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目录目录 .0第一单元选择题 .1第二单元选择题 .2第三单元选择题 .4第四单元选择题 .5第五单元选择题 .7第六单元选择题 .8第七单元选择题 .10第八单元选择题 .11第九单元选择题 .13单元测试 1 .14第十单元选择题 .18第十一单元选择题 .20第十二单元选择题 .21第十三单元选择题 .22第十四单元选择题 .24第十五单元选择题 .25第十六单元选择题 .261第一单元选择题1.This kind of medicine has the power to poison.a)splash(溅,泼) b)resist(抵抗,对抗) c)adopt(采用,通过,批准) d)occupy(占领,占有)答案 b) 这种药具有抗毒的作用。2.He is easily so I do not like to talk with him.a)defended(保护) b)afforded(担负得起) c)created(创造) d)offended(触怒,得罪,冒犯)答案 d) 他很容易动怒,所以我不喜欢跟他交谈。3.I am to believe that he wont come back to see his wife again.a)inclined(倾向,倾斜) b)puzzled(困惑) c)accompanied(陪同) d)performed(执行; 履行)答案 a) 我倾向于相信他不会再来见他的妻子。4.Before you mail this letter,you should check again whether you have it or not.a)sunk(使沉没) b)sighed(叹息) c)sought(寻找; 探寻) d)sealed(密封的)答案 d) 在你邮寄这封信之前,你应该再检查一下是否把它密封好了。5.After talking for nearly ten hours,he to the governments pressure at last.a)expressde(表达, 表示) b)yielded(使屈服) c)decreased(缩小的) d)approved(经过检验的)答案 b) 在讲了近10个小时之后,他最后屈服于了政府的压力。6.My hands and feet were with cold as I waite for the bus.a)cliff(悬崖) b)still(静止的) c)stiff(不易弯曲的, 硬的) d)stick(粘贴, 张贴)答案 c) 在我等公交车的时候,我的手和脚冻得僵硬。7.This problem is beyond his ability and he can not it.a)slip(滑) b)pack( 包裹) c)gain(获得) d)solve(解决; 解答)答案 d) 这个问题超出了他的能力范围,他解决不了它。8.When you buy the spare parts for your car,try to get the ones from the authorized dealer.a)genuine(真的) b)generous(慷慨的) c)genius(天才, 天赋) d)gentle(温和的)答案 a) 当你买你骑车的备用零件时,设法去真正的授权经销商。9.If you use ,you can get a higher quality picture.a)wax(蜡) b)shame(耻辱) c)goose(鹅) d)slides(幻灯片)答案 d) 如果你使用幻灯片,你能得到高质量的图。10.Who this country,the people or the president?This question is not easy to answer.a)frightens(使惊吓) b)differs(不同) c)displays(显示器) d)governs(统治,管理)答案 d) 谁管理这个国家,人民还是总统?这个问题不是那么容易回答的。11.I decided to pay a visit to my former teacher as soon as I .a)finish what I did b)finished what I did c)would finish what I was doing d)finished what I was doing答案 d) 我决定一做完我正在做的事,就去看望我以前的老师。12.We see the lightning it happens,but we hear the thunder later.a)the moment b)for the moment c)at the moment d)in a moment答案 a) 我们看到闪电发生的那一刻,但是我们听到的却是雷声。13.Girl ,she is much naughtier than a boy.a)although she was b)though she is c)though was she d)although was she答案 b) 尽管她是个女孩,但是她比一个男孩子还要淘气。14.- in this street? -I think Mr.black is the richest man.2a)Whom do you think is the richest man b)Who do you think is the richest man.c)Do you think who is the richest man. d)Do you think whom is the richest man.答案 b) -你认为这条街上最富的人是谁?-我认为 Black 先生是最富有的人。15. computers are of great benefit to the development of science and technology.a)The fact is what b)That the fact is c)What the fact is that d)The fact is that答案 d) 事实上,计算机对于科学技术的发展有很大的好处。16.Living things are dying out quickly.Lets ask destroying them in the past years.a)what part people have been playing b)people have playde in c)what part people have been played in d)people have been playing what part答案 c) 生物正在讯速的消亡。我们想知道在过去几年中人类在其中的作用(或扮演了什么角色) 。17.No matter how fast we worked, . a)we couldnt catch up with them b)and we couldnt catch up with them c)so we couldnt catch up with them d)but we couldnt catch up with them答案 a) 不管我们工作有多快,我们都无法赶上他们。18.The reason why I gave in is if I didnt.a)because she would be disappointed b)that she would be disappointed c)because she would be have adisappointment d)for she would be disappointed答案 b) 我之所以让步,是因为如果我不让步的话,她会失望。主语是 reason 时,表语从句用 that 引导19.The workers were making so much noise in the workshop,and the boss hurriedly went to see 。a)what the matter was b)what was the wrong c)what wrong was d)what was the matter答案 d) 工人们在车间里的制造了很大的噪音,老板慌忙去看发生了什么事儿。