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tend 的第三人称单数和例句tend 的第三人称单数:tendstend 的用法:tend 的用法 1:tend 的基本意思是“加以注意”,多指某种平凡的、无需特殊技艺的日常工作,且需多加以注意,以防范事故与危险,保证正常运转等。指非职业性的照顾、侍候,强调平等性与帮助性。还可表示“倾向” “趋于” 。用于人则表示“照料” 。tend 的用法 2:tend 用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。tend 的用法 3:tend 用作不及物动词时,后接介词 to, towards 或动词不定式,表示“倾向于” 。tend 第三人称单数例句:1. billy tends to keep things to himself more and shut himself off.比利往往更多地将事情藏在心里,把自己封闭起来。2. her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends to repetition.她的行文风格并非总是恰到好处,往往爱重复。3. he tends to chew things over too much in his mind.他这个人就爱在心里反复琢磨事儿。4. a childs head tends to take the brunt of any fall.孩子摔倒时,头部最容易受伤。5. in my job one tends to lose touch with friends.干我这行,往往会与朋友失去联系。6. the green debate tends to polarise into science-as-saviour versus science-as-devil camps.有关环保的辩论往往会分化成“科学是救星”和“科学是恶魔”两个阵营。7. her washing machine tends to fray edges on intricate designs.她的洗衣机经常会把织物上的一些复杂图案的边缘磨坏。8. her hair tends to tangle.她的头发容易打结。9. the bands approach tends to be crushingly tedious.该乐队的演奏方式往往过于单调乏味。10. plastic tends to discolour with age.塑料久而久之便会退色。11. dont worry too much about what she saidshe tends to dramatize things.别太在意她说的话她往往言过其实。12. television tends to glamorize violence.电视往往美化暴力。13. he tends to overstate his case when talking politics.他一谈政治便流于夸夸其谈。14. she tends to have intense, spiritualized friendships.她交朋友往往热情而超俗。15. money tends to flow to businesses that are already succeeding.兴隆的买卖赚钱多.tend 的第三人称单数:tendstend 的用法:tend 的用法 1:tend 的基本意思是“加以注意”,多指某种平凡的、无需特殊技艺的日常工作,且需多加以注意,以防范事故与危险,保证正常运转等。指非职业性的照顾、侍候,强调平等性与帮助性。还可表示“倾向” “趋于” 。用于人则表示“照料” 。tend 的用法 2:tend 用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。tend 的用法 3:tend 用作不及物动词时,后接介词 to, towards 或动词不定式,表示“倾向于” 。tend 第三人称单数例句:1. billy tends to keep things to himself more and shut himself off.比利往往更多地将事情藏在心里,把自己封闭起来。2. her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends to repetition.她的行文风格并非总是恰到好处,往往爱重复。3. he tends to chew things over too much in his mind.他这个人就爱在心里反复琢磨事儿。4. a childs head tends to take the brunt of any fall.孩子摔倒时,头部最容易受伤。5. in my job one tends to lose touch with friends.干我这行,往往会与朋友失去联系。6. the green debate tends to polarise into science-as-saviour versus science-as-devil camps.有关环保的辩论往往会分化成“科学是救星”和“科学是恶魔”两个阵营。7. her washing machine tends to fray edges on intricate designs.她的洗衣机经常会把织物上的一些复杂图案的边缘磨坏。8. her hair tends to tangle.她的头发容易打结。9. the bands approach tends to be crushingly tedious.该乐队的演奏方式往往过于单调乏味。10. plastic tends to discolour with age.塑料久而久之便会退色。11. dont worry too much about what she saidshe tends to dramatize things.别太在意她说的话她往往言过其实。12. television tends to glamorize violence.电视往往美化暴力。13. he tends to overstate his case when talking politics.他一谈政治便流于夸夸其谈。14. she tends to have intense, spiritualized friendships.她交朋友往往热情而超俗。15. money tends to flow to businesses that are already succeeding.兴隆的买卖赚钱多.tend 的第三人称单数:tendstend 的用法:tend 的用法 1:tend 的基本意思是“加以注意”,多指某种平凡的、无需特殊技艺的日常工作,且需多加以注意,以防范事故与危险,保证正常运转等。指非职业性的照顾、侍候,强调平等性与帮助性。还可表示“倾向” “趋于” 。用于人则表示“照料” 。tend 的用法 2:tend 用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。tend 的用法 3:tend 用作不及物动词时,后接介词 to, towards 或动词不定式,表示“倾向于” 。tend 第三人称单数例句:1. billy tends to keep things to himself more and shut himself off.比利往往更多地将事情藏在心里,把自己封闭起来。2. her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends to repetition.她的行文风格并非总是恰到好处,往往爱重复。3. he tends to chew things over too much in his mind.他这个人就爱在心里反复琢磨事儿。4. a childs head tends to take the brunt of any fall.孩子摔倒时,头部最容易受伤。5. in my job one tends to lose touch with friends.干我这行,往往会与朋友失去联系。6. the green debate tends to polarise into science-as-saviour versus science-as-devil camps.有关环保的辩论往往会分化成“科学是救星”和“科学是恶魔”两个阵营。7. her washing machine tends to fray edges on intricate designs.她的洗衣机经常会把织物上的一些复杂图案的边缘磨坏。8. her hair tends to tangle.她的头发容易打结。9. the bands approach tends to be crushingly tedious.该乐队的演奏方式往往过于单调乏味。10. plastic tends to discolour with age.塑料久而久之便会退色。11. dont worry too much about what she saidshe tends to dramatize things.别太在意她说的话她往往言过其实。12. television tends to glamorize violence.电视往往美化暴力。13. he t


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