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2004-2005 学年第二学期儿科学试卷(A 卷) 02 级临床医学七年制 2005.5 姓名 班级 学号 问 答 题(60 分) 题号 选择题 (40 分) 1 2 3 4 总分(100 分) 得分 一、A1 型选择题 (共 31 分,每题 1 分)只能选择其中最佳的一项答案。 1. 下列哪一项不符合新生儿肺透明膜病的肺部 X 线表现? A. 两肺野透亮度普遍降低 B. 均匀散在的细颗粒和网状阴影 C. 支气管充气征 D. 部分肺泡代偿性气肿 E. 严重病例呈“白肺” 2. 婴幼儿类风湿病一般不出现下列哪项表现? A.长期间歇发热 B.心肌炎及心包炎 C.对称性多关节炎 D.肝、脾及淋巴结肿大 E.一过性多形性皮疹 3. 下列哪项不宜作为哮喘的预防措施? A.免疫治疗 B.色甘酸钠 C.酮替芬 D.激素吸入疗法 6 月2 年 E.支气管扩张剂 4. 肥达反应假阴性的原因,以下哪一项是错误的? A.早期应用抗生素 B.重度营养不良 C.伤寒杆菌的变异 D.免疫缺陷者 E.合并重症肺炎 5. 婴儿腹泻,等渗脱水,第一天补液时应选用哪一种含钠液最恰当? A.1/2 张液 B.1/3 张液 2 C.2/3 张液 D. 等张液 E.1/5 张液 6. 苯丙酮尿症的新生儿筛查采用的方法为: A.尿三氯化铁试验 B.2,4-二硝基苯肼试验 C.Guthrie 细菌生长抑制试验 D.血浆游离氨基酸分析 E.尿液有机酸分析 7. 沙丁胺醇治疗哮喘的主要药理作用为: A.兴奋 受体 B.兴奋 受体 C.兴奋 、 受体 D.兴奋 2受体 E.兴奋 1、 2受体 8. 小儿 3 岁,心前区隆起,胸骨左缘第 3、4 肋间闻及级全收缩期杂音,心尖区有较短 舒张期隆隆样杂音,肺动瓣区第 2 音亢进。X 线示左、右心室大。诊断可能是: A. 小型室间隔缺损 B. 大型室间隔缺损 C. 风湿性心脏病 D. 房间隔缺损 E. 动脉导管未闭 9. 小儿洋地黄中毒的最常见表现为: A室性早搏 B食欲不振、呕吐 C传导阻滞 D复视 E嗜睡、头晕 10. 医生检查一个患儿的上肢肌力后作了如下的记录:肢体在平面上能带动关节活动,但不 能克地心引力。肌力是几级? A. 0 级 B. 级 C. 级 D. 级 E. 级 11. 儿童单纯性肾病综合征最常见的病理类型是: A. 微小病变 B. 局灶节段性肾小球硬化 C. 系膜增生性肾炎 D. 膜性肾病 E. 膜增生性肾炎 3 12. What is the most important clinical feature of nephritic syndrome? A. Proteinuria B. Edema C. Hypertension D. Hypoalbuminemia E. Hypercholesteolemia 13. The range of serum natrium concentration in isonatremic dehydration should be: A. 120140mmol/L B. 130160mmol/L C. 140160mmol/L D. 140150mmol/L E. 130150mmol/L 14. Which one of the following statement isnt the general regularity of growth development in children? A. from the upper part to the lower part B. from the distal part to the proximal part C. from the gross motion to fine motion D. from lower level to higher level E. from simple to complicated 15. A pre-term baby of one month and two days old, gestational age 35 weeks, born in winter, breast feeding, weight is increasing from 2.0kg to 3.0kg. Now which supplementary food is added to at first and why? A. rice-water, for supplementation of energy B. vegetable soup,for supplementation of mineral substances C. rice-paste,for supplementation of energy D. cod liver oil, for supplementation of Vit A E. cod liver oil, for supplementation of Vit D 16. Which is main difference between dehydration of severe degree and moderate degree? A. poor skin resiliency B. orbit pitting C. oliguria or anuria D. metabolic acidosis E. peripheral circulatory failure 17. What time is better for weaning in breast feeding baby? A. 4-5 months of age B. 6-9 months of age C. 10-12 months of age D. 13-15 months of age E. 18 months of age 18. The ratio of Calcium and Phosphorus in breastmilk is: A. 1:2 B. 1.5:1 C. 2:1 D. 1.2:1 E. 1.5:2 4 19.During fetal life, the earliest synthesized immunoglobin is: A. IgM B. IgD C. IgG D. IgA E. IgE 20. Very low birthweight infant is the newborn whose birth weight is less than: A. 2500g B. 2000g C. 1500g D. 1000g E. 800g 21. The major manifestation of Tuberculous meningitis in children is: A. A tense anterior fontaneal B. Convulsion C. Stupor D. Cranial nerve palsies E. Mood changes 22.DTP (Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine), Primary immunization should be taken: A. Just one time B. Once a month, two times C. Once a month, three times D. Once a week, two times E. Once a week, three times 23. A healthy boy, one year and six months old, how much calorie and water should he require every day ? calorie (kj) /kg water(ml) /kg A. 418 (100 kcal) 100 B. 460 (110 kcal) 100 C. 418 (100 kcal) 110 D. 418 (100 kcal) 125 E. 925 (220 kcal) 150 24. Which one of the following statement isnt the clinical finding of febrile convulsion: