screen abandons obsoletely many, knows very well the method for the people. Because many person of conservativeness, does this certainly is not an easy matter. A mechanical designer should unceasingly explore the improvement existing product the method, should earnestly choose originally, the process confirmation principle of design in this process, with has not unified it after the confirmation new idea. Newly designs itself can have the question occurrence which many flaws and has not been able to expect, only has after these flaws and the question are solved, can manifest new goods come into the market the product superiority. Therefore, a performance superior product is born at the same time, also is following a higher risk. Should emphasize, if designs itself does not request to use the brand-new method, is not unnecessary merely for the goal which transform to use the new method. In the design preliminary stage, should allow to design the personnel fully to display the creativity, not each kind of restraint. Even if has had many impractical ideas, also can in the design early time, namely in front of the plan blueprint is corrected. Only then, only then does not send to stops up the innovation the mentality. Usually, must propose several sets of design proposals, then perform the comparison. Has the possibility very much in the plan which finally designated, has used certain not in plan some ideas which accepts. How does the psychologist frequently discuss causes the machine which the people adapts them to operate. Designs personnels basic responsibility is diligently causes the machine to adapt the people. This certainly is not an easy work, because certainly does not have to all people to say in fact all is the most superior operating area and the operating process. Another important question, project engineer must be able to carry on the exchange and the consultation with other concerned personnel. In the initial stage, designs the personnel to have to carry on the exchange and the consultation on the preliminary design with the administrative personnel, and is approved. This generally is through the oral discussion, the schematic diagram and the writing material carries on. In order to carry on the effective exchange, needs to solve the following problem: (1) designs whether this product truly does need for the people? Whether there is competitive ability (2) does this product compare with other companies existing similar products? (3) produces this kind of product is whether economical? (4) product service is whether convenient? (5) product whether there is sale? Whether may gain?Only has the time to be able to produce the correct answer to above question. But, the product design, the manufacture and the sale only can in carry on to the above question preliminary affirmation answer foundation in. Project engineer also should through the detail drawing and the assembly drawing, carries on the consultation together with the branch of manufacture to the finally design proposal.Usually, can have some problem in the manufacture process. Possibly can request to some components size or the common difference makes some changes, causes the components the production to change easily. But, in the project change must have to pass through designs the personnel to authorize, guaranteed cannot damage the product the function. Sometimes, when in front of product assembly or in the packing foreign shipment experiment only then discovers in the design some kind of flaw. These instances exactly showed the design is a dynamic process. Always has a better method to complete the design work, designs the personnel to be supposed unceasingly diligently, seeks these better method. Recent year, the engineerig material choice already appeared importantly. In addition, the choice process should be to the material continuously the unceasing again appraisal process. The new material unceasingly appears, but some original materials can obtain the quantity possibly can reduce. The environmental pollution, material recycling aspect and so on use, workers health and security frequently can attach the new limiting condition to the choice of material. In order to reduce the weight or saves the energy, possibly can request the use different material. Comes from domestic and international competition, to product service maintenance convenience request enhancement and customers aspect the and so on feedback pressure, can urge the people to carry on to the material reappraises. Because the material does not select when created the product responsibility lawsuit, has already had the profound influence. In addition, the material and between the material processing interdependence is already known by the people clearly. Therefore, in order to can and guarantees the quality in the reasonable cost under the premise to obtain satisfaction the