what is/was the matter 的语序在任何情况下都不变化,因为 what 在句中作主语。20. method you choose,so long as you finish the job on time.a)It isnt matter to me what b)What doesnt matter is thatc)It doesnt matter to me which d)No matter which答案 c) 只要你能按时完成任务,选择哪种方法,都是无所谓的。matter 作动词时, 意为“ 要紧,有关系”, 常用于否定或疑问句中。第二单元选择题1. This year our university does not have any _ to continue the international student exchange program. A)function(功能) B)fundamental(基本的; 重要的) C)funeral(葬礼) D)funds(资金)答案 D 今年我们大学没有任何资金继续进行国际交流生项目2. Who is the patient being _on? A)painted(着色的) B)operated(操作的) C)tied(约束) D)fetched(接来, 取来)答案 B 哪一个是要做手术的病人?3. Mary is _ of music but I am not . A)pause(暂停) B)adventure(冒险活动) C)grammatical(符合语法规则的) D)fond(喜欢的)答案 D Mary 喜欢音乐,而我不喜欢。4. This man has been proved _ of murder. A)guilty(内疚的,有罪的) B)spoil(腐败) C)flash(发出闪光) D)curious(好奇的)答案 A 这个男人已经被证明犯有谋杀罪5. The international situation is very _in the Middle East. A)delicious(美味的) B)perfect C)delicate(微妙的) D)percent(百分数)答案:C 当前,中东的国际形势是十分微妙的。36. Even though he knew that I should study, he still _ me to go to the movies. A)recognized(公认的) B)extended(伸展的) C)persuaded(说服) D)unexpected(意外的)答案 C 尽管他知道我应该学习,但他仍然劝说我去看电影。7. We _ that it will take another four months to finish this plan. A)grant(准许) B)estimate(估计 估价) C)council(理事会) D)check(检查)答案 B 我们估计,将需要另外四个月的时间才能完成这个计划。8. He read the paper several times but be still _ some printers error. A)overlooked(被忽视) B)ignored(被忽略的) C)noticed(注意) D)outlined(轮廓)答案 A 他读了好几次文件,但是仍然互视了一些打印错误。9. She often talks with a _ appearance but in fact she is always telling lies. A)tidy(tidy) B)sincere(诚实的) C)worship(worship) D)merry(愉快的)答案 B 她经常以真诚的外观说话,但实际上她总是说慌。10. If the students can not support themselves during their study in university , they may ask for a student _ from the government. A) menu(菜单) B)spoon(勺) C)loan(借出) D)bond(联系)答案 C 如果学生在他们读大学期间,不能养活自己,那他们可以跟政府要求学生贷款。11. Weve already sent out the invitation cards, but we dont know how many people _.A) come B)came C) are coming D)have come答案 C 我们已经把邀请函寄出去了,但是我们不知道会有多少人来。12. There was a knock at the door. It was then second time someone _ me that evening.A)had interrupted B) to have interrupted C)to interrupt D)would have interrupted答案 A 有人在敲门。这已经是那晚第二次有人打搅我了。13. They told me that by the end of the month they _ in this house for 10 years.A)has lived B)has been living C)will have lived D) would have been living.答案 D 他们告诉我,到本月底,他们就在这所房子里住了10年了。14. By the time he retires John _ here for 30 years. A)has taught B)has been teaching C)will have been teaching D)has been taught答案 C 他退休的时候约翰已经教了 30年了。15. The thing talked about in this report _ over a year ago. A) has taken place B)took place C)had taken place D)were taken place答案 B 这个报告讨论的是一年前接管的地方。over a year ago 这个时间状语表明句子要用过去式,排除 A 和 C,take place 就等于 happen,不需要用过去式,排除 D16. Will you go to the theatre this evening? I will if I _ no visitors. A)have B)shall have C) will have D) am having答案 A 你晚上会去影院看电影吗? 我会去,如果没有人来串门的话。17. The pen of yours is better than the one I _ yesterday. A) bought B)had bought C) was bought D) had been bought答案 A 你的笔比我昨天买的好。18. He _ several books on computer in the past few years. A)has translated B)translated C) had translated D) was translating答案 A 他在过去几年里翻译了一些计算机方面的书籍。 19. I met him in the street the other day. We _ each other for many years. A)have not seen B)had not seen C)did not see D)have not been seeing答案 B 前几天我在街上遇到他。我们有很多年没有见到对方了。20. Dont throw your cigarette in the grass. That _ a fire. 4A)is to start B)would start C)will start D)will be starting答案:C 不要把烟扔在草地上, 这将引起火灾。