A. with a family history of seizures B. often occur in neonatal period C. associated with a rapidly rising temperature D. less than 10 to 15 minutes episode E. typical generalized seizures 25. Which one is the cyanotic type of congenital heart disease: A. ventricular septal defect B. atrial septal defect C. tetralogy of Fallot D. Patent ductus arteriosus E.pulmonary stenosis 5 26. The major manifestations of acute glomerulonephritis are: A. hypertension, hematuria, proteinuria B. proteinuria, hypertension C. edema, hypertension, hematuria D. oliguria, edema, hypertension, hematuria E. oliguria, edema, hematuria, hypercholesteolemia 27. If a staphylococcal pneumonia patient suddenly breath difficultly, we should consider that is because: A. high fever B. acidosis C. pneumonia developed D. pyopneumothorax E. heart failure 28. Hyaline membrane disease (HMD) is a disease of prematurity. Antenatal treatment of the mother with steroids can decrease the severity and morbidity of HMD. Steroids are thought to stimulate the development of: A. Alveoli B. a more adequate pulmonary capillary bed C. extracellular antioxidant system D. pulmonary surfactant E. intracellular antioxidant system 29. The most important influencing factor of growth after 2 years of age is: A. Sex B. Race C. Endocrine D. Nutrition E. Exercise 30. The most commonly pathogen of sepsis in children is: A. Pneumococcus B. Escherichia Coli C. Streptococcus D. Pseudomonas Aerugenosa E. Staphylococcus Aureus 31. PPD test is a reliable diagnostic test for tuberculosis, an infected patient respounds positively of infection D A. immediately B. within 1-2 week C. within 2-4 week D. within 4-10 week E. after 10 week 二、B 型选择题 (共 9 分,每题 1 分) 每组试题共用 5 个备选项,可重复选用,但每题仅一项 正确。 A小叶性肺炎 B肺脓肿,脓气胸 C游走性肺炎 6 D大叶性肺炎 E间质性肺炎 32.小儿支原体肺炎常见 X 线胸片特点为: 33.小儿金葡菌肺炎典型 X 线胸片特点为: 34.小儿细菌性肺炎常见 X 线胸片特点为: A.红细胞游离原卟啉500g/L B.血清铁9.010.7mol/L(5060g/L) C.血清铁蛋白12g/L D.外周血涂片示小细胞性贫血 E.血红蛋白和红细胞数降低 35. 缺铁性贫血贮铁减少期的特征性实验室指标: 36. 缺铁性贫血红细胞生成缺铁期的特征性实验室指标: 37. 缺铁性贫血贫血期的实验室检查的特征性指标: A脑脊液无色,白细胞数 5106/L,蛋白 0.4g/L B脑脊液黄色,白细胞数 50106/L,蛋白 17g/L C脑脊液浑浊,白细胞数 200106/L,蛋白 1g/L D脑脊液红色,白细胞数 500106/L,蛋白 3g/L E脑脊液无色,白细胞数 10106/L,蛋白 1g/L 38男孩 10 岁,脊髓压迫症的脑脊液改变: 39男孩 12 岁,系格林-巴利综合征,病程 2 周时脑脊液改变: 40. 女孩,8 岁,化脓性脑膜炎的脑脊液改变: 三、问答题(共 60 分,每题 15 分) 1. 试述新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的发病机理和防治原则。 2. 试述法洛四联症的血流动力学改变和临床表现。 3. 试述单纯性肾病与肾炎性肾病的鉴别诊断(临床表现、病理改变及实验室检查) 。 4. Please describe the chinical symptoms, physical signs and chest X-ray of pneumonia in children . (Please write in English .) 7 2004-2005 学年第二学期儿科学试卷(A 卷) 02 级临床医学七年制 2005.5 标准答案 1 D 2B 3 E 4 C 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 B 9 B 10 C 11 A 12 A 13 E 14 B 15 E 16 E 17 C 18 C 19 A 20 C 21 E 22 C 23 D 24 B 25 C 26 D 27 D 28 D 29 C 30 E 31 D 32 C 33 B 34 A 35 C 36 A 37 B 38 B 39 E 40 C 问答题 1. 试述新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的发病机理和防治原则。 答:发病机理:血流动力学变化,脑细胞能量代谢衰竭,再灌注损伤与氧自由基的作用, 钙内流,兴奋性氨基酸的神经毒性作用,迟发性神经元死亡。 (8 分) 防治原则:监护、维持组织最佳灌流,适当限制液体入量和控制脑水肿,控制惊厥, 维持适当血糖水平,早期康复干预,亚低温疗法。 (7 分) 2. 试述法洛四联症的血流动力学改变和临床表现。 血流动力学特点: 室间隔缺损、右心室流出道梗阻、主动脉骑跨、右心室肥厚。 (2 分) 右向左分流取决于心室灌注主动脉及灌注肺血管阻力的关系,右心室流出道梗阻具有决 定性意义,梗阻严重时肺动脉血流显著减少,大量未氧合的体静脉血通过室间隔缺损产生右 向左分流,临床呈现严重发绀及红细胞增多,体循环呈现不同程度的缺氧。 (4 分) 临床表现:症状:发育落后、乏力,青紫,蹲踞、可有阵发性晕厥。 (3 分) 体征:胸骨左缘 2-3 肋间 2-4 级喷射性收缩期杂音,传导范围较广,可有震颤。 肺动脉减低或亢进,较单一。 (3 分) 心电图检查提示右心室肥大,X 线检查示心影增大,右室大,心尖上翘呈靴形。 (3 分) 3. 试述单纯性肾病与肾炎性肾病的鉴别诊断(临床表现、病理改变及实验室检查) 。 8 单纯性肾病 肾炎性肾病 临床表现 多见于 2-7 岁,起病隐匿 年长儿多见,水肿较轻,血尿、 颜面、下肢凹陷性水肿,少尿, 高血压,肾功能不全,病程迁延反复 无明显血尿和高血压 病理改变 微小病变型 MN/MPGN/MsP


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