result, project engineer makes engineers all to have earnestly carefully to choose, the determination and the use material. Makes any product the first step of work all is designs. Designs usually may divide into several explicit stages: (a) preliminary design; (b) functional design; (c) production design. In the preliminary design stage, the designer emphatically considered the product should have function. Usually must conceive and consider several plans, then decided this kind of thought is whether feasible; If is feasible, then should makes the further improvement to or several plans. In this stage, the question which only must consider about the choice of material is: Whether has the performance to conform to the request material to be possible to supply the choice; If no, whether has a bigger assurance all permits in the cost and the time in the limit develops one kind of new material.In the functional design and the engineering design stage, needs to make a practical feasible design. Must draw up the quite complete blueprint in this stage, chooses and determines each kind of components the material. Usually must make the prototype or the working model, and carries on the experiment to it, the appraisal product function, the reliability, the outward appearance and the service maintenance and so on. Although this kind of experiment possibly can indicate, enters in the product to the production base in front of, should replace certain materials, but, absolutely cannot this point take not earnestly chooses the material the excuse. Should unify the product the function, earnestly carefully considers the product the outward appearance, the cost and the reliability. Has the achievement very much the company when manufacture all prototypes, selects the material should the material which uses with its production in be same, and uses the similar manufacture technology as far as possible. Like this has the advantage very much to the company. The function complete prototype if cannot act according to the anticipated sales volume economically to make, or is prototypical and the official production installment has in the quality 系别: 班级: 2 学生姓名: 开始日期:2012.1 1.15周次 起止日期 工作计划、进度 每周主要完成内容 存在问题、改进方法 指导教师意见并签字 备 注1 2012年 11月 15日 2012年 11月 21日 接受老师下达的毕业设计任务书, 收集相关资料。 初步明确了设计的任务,收集 所需要的资料。 通过跟导师的交流和沟通,增加了对课题的了解2 2012年 11月 26日 2012年 12月 02日 收集汽车雨刮器的资料,对连杆 有一个初步的了解 网上搜索模具的资料 通过网上搜索来了解汽车雨刮器的结构。3 2012年 12月 10日 2012年 12月 16日 撰写开题报告。 根据相关资料熟悉汽车雨刮器的模具 具体结构,为毕设做好前期工作 需要反复查阅资料,工作量大,可以克服4 2012年 12月 24日 2012年 12月 30日 收集资料,深入了解课题 对学生进行补充讲解,指导毕业实习 有关毕业设计涉及内容指导老师须讲解5 2013年 01月 07日 2013年 01月 13日 收集资料,进一步了解课题 指导老师为学生解疑,进一步指导 和导师积极交流,寻找方法6 2013年 01月 21日 2013年 01月 27日 熟悉整个模具的结构及设计参数根据现有资料,熟悉整个模具的结构及设计参数,为下面的工作做充分准备模具结构复杂,数量多,需要耐心研究7 2013年 01月 28日 2013年 02月 03日 收集模具相关资料 根据需要,确定模具的类型 查阅模具资料,研究其特性8 2013年 02月 25日 2013年 03月 03日 绘制草图 根据结构特点和相关参数,完成模具的总体结构的设计草图 绘制草图时要综合考虑多方面因素9 2013年 03月 04日 2013年 03月 10日 具体设计根据设计参数和检测要求,完成相关计算 这一阶段需要计算的量较大,工作繁重;具体选型方面,需查阅各方面资料,任务重10 2013年 03月 11日 2013年 03月 17日 具体设计根据设计参数和检测要求,完成相关计算 这一阶段需要计算的量较大,工作繁重;具体选型方面,需查阅各方面资料,任务重存档编码:2013 届毕业作业周次进度计划、检查落实表课题(设计)名称:汽车雨刮器的模具设计周次 起止日期 工作计划、进度 每周主要完成内容 存在问题、改进方法 指导教师意见并签字 备 注11 2013年 03月 25日 2013年 03月 31日 装配图的绘制继续上一阶段工作,并根据计算结果确定各模尺寸,完成部分总装图这一段时期的任务比较烦重,是整个设计的重中之重,需要格外细心12 2013年 04月 01日 2013年 04月 07日 装配图的绘制继续上一阶段工作,并根据计算结果确定各模尺寸,完成部分总装图这一段时期的任务比较烦重,是整个设计的重中之重,需要格外细心13 2013年 04月 08日 2013年 04月 14日 零件图的绘制 完成装配图和重要零部件的部件图 或零件图 绘制总装图及零件图14 2013年 04月 15日 2013年 04月 21日 零件图的绘制 完成装配图和重要零部件的部件图 或零件图 绘制总装图及零件图15 2013年 04月 22日 2013年 04月 28日 零件图的绘制 完成装配图和重要零部件的部件图 或零件图 绘制零件图并认真复核,确保无误16 2013年 05月 06日 2013年 05月 12日 整理说明书 整理设计说明书 反复检查以前工作中的纰漏,并做修改17 2013年 05月 13日 2013年 05月 19日 整理资料,准备答辩 整理相关资料,完成设计说明书。 准备答辩。 针对答辩充分准备说明: 1、“工作计划、进度”、“指导教师意见并签字”由指导教师填写,“每周主要完成内容”,“存在问题、改进方法”由学生填写。2、本表由各系妥善归档,保存备查。编 号毕 业 设 计 ( 论 文 )题目: 汽车雨刮器的模具设计 系 专 业学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: ( 职称:教授 )(职称: )2013 年 5 月 25 日本科毕业设计(论文)诚 信 承 诺 书本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文) 汽车雨刮器的模具设计 是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果,其内容除了在毕业设计(论文)中特别加以标注引用,表示致谢的内容外,本毕业设计(论文)不包含任何其他个人、集体已发表或撰写的成果作品。班 级: 学 号: 作者姓名: 2013 年 5 月 25 日信 机 系 机械工程及自动化 专业毕 业 设 计 论 文 任 务 书一、题目及专题:、题目 汽车雨刮器的模具设计 、专题 二、课题来源及选题依据目前,汽车工业有很大的发展,对于零部件的要求也越来越高,塑料的无骨雨刮器是一种新型雨刮器,更美观和实用。 三、本设计(论文或其他)应达到的要求:1.汽车雨刮器的模具设计 (1)一模十六腔 (2)模具顶出产品是要能自动把产品和料头分开 2. 设计工作量要求:至少完成 A0 图纸 3 张和一份 30 页以上的毕 业论文。 3. 查阅相关外文资料并完成不少于 8000 字符的外文资料翻译。 4.完成一份毕业设计实习报告。 四、接受任务学生:班 姓名 五、开始及完成日期:自 2012 年 11 月 12 日 至 2013 年 5 月 25 日六、设计(论文)指导(或顾问):指导教师 签名签名签名教 研 室 主 任学科组组长研究所所长 签名系主任 签名2012 年 11 月 12 日I摘 要雨刷是最早发明于 1910 年.从 1900 年就有正规生产汽车在道路上,这意味着汽车没有雨刷在道路上遭受各种天气行驶至少 10 年!雨刷的构想产生于美国特瑞科公司的董事长在下雨天驾车,由于天气模糊,无法看清道路,导致撞倒了一个骑自行车的男孩。虽然男孩没有受很大的伤,但是驾驶者被他的经历所震惊。为他所震惊的是驾驶的危险是在没有完全看清道路的情况下发生的,这引起了雨刷的产生。在我们熟悉的电动雨刷系统出现以前一系列不同的方法都尝试过。最早的雨刷设计是一个塑料刀片在挡风玻璃上手动旋转。虽然这使挡风玻璃变干净,前方的视野变清晰,但操作者的手很快就累了,于是这种设计被放弃了。另
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