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俱乐部四月工作总结回味四月,品苦忆甜俱乐部四月工作总结recollection of april, recalling bitter sweet goods - club april summary时光飞逝,俱乐部在成长的岁月中,送走了杨絮飘飞的四月,迎来了激情洋溢的五月。四月,我们俱乐部的四月,是个忙碌的四月,成长的四月,喜悦的四月。how time flies, in the growth years, the club was away april and ushered to stand in may.april, our clubs april, is a busy april, the growth of april and the joy of april.一工作概述准确地说,按照向研究院提交双周报告的日子算起,应该是从 3月 28号开始了我们的四月。在四月来临时,我们敲响了微软实习的大门,让微软的 open day活动走进了北理。走进四月,我们的项目开发正式确立。为了项目的顺利进行,我们紧锣密鼓,作宣传、搞培训、请顾问老师、挖人才。风风火火,到了四月末,紫竹院的 team building和丰盛的多伦哥自助餐,让俱乐部成员们一扫四月的征尘,用满腔的热情准备着五月的来临。1. summary of workexactly, according to the biweekly report to the institute, we start of our april from march 28. in comes april, we sounded the door of microsoft internship, microsofts open day activities into bejing university of posts and telecommunications. entering april, we formally established the project development. for the smooth of the project, we intensely make publicity; engage in training, consultancy teachers, looking for personnel. in the end of april, the zizhu yuan team building and duolunge buffet make the club members swept away the tired time, with wholehearted enthusiasm ready to come in may.二亮点回顾(详细内容见链接/laputa/clubs/styles/?club=cn59)13 月 28日,微软 open day活动为北理学子敞开微软实习之门。24 月 3日,俱乐部 XX年开发项目正式确立。34 月 5日, “俱乐部十日让你成为 c#.net程序员”活动未雨绸缪。44 月 9日,俱乐部成员与俱乐部指导老师金旭亮针对项目开发进行面对面交流。54 月 21日, “十日程序员”培训活动圆满结束。64 月 23日,北理工全体会员圆桌会议在中教 907召开。74 月 26日,迎五一、庆佳节,bitmstc 欢聚紫竹院。此外,俱乐部还成立了 silverlight学习小组,开启了面向北理学子的长期执行的创意征集的novolight项目,并有了项目讨论的园地/ 。特别值得提出的是,我们的门户网站项目的开发的需求分析也在火热进行中。二. highlights (for details, see link /laputa/clubs/styles/?club=cn59), 28, microsofts open day activities open the door to bejing university of posts and telecommunications of microsoft internship., 3, XX club development projects were formally established.3. 4, 5, “10 days to be a c #. net programmer “was ready.4. 4, 9, club members and club instructor jin xuliang have a face-to-face exchange about the programmer.5. 4, 21, “10 days to be a programmer“ training activities ended successfully.6. 4, 23, round table meeting of all members of the bejing university of posts and telecommunications held in the 907.7. 4, 26, to celebrate may 1, bitmstc gathered happily in zizhu yuan.in addition, the club has also set up a study group silverlight, opened a long-term implementation of the innovative collection of novolight project for all the students of bejing university of posts and telecommunications and a project corner /in particular, analysis needed by our portal project development is carried out in the heat.三工作总结总的来说,俱乐部四月举办的各种活动对俱乐部的工作和未来的发展都是非常有意义的。当然,举办活动的过程,特别是在锻炼和考察新成员的组织能力时,难免会出现一些问题。但,我们的俱乐部是在问题产生中积累经验的,是在解决问题中成长的。我们的工作得到了微软亚洲研究院和计算机科学与技术学院的大力支持,对此,我们全体俱乐部成员向他们致以衷心的感谢。我们真诚地希望更多的人参与到我们俱乐部建设中来,为俱乐部的发展提出宝贵的建议。三. summaryoverall, the various activities in april are very meaningful to the clubs work and future development. of course, the process of organizing activities, particularly in the training and study the organizational capacity of the new members, there will inevitably be some problems. however, the club accumulated experience in the problem, and grew up in solving the problems. we have been strongly supported by microsoft research asia and the institute of computer science and technology. we all club members extend our heartfelt thanks. we sincerely hope that more people will participate in the building of our club, giving us valuable suggestions for the development of the club.回味四月,品苦忆甜俱乐部四月工作总结recollection of april, recalling bitter sweet goods - club april summary时光飞逝,俱乐部在成长的岁月中,送走了杨絮飘飞的四月,迎来了激情洋溢的五月。四月,我们俱乐部的四月,是个忙碌的四月,成长的四月,喜悦的四月。how time flies, in the growth years, the club was away april and ushered to stand in may.april, our clubs april, is a busy april, the growth of april and the joy of april.一工作概述准确地说,按照向研究院提交双周报告的日子算起,应该是从 3月 28号开始了我们的四月。在四月来临时,我们敲响了微软实习的大门,让微软的 open day活动走进了北理。走进四月,我们的项目开发正式确立。为了项目的顺利进行,我们紧锣密鼓,作宣传、搞培训、请顾问老师、挖人才。风风火火,到了四月末,紫竹院的 team building和丰盛的多伦哥自助餐,让俱乐部成员们一扫四月的征尘,用满腔的热情准备着五月的来临。1. summary of workexactly, according to the biweekly report to the institute, we start of our april from march 28. in comes april, we sounded the door of microsoft internship, microsofts open day activities into bejing university of posts and telecommunications. entering april, we formally established the project development. for the smooth of the project, we intensely make publicity; engage in training, consultancy teachers, looking for personnel. in the end of april, the zizhu yuan team building and duolunge buffet make the club members swept away the tired time, with wholehearted enthusiasm ready to come in may.二亮点回顾(详细内容见链接/laputa/clubs/styles/?club=cn59)13 月 28日,微软 open day活动为北理学子敞开微软实习之门。