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swell 的第三人称单数swell 的第三人称单数:swellsswell 的用法:swell 的用法 1:swell 的基本意思是“增大,膨胀”,指由于受外力的作用使物体在原有的基础上变大或处于增大的状态,或指由于疼痛、哭泣等原因而使身体的某一部位肿大或处于肿大的状态。也可用于硬度或力量的增强,含有“快要涨破了”的意味。引申还可指“河水上涨”或“人群扩大” 。swell 的用法 2:swell 可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。swell 第三人称单数例句:1. the waters were heaving up in great swells.河水正在急剧上升.2. a barrel swells in the middle.水桶中部隆起.3. emotion swells and subsides.情绪忽高忽低.4. his emotion swells and subsides.他的情绪忽高忽低.5. dey bags swells up and busts.那奶袋快胀破了.6. later, the mountain swells enough to be measured by tiltmeters.接着, 火山开始膨胀,这种膨胀甚至用倾斜仪都可测得出来.7. below, noisy swells were breaking on the hull like surf.下面, 哗哗的激浪拍打着舰体,象拍岸的浪花.8. almost happily, the old man battles the mountainous swells.老人几乎是很高兴地和山岳般的巨浪相搏斗.9. the cooper in particular swells his last note in a hollow voice.特别是箍桶匠爱用闷声送出他那最后的尾音.10. a tire swells as it is filled with air.轮胎充气时就膨胀.11. as more blood is forced in, the tiny cavern swells.当更多的血挤进来时, 微小的蓄水池就胀大.12. frigid gusts were driving swells in past the mole.寒风阵阵掀起大浪涌过防波堤.13. great author , hay ? go about with the swells.嗨, 成了大作家? 尽跟头面人物打交道.14. by dawn, the weather had calmed and cleared, but the ship still rolled in heavy swells.到天亮的时候, 天气已经晴朗,风暴也已停止, 但是这条船仍在汹涌的波涛中翻滚.15. floating i saw only the sky, and felt the drop and lift of the swells.在漂浮的时候,我看到的只是天空, 感到滔滔波浪的起伏.swell 的第三人称单数:swellsswell 的用法:swell 的用法 1:swell 的基本意思是“增大,膨胀”,指由于受外力的作用使物体在原有的基础上变大或处于增大的状态,或指由于疼痛、哭泣等原因而使身体的某一部位肿大或处于肿大的状态。也可用于硬度或力量的增强,含有“快要涨破了”的意味。引申还可指“河水上涨”或“人群扩大” 。swell 的用法 2:swell 可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。swell 第三人称单数例句:1. the waters were heaving up in great swells.河水正在急剧上升.2. a barrel swells in the middle.水桶中部隆起.3. emotion swells and subsides.情绪忽高忽低.4. his emotion swells and subsides.他的情绪忽高忽低.5. dey bags swells up and busts.那奶袋快胀破了.6. later, the mountain swells enough to be measured by tiltmeters.接着, 火山开始膨胀,这种膨胀甚至用倾斜仪都可测得出来.7. below, noisy swells were breaking on the hull like surf.下面, 哗哗的激浪拍打着舰体,象拍岸的浪花.8. almost happily, the old man battles the mountainous swells.老人几乎是很高兴地和山岳般的巨浪相搏斗.9. the cooper in particular swells his last note in a hollow voice.特别是箍桶匠爱用闷声送出他那最后的尾音.10. a tire swells as it is filled with air.轮胎充气时就膨胀.11. as more blood is forced in, the tiny cavern swells.当更多的血挤进来时, 微小的蓄水池就胀大.12. frigid gusts were driving swells in past the mole.寒风阵阵掀起大浪涌过防波堤.13. great author , hay ? go about with the swells.嗨, 成了大作家? 尽跟头面人物打交道.14. by dawn, the weather had calmed and cleared, but the ship still rolled in heavy swells.到天亮的时候, 天气已经晴朗,风暴也已停止, 但是这条船仍在汹涌的波涛中翻滚.15. floating i saw only the sky, and felt the drop and lift of the swells.在漂浮的时候,我看到的只是天空, 感到滔滔波浪的起伏.swell 的第三人称单数:swellsswell 的用法:swell 的用法 1:swell 的基本意思是“增大,膨胀”,指由于受外力的作用使物体在原有的基础上变大或处于增大的状态,或指由于疼痛、哭泣等原因而使身体的某一部位肿大或处于肿大的状态。也可用于硬度或力量的增强,含有“快要涨破了”的意味。引申还可指“河水上涨”或“人群扩大” 。swell 的用法 2:swell 可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。swell 第三人称单数例句:1. the waters were heaving up in great swells.河水正在急剧上升.2. a barrel swells in the middle.水桶中部隆起.3. emotion swells and subsides.情绪忽高忽低.4. his emotion swells and subsides.他的情绪忽高忽低.5. dey bags swells up and busts.那奶袋快胀破了.6. later, the mountain swells enough to be measured by tiltmeters.接着, 火山开始膨胀,这种膨胀甚至用倾斜仪都可测得出来.7. below, noisy swells were breaking on the hull like surf.下面, 哗哗的激浪拍打着舰体,象拍岸的浪花.8. almost happily, the old man battles the mountainous swells.老人几乎是很高兴地和山岳般的巨浪相搏斗.9. the cooper in particular swells his last note in a hollow voice.特别是箍桶匠爱用闷声送出他那最后的尾音.10. a tire swells as it is filled with air.轮胎充气时就膨胀.11. as more blood is forced in, the tiny cavern swells.当更多的血挤进来时, 微小的蓄水池就胀大.12. frigid gusts were driving swells in past the mole.寒风阵阵掀起大浪涌过防波堤.13. great author , hay ? go about with the swells.嗨, 成了大作家? 尽跟头面人物打交道.14. by dawn, the weather had calmed


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