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手套的英语知识手套的英语意思gloves手套的相关英语例句1. in the winter she wears thick socks, wellington boots and gloves.冬天,她穿着厚袜子和橡胶雨靴,戴着手套。2. protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin.防护手套可以减少皮肤对化学物质的吸收。3. his fingers poked through the worn tips of his gloves.他的手指从手套的破指尖处露了出来。4. wear rubber gloves while chopping chillies as they can irritate the skin.切辣椒时要戴橡胶手套,因为辣椒会刺激皮肤。5. a brief rummage will provide several pairs of gloves.稍微翻翻,就能找到几双手套。6. it was time to consign his bat and glove to the cupboard.该把他的球棒和手套搁进柜子里了。7. her fingers were stiff with cold inside her leather gloves.她的手指在皮手套里冻得僵硬。8. my gloves were soaking wet.我的手套都湿透了。9. she peeled off her gloves.她褪下手套。10. his gloved hand held up a computer disk.他用那只戴着手套的手拿起一张光盘。11. i slipped off my woollen gloves.我迅速地脱下了毛绒手套。12. they peeled cold stiffened gloves from their hands.他们将冻得硬邦邦的手套从手上脱下来。13. i pulled off my sopping mittens.我摘下了湿漉漉的手套。14. wear rubber gloves when handling cat litter.清理猫粪时要带上橡胶手套。15. motorcyclists with leather gauntlets戴着皮护手套的摩托车手手套的英文例句有人把我的手套拿走了。someone has taken my gloves.我把手套落在公共汽车上了。ive left my gloves on the bus.这些手套是为严寒地区制造的。the gloves were designed for extremely cold climates.我的手套尺寸是中号。my gloves are size medium.她用灵巧的双手为我织了一副手套。she knitted a pair of mittens for me with her nimble fingers.我有一副皮连指手套。i have a pair of leather mittens.松开手套箱锁闩并从手套箱模组拆下手套箱。release the glove box latch and remove the glove box from the glove box module.连指手套要比分指手套更能够保护你的手。mittens are better than gloves for hand protection.从手套箱门上拆下手套箱置物槽。remove the glove box bin from the glove box door.手套的双语例句我的手套冻牢在把手上。my gloves were frozen to the handle bar.这两只手套不配对儿。these two gloves dont match arent a pair.厚厚的手套可以使双手免于受冻。the hands can be insulated from cold with thick gloves.这些手套全部都是你的吗?are these gloves all yours?我们用它们装帽子,围巾和手套。we use them for hats, scarfs and gloves.当你戴上手套时,你就知道了这一点。when you put the gloves on, you know that.如果说对象和继承就像巧克力和花生酱的话,那对象和多态就好比手和手套。if objects and inheritance go together like chocolate and peanut butter, objects andpolymorphism are like hand and glove.他给这些废料们戴上帽子与手套。and he clapped on these materials hats and gloves.他们成排坐着,用戴着手套的手拿起炽热的玻璃,将它绕在一个圆筒上。they sit in rows, taking hot glass into their gloved hands and spinning it around a cylinder.真正的爱可以为了一只失去的手套或一条找到的手帕而懊恼,而陶醉,并且需要永恒来寄托它的忠诚和希望。true love is in despair and is enchanted over a glove lost or a handkerchief found, and eternityis required for its devotion and its hopes.三只小猫把怎么丢失拳击手套的事又解释了一遍。once again, the three little kittens explained how they lost their mittens.在原地踏步一个月之后,我在车库里的自行车已经积了厚厚一层灰。我打算用五天时间来完成这个任务,穿上一件笨重得可笑的新茄克,再多加一副手套,我出发了。after a month spent moping around while my bicycle gathered dust in a garage, i have allocatedfive days to the task and splashed out on a ridiculously bulky new jacket plus an extra pair ofgloves.手套的英语意思gloves手套的相关英语例句1. in the winter she wears thick socks, wellington boots and gloves.冬天,她穿着厚袜子和橡胶雨靴,戴着手套。2. protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin.防护手套可以减少皮肤对化学物质的吸收。3. his fingers poked through the worn tips of his gloves.他的手指从手套的破指尖处露了出来。4. wear rubber gloves while chopping chillies as they can irritate the skin.切辣椒时要戴橡胶手套,因为辣椒会刺激皮肤。5. a brief rummage will provide several pairs of gloves.稍微翻翻,就能找到几双手套。6. it was time to consign his bat and glove to the cupboard.该把他的球棒和手套搁进柜子里了。7. her fingers were stiff with cold inside her leather gloves.她的手指在皮手套里冻得僵硬。8. my gloves were soaking wet.我的手套都湿透了。9. she peeled off her gloves.她褪下手套。10. his gloved hand held up a computer disk.他用那只戴着手套的手拿起一张光盘。11. i slipped off my woollen gloves.我迅速地脱下了毛绒手套。12. they peeled cold stiffened gloves from their hands.他们将冻得硬邦邦的手套从手上脱下来。13. i pulled off my sopping mittens.我摘下了湿漉漉的手套。14. wear rubber gloves when handling cat litter.清理猫粪时要带上橡胶手套。