第三单元选择题1. English has become a communication _ for people from different countries.A) merit 优势 B)stream 潮流 C)enjoyment 乐趣 D)medium 手段答案 D 英语已经成为不同国家人民建交流的工具2. During the eight years war,many people _ their blood for their country.A)shed 流出 B)tempted 引诱 C)reserved 储备 D)deboted 献身的答案 A 人民为他们的国家已经浴血奋战了八年3. You have greatly _us. What you have done is not what you told us about several weeks ago.A)disappointed 失望 B)deserted 荒芜的 C)clarified 洋参(疑错)D)opposed 反抗答案 A 你使我们很失望,你的所作所为并不是你几星期前告诉我们的4. Before you begin writing your paper,please write a(n)_D_first. Then we can have a better idea about what you are going to talk about.A)origin 出身 B)detail 细节 C)example 例子 D)outline 提纲答案 D 在你下笔之前请先立个提纲,这样你就能对你所要表述的内容有个好的思路。5. If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, the only answer is that it is a _ for me. A) chapter 章 回 B) ceremony 典礼 C) chamber 房间 D) challenge 鞭策答案 D 如果问我因何要在美国学习,答案是这样能使我奋进6. A _ political and economic situation is very important for the development of any country.A. stain 污染 B. stables 稳定的 C. peaceful 温和的 D. pink 粉红色答案 B 一种稳定的政治经济条件对一国发展至关重要7. The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your _ in college.A) performance 表现 成就 B) policy 政策 C) smart 整齐的 D) statement 说明答案 A 奖金不仅取决于你的研究生入学成绩,而且更取决于在校的成绩。8. The World Trade Center is often called a _ Building,because it is made up of two identical buildings.A) Alike 相同 B) Folk 双亲 C) Twin 双 D) Former 前者,旧的答案 C 世贸大厦经常被人称作双子大厦,因为它是由两座完全相同的建筑构成9. It is impossible for us to _ such a difficult task within the limited time.A) fuel 刺激 B) frown 皱眉 C) fulfill 完成 D) frost 冷淡答案 C 对于我们而言在有限时间内完成这个困难的任务,几乎是不可能的。10. Please do not _ when somebody else is talking,A) intend 打算 B) interpret 解释 C) interrupt 打断 D) invest 冷淡答案 C 在别人谈话时请不要打断11. I was _ work last week, but I changed my mind.A) to start B)to have started C) to be starting D) to have been starting答案 B 我本该上周就开始工作了的,但最后我改变了主意12. Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent , and rational are inclined _ high levels of self-confidence.A) possess 拥有 B) have possessed C) to possess D) possessing答案 C 父母严格、始终如一并且理性的孩子拥有更高的自信13. Its pay-day, and they are waiting _A) for paying B) to be paid C) to be paying D) to have paid答案 B 今天是发工资的日子,他们等候发薪14. The play _ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.A) produced B) being produced C) to be produced D) having been produced5答案 C 下月即将上演的戏剧瞄准要是反映本土文化15. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it.A)to see B)to be seen C)seeing D)seen答案 B 一次国外旅行对这对老夫妇肯定是好的,但是他们能否喜欢这次旅行尚待考察。see 这个动作是别人发出的,换句话说是被动句。16. Sandy could do nothing but _ to his teacher that he was wrong.A.admit B.to express C.admitting D.to admit答案 A 桑迪无事可做,除了向老师认错选 A,句中的 but 不是连词“但是”,而是介词“ 除之外” ,当前面有实义动词 do 的不同形式时,后面用but do sth.;否则,则要用 but to do sth.结构,故只能选 A, “桑迪无事可做,除了向老师承认他错了。 ”,再如:He could do nothing but stay at home.I have no choice but to study hard. 17. Im going to the supermarket this afternoon.Do you have anything _?A) to be buying B) to buy C) for buying D) bought答案 B 我下午要去超市,你有什么东西要让我买吗?18. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _ in making the earth a better place to live.A) to have played B) to play C) to be played D) to be playing答案 B 他将告诉我们为什么,她会对我们每人所扮演的把地球打造的更适宜生存的角色有如此强烈的感觉。19. In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run companier are striving _ their products more competitiveA) to make B) making C) to have made D) having made答案 A 为了在国际市场中增加更多的市场,许多国有企业努力使他们的企业更具有竞争力。20. An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered _ clear warning before firing any shots. A) to issue 发放 B) being issued C) to have issued D) to be issued答案 A 一位军队发言人强调说,所有士兵没被要求在开火射击之前都要发出清晰的警告第四单元选择题1.As a commander you should not _ the soldiers to unnecessary danger.A)express B)explode C)exploit D)expose 答案:D)expose 作为一个指挥官不应该暴露士兵不必要的危险。 