24 月 3日,俱乐部 XX年开发项目正式确立。34 月 5日, “俱乐部十日让你成为 c#.net程序员”活动未雨绸缪。44 月 9日,俱乐部成员与俱乐部指导老师金旭亮针对项目开发进行面对面交流。54 月 21日, “十日程序员”培训活动圆满结束。64 月 23日,北理工全体会员圆桌会议在中教 907召开。74 月 26日,迎五一、庆佳节,bitmstc 欢聚紫竹院。此外,俱乐部还成立了 silverlight学习小组,开启了面向北理学子的长期执行的创意征集的novolight项目,并有了项目讨论的园地/ 。特别值得提出的是,我们的门户网站项目的开发的需求分析也在火热进行中。二. highlights (for details, see link /laputa/clubs/styles/?club=cn59), 28, microsofts open day activities open the door to bejing university of posts and telecommunications of microsoft internship., 3, XX club development projects were formally established.3. 4, 5, “10 days to be a c #. net programmer “was ready.4. 4, 9, club members and club instructor jin xuliang have a face-to-face exchange about the programmer.5. 4, 21, “10 days to be a programmer“ training activities ended successfully.6. 4, 23, round table meeting of all members of the bejing university of posts and telecommunications held in the 907.7. 4, 26, to celebrate may 1, bitmstc gathered happily in zizhu yuan.in addition, the club has also set up a study group silverlight, opened a long-term implementation of the innovative collection of novolight project for all the students of bejing university of posts and telecommunications and a project corner /in particular, analysis needed by our portal project development is carried out in the heat.三工作总结总的来说,俱乐部四月举办的各种活动对俱乐部的工作和未来的发展都是非常有意义的。当然,举办活动的过程,特别是在锻炼和考察新成员的组织能力时,难免会出现一些问题。但,我们的俱乐部是在问题产生中积累经验的,是在解决问题中成长的。我们的工作得到了微软亚洲研究院和计算机科学与技术学院的大力支持,对此,我们全体俱乐部成员向他们致以衷心的感谢。我们真诚地希望更多的人参与到我们俱乐部建设中来,为俱乐部的发展提出宝贵的建议。三. summaryoverall, the various activities in april are very meaningful to the clubs work and future development. of course, the process of organizing activities, particularly in the training and study the organizational capacity of the new members, there will inevitably be some problems. however, the club accumulated experience in the problem, and grew up in solving the problems. we have been strongly supported by microsoft research asia and the institute of computer science and technology. we all club members extend our heartfelt thanks. we sincerely hope that more people will participate in the building of our club, giving us valuable suggestions for the development of the club.回味四月,品苦忆甜俱乐部四月工作总结recollection of april, recalling bitter sweet goods - club april summary时光飞逝,俱乐部在成长的岁月中,送走了杨絮飘飞的四月,迎来了激情洋溢的五月。四月,我们俱乐部的四月,是个忙碌的四月,成长的四月,喜悦的四月。how time flies, in the growth years, the club was away april and ushered to stand in may.april, our clubs april, is a busy april, the growth of april and the joy of april.一工作概述准确地说,按照向研究院提交双周报告的日子算起,应该是从 3月 28号开始了我们的四月。在四月来临时,我们敲响了微软实习的大门,让微软的 open day活动走进了北理。走进四月,我们的项目开发正式确立。为了项目的顺利进行,我们紧锣密鼓,作宣传、搞培训、请顾问老师、挖人才。风风火火,到了四月末,紫竹院的 team building和丰盛的多伦哥自助餐,让俱乐部成员们一扫四月的征尘,用满腔的热情准备着五月的来临。1. summary of workexactly, according to the biweekly report to the institute, we start of our april from march 28. in comes april, we sounded the door of microsoft internship, microsofts open day activities into bejing university of posts and telecommunications. entering april, we formally established the project development. for the smooth of the project, we intensely make publicity; engage in training, consultancy teachers, looking for personnel. in the end of april, the zizhu yuan team building and duolunge buffet make the club members swept away the tired time, with wholehearted enthusiasm ready to come in may.二亮点回顾(详细内容见链接/laputa/clubs/styles/?club=cn59)13 月 28日,微软 open day活动为北理学子敞开微软实习之门。24 月 3日,俱乐部 XX年开发项目正式确立。34 月 5日, “俱乐部十日让你成为 c#.net程序员”活动未雨绸缪。44 月 9日,俱乐部成员与俱乐部指导老师金旭亮针对项目开发进行面对面交流。54 月 21日, “十日程序员”培训活动圆满结束。64 月 23日,北理工全体会员圆桌会议在中教 907召开。74 月 26日,迎五一、庆佳节,bitmstc 欢聚紫竹院。此外,俱乐部还成立了 silverlight学习小组,开启了面向北理学子的长期执行的创意征集的novolight项目,并有了项目讨论的园地/ 。特别值得提出的是,我们的门户网站项目的开发的需求分析也在火热进行中。二. highlights (for details, see link /laputa/clubs/styles/?club=cn59), 28, microsofts open day activities open the door to bejing university of posts and telecommunications of microsoft internship., 3, XX club development projects were formally established.3. 4, 5, “10 days to be a c #. net programmer “was ready.4. 4, 9, club members and club instructor jin xuliang have a face-to-face exchange about the programmer.5. 4, 21, “10 days to be a programmer“ training activities ended successfully.6. 4, 23, round table meeting of all members of the bejing university of posts and telecommunications held in the 907.7. 4, 26, to celebrate may 1, bitmstc gathered happily in zizhu yuan.in addition, the club has also set up a study group silverlight, opened a long-term implementation of the innovative collection of novolight project for all the students of bejing university of posts


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