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7-1 Chapter 7 Training and Developing Employees 7-2 Opening case :Gaining competitive advantage at Xerox The problem: A severe drop in market share The solution: Five-year program entitled “Leadership through quality.” Training courses: Helping to fulfill their new roles Orientation-Training focused on effective teamwork and problem-solving skills.-practice and feedback The result: Employees were now working together as teams to identify and correct quality production and service problems. 7-3 Chapter outline 7.1 Linking training and development to worker competence 7.2 The instructional process to training How companies assess their training needs Present training programs to maximize learning Methods of training Ensure training is transferred to the job Training evaluation 7. 3 line manages and HRM departments roles 7-4 7.1Training and Development Practices and Links to worker competence Train Employees Competitive Advantage Permanent Change In KSAs Of New Employees Permanent Change In KSAs Of Current Employees Improved Employee Competence 7-5 Training That Increases the Competence of New Employees Orientation Technical Literacy 7-6 Training That Increases the Competence of Current Employees Remedial Change-related Developmental instruction 7-7 7.2 The Instructional Process 7.2.1Deciding what to teach 7.2.2Deciding how to maximize participant learning 7.2.3Choosing the appropriate training methods 7.2.4Ensuring that training is used on the job 7.2.5Determining whether training programs are effective 7-8 7.2.1Deciding What to Teach Assessing training needs Determining training objectives 7-9 Training Need Job behavior inappropriate or Knowledge or skill level inadequate and Problems can be corrected through training 7-10 Assessing Training Needs Number of employees experiencing skill deficiency Severity of skill deficiency Importance of skill Extent to which skill can be improved with training 7-11 Methods for Determining Training Needs Self-assessments Company records Customer complaints EEO charges Employee grievances Interviews with managers Customer satisfaction surveys Observation 7-12 Determining Training Objectives By the end of this session the trainee will be able to _ (an action word)_ _ (item)_ _ (condition)_ _ (standard)_ 7-13 Training Objective Example By the end of this session the trainee will be able to design (action word) an integrated circuit (item) given an engineering specification (condition) The design must be efficient and work. (standard) 7-14 7.2.2 Deciding How to Maximize Participant Learning Gain and maintain trainees attention. Provide trainees opportunity to practice. Provide trainees feedback on performance. 7-15 To Gain and Maintain Trainees Attention Demonstrate training importance and relevance. Vary pace and kind of material presented. Use short segments involving frequent opportunities for audience involvement. 7-16 Remembering Hear 25% Hear sales techniques Opportunity to practice Disadvantages: Little guidance Embarrassment; loss of self-confidence Lack of opportunity to do correctly 7-28 Behavior Modeling Steps 1.Present an overview of the material. 2.Describe the procedural steps.(the best way) 3.Model or demonstrate the procedural steps. 4.Allow guided practice.(feedback during the skill practice) Provide on-the-job reinforcement. A training method in which trainees are shown how a task should be performed and then practice the task with feedback until they are competent. 7-29 Computer-Based Instruction A training method that uses a computer to instruct students through drills /tutorials, games,and simulations. Drills Games Computer simulations 7-30 Computer-Based Instruction Advantages Interactivity Self-paced Consequences of mistakes less costly Disadvantages Expensive “Computer phobia” 7-31 On-Line Computer-Based Instruction Advantages Cost savings convenience Disadvantages Instructor not present Some training not feasible 7-32 Video Training Present prerecorded content to demonstrate a point Can record and play back trainees performance 7-33 Interactive Video Training Combines computer and video technology Useful when human error has grave consequences 7-34 7.2.4Transfer of Training From Classroom To Job 7-35 Why Transfer of Training Fails Work environment,such as productivity pressures,lack of supervisory support, and pressures to do the job just like everyone else. Dont learn material in the first place Dont understand “real life” applications Lack of confidence Forgetting the material Temptations to regress 7-36 Ensure That Training is Used on the Job Overlearning Matching course content to the job Action plans Multiphase programming Performance aids Post-training follow-up resources Building a supportive work environment 7-37 7.2.5. Determining Whether Training Programs are Effective What to evaluate Evaluation design 7-38 What to Evaluate Program content, program presentation, transfer of training, cost effectiveness Measuring instruments: Trainee reactions Testing Performance appraisal Records of organizational performance 7-39 Evaluation Design Trainee Group Pretest Post-test Control Group Pretest Post-test 7-40 7.3 Line Managers and Training and Development Provide employee orientation training. Assess training needs and plan developmental strategies. Provide on-the-job training. Ensure transfer of training. 7-41 The HRM Department and Training and Development Provide employee orientation training. Contribute to management development programs. Provide training and development. Evaluate training. 7-42 Individual Assignments P204


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