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网络信息检索实训题 Google搜索引擎1. 使用搜索引擎找出“I Believe I Can Fly”歌曲的歌手,年代,所获得的荣誉等信息。步骤:在 Google搜索引擎中输入 I Believe I Can Fly。结果:这首歌是歌手 R. Kelly 在1996年为飞人 迈克尔 乔丹(Michael Jordan)的电影Space Jam (太空大灌篮)由自己作词、作曲、演唱的歌曲.。 I Believe I Can Fly成为了他最伟大的单曲之一,并在1997年度第40届格莱美颁奖中,一举获得了最佳影视歌曲(Best Song Written Specifically For A Motion Picture Or For Television),最佳 R FIG. 2 is a diagrammatic illustration of the folded tensioned highline transfer system of the present invention; and FIG. 3 is a diagrammatic illustration of the winch and power system of the present invention. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The highline transfer system shown in FIG. 1 includes a single highline 10 attached to the highline winch 14 through ram tensioner 16 and extending from supply ship 12 to the receiving ship 18. Trolley 20 supports load 22 and is provided to travel between ships 12 and 18 on highline 10 via rollers 24. Ram tensioner 16 tensions highline 10 and compensates for ships roll between ships 12 and 18 by taking in or letting out highline 10 as required. The adjustable inhaul and outhaul winches 26 and 28 are connected to trolley 20 by hauling lines 30 and 32 respectively and provided to work back to back to move trolley 20 along highline 10 thus transferring load 22 between ships 12 and 18. Winches 26 and 28 are tension adjustable and adjust the length of hauling lines 30 and 32 by taking in or letting out the hauling lines to compensate for ships roll. In order to transfer load 22 or move trolley 20 between ships 12 and 18, the operator adjusts the tension setting in one of the hauling winches, 26 or 28, thus setting up a tension unbalance on trolley 20. As a result, trolley 20 moves in the direction of higher tension and load 22 is transferred between ships 12 and 18. The movement of trolley 20 along highline 10 is constantly influenced by ships roll acting on highline 10 and hauling lines 30 and 32. The action of ships roll on the highline and on the hauling lines which are each attached to separate winches produces a differential effect which substantially reduces positive control of the trolley in this prior art system. 11.VPN简写代表什么意思,全称是什么?步骤:输入 VPN简写代表结果:VPN 是 Virtual Private Network的缩写,译为虚拟专用网。12.Symmetra是哪个公司的注册商标,公司全称是什么?找出该公司总公司地址。步骤: 输入 Symmetra是哪个公司的注册商标;输入 APC公司结果:Symmetra 是 APC 公司的注册商标. APC:American Power Conversion(美国电力转换集团)APC:美国电力转换公司,总公司位于美国罗得岛州西金斯敦 13.ISO标准机构下的编号为 21的技术委员会从事什么方面标准的制定?步骤:标准机构结果:ISO/TC 21/SC 6(干粉和泡沫灭火剂以及干粉和泡沫灭火系统分技术委员会)是 ISO/TC 21(防火和灭火设备技术委员会)下设的分技术委员会,负责干粉和泡沫灭火剂以及干粉和泡沫灭火系统国际标准的制订、标准的维护、相关技术文件的制定和发布等工作。14.计算 log以 3为底 20的对数。步骤:输入在线对数计算器,用 lg20/lg3=1.301/0.477结果:2.72715.请查找 google earth的使用方法,并使用 Google Earth找出成都市火车北站,并给出一张卫星图片。步骤:在前往中输入成都市火车北站结果:16.请找出我国重庆市、浙江省丽水市的地理(经度、纬度,精确到 0.1) 。步骤:在谷歌中输入经度纬度查询,选择重庆市、浙江省丽水市即可得结果。结果:重庆重庆经纬度查询 经度:106.54


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