15. motorcyclists with leather gauntlets戴着皮护手套的摩托车手手套的英文例句有人把我的手套拿走了。someone has taken my gloves.我把手套落在公共汽车上了。ive left my gloves on the bus.这些手套是为严寒地区制造的。the gloves were designed for extremely cold climates.我的手套尺寸是中号。my gloves are size medium.她用灵巧的双手为我织了一副手套。she knitted a pair of mittens for me with her nimble fingers.我有一副皮连指手套。i have a pair of leather mittens.松开手套箱锁闩并从手套箱模组拆下手套箱。release the glove box latch and remove the glove box from the glove box module.连指手套要比分指手套更能够保护你的手。mittens are better than gloves for hand protection.从手套箱门上拆下手套箱置物槽。remove the glove box bin from the glove box door.手套的双语例句我的手套冻牢在把手上。my gloves were frozen to the handle bar.这两只手套不配对儿。these two gloves dont match arent a pair.厚厚的手套可以使双手免于受冻。the hands can be insulated from cold with thick gloves.这些手套全部都是你的吗?are these gloves all yours?我们用它们装帽子,围巾和手套。we use them for hats, scarfs and gloves.当你戴上手套时,你就知道了这一点。when you put the gloves on, you know that.如果说对象和继承就像巧克力和花生酱的话,那对象和多态就好比手和手套。if objects and inheritance go together like chocolate and peanut butter, objects andpolymorphism are like hand and glove.他给这些废料们戴上帽子与手套。and he clapped on these materials hats and gloves.他们成排坐着,用戴着手套的手拿起炽热的玻璃,将它绕在一个圆筒上。they sit in rows, taking hot glass into their gloved hands and spinning it around a cylinder.真正的爱可以为了一只失去的手套或一条找到的手帕而懊恼,而陶醉,并且需要永恒来寄托它的忠诚和希望。true love is in despair and is enchanted over a glove lost or a handkerchief found, and eternityis required for its devotion and its hopes.三只小猫把怎么丢失拳击手套的事又解释了一遍。once again, the three little kittens explained how they lost their mittens.在原地踏步一个月之后,我在车库里的自行车已经积了厚厚一层灰。我打算用五天时间来完成这个任务,穿上一件笨重得可笑的新茄克,再多加一副手套,我出发了。after a month spent moping around while my bicycle gathered dust in a garage, i have allocatedfive days to the task and splashed out on a ridiculously bulky new jacket plus an extra pair ofgloves.手套的英语意思gloves手套的相关英语例句1. in the winter she wears thick socks, wellington boots and gloves.冬天,她穿着厚袜子和橡胶雨靴,戴着手套。2. protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin.防护手套可以减少皮肤对化学物质的吸收。3. his fingers poked through the worn tips of his gloves.他的手指从手套的破指尖处露了出来。4. wear rubber gloves while chopping chillies as they can irritate the skin.切辣椒时要戴橡胶手套,因为辣椒会刺激皮肤。5. a brief rummage will provide several pairs of gloves.稍微翻翻,就能找到几双手套。6. it was time to consign his bat and glove to the cupboard.该把他的球棒和手套搁进柜子里了。7. her fingers were stiff with cold inside her leather gloves.她的手指在皮手套里冻得僵硬。8. my gloves were soaking wet.我的手套都湿透了。9. she peeled off her gloves.她褪下手套。10. his gloved hand held up a computer disk.他用那只戴着手套的手拿起一张光盘。11. i slipped off my woollen gloves.我迅速地脱下了毛绒手套。12. they peeled cold stiffened gloves from their hands.他们将冻得硬邦邦的手套从手上脱下来。13. i pulled off my sopping mittens.我摘下了湿漉漉的手套。14. wear rubber gloves when handling cat litter.清理猫粪时要带上橡胶手套。15. motorcyclists with leather gauntlets戴着皮护手套的摩托车手手套的英文例句有人把我的手套拿走了。someone has taken my gloves.我把手套落在公共汽车上了。ive left my gloves on the bus.这些手套是为严寒地区制造的。the gloves were designed for extremely cold climates.我的手套尺寸是中号。my gloves are size medium.她用灵巧的双手为我织了一副手套。she knitted a pair of mittens for me with her nimble fingers.我有一副皮连指手套。i have a pair of leather mittens.松开手套箱锁闩并从手套箱模组拆下手套箱。release the glove box latch and remove the glove box from the glove box module.连指手套要比分指手套更能够保护你的手。mittens are better than gloves for hand protection.从手套箱门上拆下手套箱置物槽。remove the glove box bin from the glove box door.手套的双语例句我的手套冻牢在把手上。my gloves were frozen to the handle bar.这两只手套不配对儿。these two gloves dont match arent a pair.厚厚的手套可以使双手免于受冻。the hands can be insulated from cold with thick gloves.这些手套全部都是你的吗?are these gloves all yours?我们用它们装帽子,围巾和手套。we use them for hats, scarfs and gloves.当你戴上手套时,你就知道了这一点。when you put the gloves on, you know that.如果说对象和继承就像巧克力和花生酱的话,那对象和多态就好比手和手套。if objects and inheritance g


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