expose .to 固定搭配2. This newspaper often _ the governments opinion, not the public opinion.A)affects B)reacts C)reflects D)recognizes 答案:C)reflects 这家报纸经常反映政府的意见,而不是民意。3.Although in great danger, the wounded still did not want to _ from the front.A)feedback B)backward C)withdraw D)departure 答案:C)withdraw 虽然在巨大的危险,伤员仍然不想从前线撤回 .4.This movie has a _ ending. You can not imagine who will be killed finally.A)dramatic B)original C)considerable D)temple 答案:A)dramatic 这部电影有一个戏剧性的结局。你无法想象,谁最终会被杀死.5.During the graduation _, the president gave a wonderful opening speech.A)evolution B)sign C)individual D)ceremony 答案:D)ceremony 在毕业典礼上,主席发表了精彩的开幕词.6.The dog _ the rabbit but could not catch it.6A)ceased B)chained C)checked D)chased 答案:D)chased 狗追兔子,但不能抓住它7.If your letter is over weight, you must pay for the _ .A)excess B)exceed C)checked D)chased 答案:B excess 如果你的信超重,你必须支付超出的部分 .8.In the class the teacher asked the students to _ their bad habits.A)weaken B)omit C)overcome D)overtake 答案:overcome 在课堂上老师要求学生克服不良生活习惯。9.When you study in the United States, usually you have to buy your own health _.A)insurance B)expense C)evidence D)payment 答案:insurance 当你在美国学习,通常你要自己买医疗保险。10.Chocolate and ice-cream have different _.A)favor B)favorites C)fever D)flavors 答案:flavors 巧克力和冰淇淋的味道不同。 11.Certainly I posted your letter I remember _ it.A)posting B)to post C)to be posting D)have posted 答案:A)posting 我当然给你寄过信了- 我记得寄过它.12.They must be at home theres a light _ in the bedroom.A)to shine B)to be shining C)shining D)having shined 答案:C)shining 他们一定在家里 - 卧室里有盏灯开着。13.Mr. Smith dislikes _ such clothes but his wife likes _ them.A) to wear, to wear B)to wear, wearing C)wearing, to wear D)wearing, wear 答案:C)wearing, to wear 史密斯先生不喜欢穿这样的衣服,但他的妻子喜欢穿。14.When youre learning to drive, _ a good teacher makes a big difference.A)have B)having C)and have D)and having 答案:B)having 初学驾驶如有好的教师指导,差别很大。15._ this report _ in such a short time was quite a difficult exercise.A)Getting, done B)Get, done C)To get, to do D)Getting, to do 答案:A)Getting, done 在这么短的时间完成这份报告是相当困难的注意句子的谓语是 was,getting this report done in such a shorttime 是动名词短语,用做句子主语。又因this report 与 do 为被动关系,故用 done。16.I regret _ what I said. I shouldnt have said it.A)to say B)saying C)to be saying D)said 答案:B)saying 我懊悔讲了我讲的话。我是不应当这样讲的。 17.He was lucky and narrowly missed _.A)to injure B)injuring C)to be injured D)being injured 答案:D)being injured 他很幸运,差点被砸到而受伤。18.I understand _ to discuss the matter.A)your not wanting B)not your waiting C)you not to want D)you to not want 答案:A)your not wanting 我理解你不想讨论此事。19.Dont be late. No one would like _.A)to be kept waiting B)being kept waiting C)to be kept to wait D)being kept to wait 答案:A)to be kept waiting 不要迟到。没有人会喜欢被久等 20.He cant make himself _. His spoken English really needs _.A) understand, improving B) understood, improving C) understand, to improve D) understood, to improving 7答案:B) understood,improving 他不能让自己的理解。他的英语口语实在需要改进第五单元选择题1.This is an _ that will not be easily forgotten. CA. impact B. academic C. insult D. alternative这是一种侮辱,不会轻易忘记的。2. Please _ me for my rudeness. I really do not know the custom here. DA. engage B. comfort C. execute D. forgive请原谅我的无礼。我真的不知道这里的习俗。3. Water and air are _ to human beings . We can not live without them . DA. harbor B. function C. definite D. essential水和空气对人类来说是至关重要的。没有他们,我们就不能生存。4. When the airplane takes off, the passengers are told to _ their seat belts. DA. fountain B. fix C. tight D. fasten当飞机起飞后,乘客被告知要系好安全带。5. This is not what we asked you to do . You can not get more pay for the _ work. DA. owing B. device C. tired D. extra这不是我们所要求你去做的事。你不能得到更多的额外工作支付。6. My throat is _. I cannot speak any mor


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